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Restructuring Teacher Education and Licensing in Wisconsin - NEW RULES. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. EFFECTIVE DATES. Wisconsin Administrative Code Old PI 4 (teacher education program approval) replaced by PI 34 effective July 1, 2000.
Restructuring Teacher Education and Licensing in Wisconsin - NEW RULES Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
EFFECTIVE DATES Wisconsin Administrative Code • Old PI 4 (teacher education program approval) replaced by PI 34 effective July 1, 2000. • PI 3 (teacher licensing) is current. Will be replaced by PI 34 effective July 1, 2004. • 1st applies to students completing initial licensure programs after 8/31/04
Wisconsin Standards For Teacher Development and Licensure PI 34
What Are the 10 Basic Standards? • The foundation for the development and assessment of a performance based quality teacher education program. • The basis for quality professional development for practicing educators.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 1 The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 2 The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 3 The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning, and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 4 The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including technology to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and performance skills.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 5 The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 6 The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques, as well as instructional media and technology, to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 7 The teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, pupils, the community, and curriculum goals.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 8 The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 9 The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others, and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure Standard # 10 The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupils’ learning and well being and acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure All standards are comprised of three components • Knowledge (Content) • Teacher Dispositions (attitudes) • Teacher Performances
Standard # 2 Example - Knowledge Standard: The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social and personal developments. Knowledge: The teacher understands how learning occurs - how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind - and knows how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning for a wide range of student abilities.
Standard # 2 Example - Disposition Standard: The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social and personal developments. Dispositions:The teacher demonstrates expectations for children of all abilities to learn by providing differing yet challenging lessons based on individual student variation within each area of development, and structuring experiences that allow all students to display their unique talents.
Standard # 2 Example - Performances Standard: The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports their intellectual, social and personal developments. Performances:The teacher assesses individual and group performance in order to design instruction that meets learners’ current needs in each domain (cognitive, social, emotional, moral, and physical) and that leads to the next level of development.
Teacher Education’s Immediate Restructuring Tasks Develop a conceptual framework of the performance based professional ed. program representing the 10 standards which includes the following: • the mission, vision and philosophy of program • identifying where the 10 standards are integrated within the program • identifying the performance tasks of the 10 standards
Conceptual Framework, Cont. • Assessment of the knowledge, skills & dispositions in: • communication skills • human relations & professional dispositions • content knowledge for subject area (determined by passing scores on standardized tests approved by DPI) • pedagogical knowledge • teaching practice • student teaching/internship • initial license
Conceptual Framework, Cont. • Providing that candidates demonstrate knowledge of • cooperative marketing and consumer coops. for licenses in economics, social studies or ag.; • Environmental ed for licenses in ag, early childhood, middle childhood to early adolescent, science & social studies; • minority group relations; • conflict resolution; • role & resp. of student teacher; • teaching reading & lang. arts & phonics for PK - 6 licenses; • procedures for assessing, teaching, & modifying curriculum for children with disabilities.
Conceptual Framework, Cont. • Supervised prestudent teaching evaluated by at least 2 written evals., based on observations, & a student portfolio • Student teaching full days, full semester • minimum of 4 classroom supervisory visits of 1 hr. by School/college/department (SCD) supervisor • minimum of 4 written evals by cooperating teacher or SCD supervisor • review of student portfolio
Conceptual Framework, Cont. • General ed. program demonstrating student knowledge of the following (initial licenses) • written & oral communication • mathematics • fine arts • social studies • biological & physical sciences • humanities & literature • Western & non-western history or contemporary culture • WI Model Academic Standards
Conceptual Framework, Cont. • Plan & implementation of program completers’ follow up studies of initial and advanced programs including • ways to gain info for program feedback from grads, employers, teachers • documentation on what info was collected, how being used and program changes as a result • documentation of how plan contributed to initial educator success and assisted graduates.
Higher Ed’s Assessments of Their Programs & Students Must Be... • Administered on a timely and frequent basis • Developed in the context of schools and communities • Characterized by multiple methods and modes • Collected from progressively more complex performances • Validated through research and practice
IHE’s Program Approval • DPI will conduct a site review at least once every 5 years • And DPI will visit and review each IHE every year • Program evaluation and approval will be based on the performance of candidates for the license measured against the 10 Teaching Standards. • Program approval will be for a 5 year period • Program changes must be submitted to DPI for approval prior to implementation
Program Approval Requirements • IHEs submit to DPI written evidence that graduates after 8/31/04 meet requirements of PI 34 including: • IHE’s relevant policies & practices affecting prep of school personnel • IHEs conceptual framework under PI 34.15 • IHE’s eval of its performance & outcomes based on mission & goals • IHE’s assessment system of candidate quality based on 10 Standards • IHE’s Title II report of pass rate of candidates • IHE’s evidence of ongoing collaboration with LEAs
New Licensing Stages • Initial educator • Professional Educator • Master Educator
License Stages Initial Educator • School District Requirements • Must provide collaboratively developed orientation to initial educator • Must provide support seminars reflecting the standards • Must provide a qualified mentor to the initial educator • “Qualified” means holding an appropriate license
License Stages Initial Educator • School District Requirements (cont.) • The mentor: • is an educator and colleague; • is trained to provide support & assistance to initial educators; • has input into the confidential formative assessment of the initial educator; • is not part of the formal employment evaluation process.
License Stages Initial Educator • The initial educator team for teachers includes: • A teacher of the same subject or level selected by teacher peers (not mentor) • An administrator designated by the district administrator and subject to approval by the school board • A higher education representative
License Stages Initial Educator • The initial educator team for pupil services educators includes: • A pupil services professional in the same license category selected by peers (not mentor) • An administrator designated by the district administrator and subject to approval by the school board • A higher education representative
License Stages Initial Educator • The initial educator team for administrators includes: • An administrator in the same license category selected by peers (not mentor) • An administrator designated by the district administrator subject to approval by the school board • A higher education representative
License Stages Initial Educator • To move to the professional educator level, the initial educator must design and complete a professional development plan that demonstrates increased proficiency in one or more of the standards that were identified by her/his professional development team as needing improvement.
Professional Development Team CAVEAT The Team... • Reviews & approves the initial educator’s professional development goals in the professional development plan, • Verifies & communicates to the DPI successful completion of the educator’s professional development plan. • Does NOT evaluate teaching performance - this is the role of licensed administrators and the school board!
Required Contents of Professional Development Plan • Goals & objectives addressing standards • Timeline for achieving goals with annual review • Collaboration with peers & professional development team
Required Contents of Professional Development Plan • Activities related to goals & applied to classroom or learning community • Documentation of activities which may include: • college, university or tech college credits • workshops, seminars, conferences • action research • curriculum development • appropriate work experiences • district committee work • prof. organization or assoc. work • conference presentations • publications • teaching courses (outside district assignments) • special projects
Required Contents of Professional Development Plan • Assessment procedures for plan: • Indicators of growth • How meeting goals improved your professional knowledge • How meeting goals improved students’ learning
License StagesProfessional Educator Educators eligible to hold or renew a regular license prior to July 1, 2004 may renew their license either by • completing 6 semester credits (related to license or standards) from an accredited IHE, • or successfully complete the professional development plan.
License StagesMaster Educator (Optional) National Board Certification accepted in lieu of these requirements
Early childhood Early childhood thru middle childhood Middle childhood thru early adolescence Early adolescence through adolescence Birth - age 8 Birth - age 11 Ages 6 - 12, 13 Ages 10 - 21 Ranges Correspond to Ages... Assignments Ultimately determined by the district.
Early Childhood Codes 080-083, 90, 100 ElementaryCodes 41,42,106-118 Middle/Secondary Codes 21, 27, 29 Early childhood Early childhood/middle childhood/early adolescence Early Adolescence through Adolescence Current Licenses & Code # New Terms
List of License Changes FollowsThose Not Listed Will Not Change
BROAD FIELD LICENSESEarly Adolescence thru AdolescenceUpper H.S. Level Requires Subject Competency CAN OBTAIN BROADFIELD OR SPECIFIC LICENSES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: • LANGUAGE ARTS • English Lit. & composition, • Journalism, • Speech communication