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CONTENT (acording to the methodology) ANALYSE OF THE PILOT PROJECT AREA GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION MACRO-REGIONAL RELATIONS OF THE PILOT AREA REVIEW OF SOCIAL ISSUES NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTALCHARACTERISTICS ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE AREA Agriculture, Forestry, Industry, Tourism sector SPATIAL STRUCTURE – System of settlements INFRASTRUCTURE Transport and accessibility system in the area Info-communication sector Living quality - Public utility supply Water management The PowerSupply STRATEGY Action plans/Projects
GENERAL DATA ABOUT PILOT PROJECT(according to Pilot Project form) The purpose of the pilot project - to promote the Danube Delta as an eco-tourist destination both at national and international level. General objective- the promotion and development of eco-tourism in the area of Pilot Project by valorizing the natural, cultural and traditional heritage. Specific objectives are related with: • Organization of a tourist offer focused on a cruise on the Danube • To promote environmental behaviors in relationship with tourist resources of the area: floating, bird watching etc. • To increase the number of tourists in Danube Delta Specific resultsare as fallows: • Tourist guide of Danube Delta as a promotional material to emphasize the tourist offer in the pilot area (How to get in the Delta, Where do we obtain information, What trails we choose, Where do we accommodate, What and where do we eat, What can we do in the Delta, Rules of visitation, Practical advice.) • A tourist offer focused on a cruise on the Danube and addressed to a large national and international target groups. Direct and Indirect beneficiaries: • Private operators operating in tourism sector and in tourist services • Local stakeholders in the area of Pilot Project • Tulcea County Council and Local Councils • Tourist operators • Community • Tourists
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION / SPECIFIC DETAILS Danube Delta PP area is situated in the south - eastern part of Romania and is limited to the south - west by Dobrogea hills, to the north by Ukraine, and to the east by the Black Sea. Danube Delta region is an alluvial plain in continuously shaping. Danube Delta shelters a very great variety of species of birds, fish and plants. Main channels of the Danube are Chilia, Sulina and SF. Gheorghe. In 1990 the Danube Delta was declared by UNESCO "Nature Reserve of the Biosphere". The Danube Delta has a triple status: Biosphere Reserve, RAMSAR site and Natural and Cultural World Heritage site. Its lenght, together with the lacuna complex Rasim-Sinoe is 5050 km, of which 698 km belong to Ukraine. Delta has an area of 2540 km2 increasing each year with 40m, due to the 67 million tons of alluvium deposited by river. It occupies 2,5% of the surface of the country. The area of Pilot Project includes 13 localities: Tulcea, Somova, Ceatalchioi, Pardina, Rosetti, Maliuc, Crisan, Sulina, Nufaru, Bestepe, Mahmudia, Murighiol, Sfantu Gheorghe 24.08.2011 4
ANALYSE OF THE PILOT PROJECT AREA MACRO-REGIONAL RELATIONS OF THE PILOT AREA Macro-regional relations are developing in the Danube Delta area according to the following geographical and political -administrative levels: Sub-regional level: Tulcea County Regional level: Historical provinces Dobrogea/ South East Development Region Supra-regional level: Romania territory Transnational level: • Cross border areas –Lower Danube Euroregion, which comprise Tulcea, Braila and Galati counties (RO), the districts of Cahul and Cantemir (MD) and Odessa region (UA); • Area is included in European programmes for territorial cooperation 2007-2013: • “South-East Europe” (SEE); • “Black Sea” (Black Sea CBC); • “Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova. Continental level, DD area belongs to: • Danube basin, Black Sea basin; • Balkan space; • Ponto-Scythian space; Pan-European Corridors network; • Infrastructure networks and trans-European transport connections. 24.08.2011 5
ANALYSE OF THE PILOT PROJECT AREA SOCIAL ISSUES WEAKNESSES Significant decreases of the population (30%) - Sulina, Mahmudia, CA Rosetti, Sfantu Gheorghe Ageing population (over 20% of the population have more than 60 years old) An ageing population and the trend of emigration of young people - restrictive factors to tourism development Important shares of population without education (over 10%) - Jurilovca, CA Rosetti, Chilia Veche, Somova. Low incomes of the population The number of inhabitants that correspond to a doctor is high in the rural space (in many cases over 1,500 inhab. /doctor); High unemployment rate Low level of superior qualifications in any sector of activity Low number of specialized medical offices, pharmacies; STRENGHTS • Good representation (particularly in urban areas), of working-age population (15-60 years old), • People having graduated secondary education providing the necessary human resources to tourism sector. • More than half of all villages benefit from the presence of elementary schools; • Availability of rural labor force; • Overall homogeneity from the ethnic and religious point of view; • There are family doctor’s offices in all communes 24.08.2011 7
ANALYSE OF THE PILOT PROJECT AREA NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS • WEAKNESSES • Disappearing of many natural habitats because of damming; • Degradation of existing flood protection systems because of lack of maintenance, missing of repair works after flooding; • Bad use of land located in flood risk areas; • Overcrowding the tourist areas with construction zones without authorization or which do not respect the environment. • The degradation of certain ecosystems where the specific biocenoses were totally or partially destroyed and replaced with agri-ecosystems; • Extended surfaces with randomly abandoned waste; • The accentuation of drought and inundations; • Poor communication between flood risk management authority and population of high flood risk areas; • The lack of control upon illegal fishing, hunting and reed harvesting. STRENGHTS • Danube Delta has a variety of ecosystems; • Danube Delta has three international status: Biosphere Reservation, RAMSAR site, UNESCO site and it is the best preserved wetland in Europe; • Good natural conditions for the practice of tourism activities outside; • Rich hydrographic network – Danube chanalls, lakes; • Variety of landscapes; • Natural areas untouched by the human intervention (20 areas of integrated protection); • Untouched beaches on the shore of the Black Sea (Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe). • Diverse flora and fauna, both on land and aquatic, meening a potential for different types of tourism: landscapes, scientific, bird watching, hunting, and fishing • Endemic species (flowers and animals) and a wide habitat for birds; • The existence of flood protection systems; 24.08.2011 8
NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICSProtected Heritage Tulcea - Archaeological sites: • "Aegyssus" - civil settlement, necropolis of city Aegyssus, Roman Fortress - roman Age • Underwater archaeological site - on the Black Sea continental platform, archaeological remains from the Greek era, Roman era, Hellenistic Age, the Roman-Byzantine era, the medieval age, the modern age; Architectural monuments: Azizi Mosque, 1861 -1876 Sulina - Architectural monuments:The Old Lighthouse- 1887, Palace of the European Commission for Lower Danube – 1860, The lighthouse of the European Commission for Lower Danube- 1870 Memorial and funeralfromXIX century: Graveyard of the European Commission for Danube, Orthodox Cemetery, Muslim Cemetery, Catholic Cemetery, Hebrew Cemetery. Beştepe- Archaeological sites:Point "Sava's Stone" includes a Roman settlement and a fortification of Hallstatt, Fortified settlement from the "Stone of Bujor" - IV - III cen. BC; Jurilovca -Archaeological sites: The archaeological site of Jurilovca "Capul Dolojman" Mahmudia - Archaeological sites: "Salsovia Citadel", includes a Roman- Byzantine citadel IV - VI cen. and a civil settlement); Nufaru - Archaeological sites: • Ilganii de Sus - an early medieval fortress and a Roman - Byzantine fortress • " Halmyris Citadel" - includes: city- Greek - Roman era (IV BC - VII century AD), civil settlement and cemetery; • Prislava - Medieval fortress (X-XVI century), early medieval era necropolis, Roman fortress, Roman settlement Sarichioi - Archaeological sites:"Enisala Citadel" is in the village Enisala, includes the following artifacts: medieval fortress (sec. XIV - XV), Hallstatt settlement; Valea Nucarilor - Archaeological sites:Tumulus - Agighiol village - the set includes: an alignment of three tumulus, tumulus grouped, isolated tumulus, alignment of 11 tumulus; 24.08.2011 9
Protected HeritageSyntesis - Type of the monument 24.08.2011 10
ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS Agriculture, Industry and Forestry • WEAKNESSES • Lack of markets for the agrifood products; • Traditional agricultural practices, important for the biodiversity conservation, need a greater volume of physical work and do not guarantee the economic viability of the households; • Isolation during winter of Ceatalchioi, Pardina, Chilia Veche, C.A.Rosetti Maliuc localities • Lack of financial sources for investments in agriculture, fishing and forest sectors; • An inadequate monitoring of the fishing activities. • Existence of a high number of subsistence exploitations; • Agricultural productivity under the potential; • Difficulties in imposing the legislation to the private forest owners - conducted to illegal clearings; • Trade networks are not yet developed to meet the needs of small exploitations; • Poor development of services in the rural space; • Old naval park • Industrial units with old technology STRENGHTS • Rather developed industrial and commercial activities in urban area; • Extended surfaces favorable to agriculture; • Favorable conditions for agriculture and animal breeding on the fertile lands, but also on the lands obtained by draining and damming. • The existence of certain traditional products and activities specific to the Danube Floodplain; • Important hydrographical networks with significant water surfaces and rich fish fauna for recreational and industrial fishing; • Forests present interest for tourism through the landscape, hunting, recreational value; • Maintaining the traditions in the fishing activities (the boats, the inhabitants’ talent, the tools); • The capitalization of the natural fishing and hunting resources; 24.08.2011 11
ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICSTOURISM SECTOR • WEAKNESSES • Low share of Danube Delta as tourist destination in total tourism in Romania (1.1% in total arrivals and 0.7% in total overnight stays in 2010) • Low share of foreign visitors in total visitors in Danube Delta (only 22.1%) • Limited accessibility, only on water for the most areas in the Delta • Lack of bicycle tourist trails • Danube Delta is an environmental sensitive area which limits the development of tourism • Small economic results from tourism activities; • Weak employment opportunities in tourism especially in the rural areas; • Weak touristic infrastructure • Poor promotion and less various service structure; • No local touristic brands identified. • Reduced presence of tourism operators from Tulcea County at national and international tourism conventions. • Lack of specialized emergency services in tourist areas (ambulances, fire fighters). STRENGHTS • Danube Delta is a famous and a unique tourist destination both on national and international market • Good human and tourist resources; • Existence of a relatively well represented tourist infrastructure • Possibility to practice different form of tourism (eco-tourism, rural, cultural, scientific, cruises, fishing etc.) • Good quality of services provided by accommodation establishments (over 80% of bed places are ranked 3 and 4 stars) • Leisure services (spas, boat rentals, fishing, bird watching etc.) • The high preference for hotels among accommodation units (73.3% of total overnight stays) • Existing strategic investments for tourism development (Ex:Sulina Beach); • Objectives with a strong tourism value: Enisala fortresses, Halmyris, Dinogeţia etc., “triangle of Tulcea Orthodox monasteries” - historical and artistic monuments 24.08.2011 12
TOURISM SECTOR - Tourist attractions • The beaches in the Danube Delta Sfantu Gheorghe beach –at the Black Sea, Sulina beach –at the Black Sea, TheGura Portitei beach –a wild place, attested by documents since 1710. • Archaeological citadels and sites Enisala medieval fortress is included in the military architecture monuments on the Romania territory, XIVth century. Halmyris archaeological site, - Murighiol village. - VI century BC. Salsovia – Mahmudia citadel –the fortification lie on a promontory above the Sf. Gheorghe chanell. - military castrum in the first half of the III century. Proslavita citadel – Nufaru –on the right border of the Sf Gheorghe chanell. Proving the existence of an important urban centre from the X-XIV centuries. • Horseback riding servicieswithin the accommodation units where this activity can be practiced: Egreta Hotel – Dunavăţu de Jos; Green Village Complex – Sfântu Gheorghe; Cormoran Complex – Uzlina. • Other attractions The Danube Delta eco-tourist museum centre- complex culture institution - includes a museum and a public aquarium. The wild herds of horses in the Letea village Spa Center - inside the Morena boarding house in the Murighiol locality. Windmill rebuilt in Letea village recently by some workers from the village. The Niculitel paleo-Christian monument – a paleo-Christian basilica, erased on four martyrs graves - Zotlkos, Attalos, Camasls and Phlllppos –were identified in a common coffin, lying in the superior part of the crypt. 24.08.2011 13
TOURISM SECTORTourist infrastructure Tourist infrastructure is relatively well represented in the area of Danube Delta. Therefore it can be stated that almost all kind of tourist infrastructure is found in Danube Delta: accommodation establishments, food and beverage facilities, means of tourist transport, leisure services, travel agencies and tourist information centres. Accomodation establishments 24.08.2011 14
TOURISM SECTORTourist infrastructure Food and beverage facilities - there are 80 units located in the area of Danube Delta cumulating 9,036 table seats. Regarding the typology most of F & B facilities in Danube Delta are restaurants (83.1.0%), followed by day bars (6.3%), disco-bars (5.8%) and other types of units (4.9%). According to the star ranking of F & B units in Romania half of these units located in Danube Delta (50.8%) are classified as intermediate category – 3 stars and over a third as superior categories – 4 stars (30.8%) and 5 stars (4.5%). Means of tourist transport -According with Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve there are 10 tourist transport operators providing transport with ships. For the access on the inland channels the transport is provided by small ships. According with Ministry of Regional Developmentand Tourism register there are 17 river ships that provideaccommodation services in 267 bed-places. Leisure services - Mainly the leisure services are provided by accommodation establishments. There are a sort of spa services (sauna) provided by some units (e.g. Morena in Murighiol, Mon Jardin in Mahmudia, Green Village) or horseback riding services (e.g. Cormoran Complex in Uzlina). However there are some specific services for Delta such us bird watching or rental of boats for leisure or fishing purposes that are provided by most of upscale accommodation units. Travel agencies -A number of 26 travel agencies licensed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism are located in the area of Danube Delta and Tulcea city. 23 are located in Tulcea city while 2 are located in Jurilovca and one in Samova locality. Tourist Information Centres -In Tulcea city there are two Tourist Information Centres according. One is administrated by Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration (DDBRA). Also DDBRA owns another 2 “tourist information and ecological educational centres” located in Crisan and Sulina localities. 24.08.2011 15
PROBLEMS IN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Creating contracts between the travel agencies and tour-operators and ARBDD which should include the observance of the environment protection requirements and own hired personnel with good ecological knowledge; The new urban regulation from 2008 provides that hotels should have maximum 20 rooms and the motels, villas only 10 rooms, maximum height of 10m, the holiday homes should not include more than 350 sq.m. ; Creating big tourist complexes affecting the development of tourism at the level of local households – Somova; The existence of a great number of buildings investors and tourism entrepreneurs with different interests in comparison to the delta towns; The lack of a unitary opposition from the NGO-s and local population concerning the support of local services development, many with a traditional character; The great development of tourism holiday homes which do not belong to local inhabitants - Crişan, Sf. Gheorghe, Mila 23, Maliuc, Crişan, Sulina and which are not exploited for tourism; An unbalanced development of tourism, with high concentration of boarding houses in the small towns situated on the Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe channels, respectively in Maliuc, Crişan, Sf. Gheorghe, Sulina, other towns further than Tulcea, because of the lack of access, being completely disadvantaged; A week capitalization of the cultural objectives for tourism, including the old Dacian, Roman-Byzantine citadels; Using the river transport should be the only form of access in the delta for tourists as the road forms affect strongly the quality of the environment ; Forbidding the development of tourism to the buffer areas existing and applying some strict law regulations; Tourist activities connected to hunting must be forbidden and accepted only in major cases of ensuring the equilibrium between species; 24.08.2011 16
INFRASTRUCTURE Transport system and Accessibility • STRENGHTS • Danube - the main European river course, • The study area includes both the River Danube and the Maritime Danube • Existence of two ports included in the TEN-T network (Tulcea, Sulina) • The presence of three important ports – (Ceatalchioi, Chilia Veche and Periprava) and the realization of the connections across the Danube • Relatively small distance to important urban centers mostly covered by rehabilitated roads • Access to the bus routes • Existence of free areas (with fiscal and trade facilities) in the vicinity of customs (in ports) • WEAKNESSES • Danube Delta - one of the most isolated area in the country • Poor urban transport infrastructure; • Poor access infrastructure • The access roads to the Danube are often very difficult to use; • Possibility to expand the roads and railways is hindered by geographical barriers • Lack of financial resources for the development of road and rail infrastructure • Lack of investment in road and rail infrastructure development • Inadequate capacity of passenger and freight transport • Border crossings and control points lack facilities and equipment of international levels 24.08.2011 18
INFRASTRUCTURE Transport system and Accessibility 24.08.2011 19
INFRASTRUCTURE Info - communications STRENGHTS • The existence of the optic fiber main line Brăila-Tulcea-Babadag- Constanţa. • The existence of the Internet centers for public • 100% covering for mobile phone • Relatively high access to radio, television and mobile phone network WEAKNESSES • Low degree of telephoning in the Danube Delta towns • The existence of towns without an owned phone unit • Low Internet access degree 24.08.2011 20
INFRASTRUCTURE Living quality - Water Management • WEAKNESSES • Poor endowment with central systems of drinking water supply and sewerage; • Lack of sewage and wastewater treatment station or inadequate treatment of sewage and industrial waste • Large losses of drinking water from the existing networks, as a result of the advanced state of decay; • Lack of wastewater treatment plants in cities that have a central system of water supply ; • Existing pluvial drainage systems are undersized. • Localities without water distribution systems STRENGHTS • Good quality of water sources; • Funds for investment projects of rehabilitation, expansion and modernization of water supply, sewerage system and sewage treatment 24.08.2011 21
INFRASTRUCTURE Living quality – Public utility supply The power supply STRENGHTS • Existence of a centralized system of producing, supplying and distributing the heat in Tulcea city • Existence of a supplying and distribution network for natural gas. • All the localities in the area are almost completely electrified • High ratio of the households connected to the electric network; • Existence of a significant solar, Aeolian and biomass potential WEAKNESSES • Insufficient quantities of solid fuel (wood, coal) for houses heating • Difficult supply with fuel for heating • Lack of buildings proper thermal insulation leads to the increasing of heat consumption and costs • The existence of towns without a supplying and distribution system for natural gas. • The renewable energies potential is not properly exploited 24.08.2011 22
SPATIAL STRUCTURE System of settlements STRENGHTS • Existence in the study zone of the Tulcea regional growth pole which ensures the balance and the dynamics in the settlement network WEAKNESSES • Lack of rural settlements as polarization centres • Isolation of the Danube Delta settlements, particularly in winter time, because of the total dependence on water transport and the unfit road connections; • Difficult polarization of settlements; • 42% the communes with less than 1,000 inhabitants: Sf.Gheorghe-880 inhabitants, C.A. Rosetti - 927 inhabitants, Maliuc – 974 inhabitants, Ceatalchioi – 756 inhabitants, Pardina – 605 inhabitants; • Rural administrative territorial units are prevailing and account for 85.7% of the total 14 urban and rural administrative territorial units of the study zone; Low functional diversity – fishing and farming activities prevail; tourism has no satisfactory impact on the local economy of the settlements. 24.08.2011 23
The Structure and Hierarchy of the Settlements The administrative and territorial structure of the study zone per administrative-territorial unit: • 1 municipality: Tulcea (constituent settlement - Tudor Vladimirescu) • 1 town: Sulina • 12 communes: • Beştepe Commune –constituent villages: (Beştepe, Băltenii de Sus, Băltenii de Jos; • C.A. Rosetti Commune – C.A. Rosetti, Letea Periprava, Sfiştofca, Cardon); • Ceatalchioi Commune- Ceatalchioi, Pătlăgeanca, Plauru, Sălceni; • Chilia VecheCommune - Chilia Veche, Câşliţa, Tatanir, Ostrovu Tătaru; • Crişan Commune -Crişan, Caraorman, Mila 23; • Mahmudia Commune – Mahmudia; • Maliuc Commune- Maliuc, Ilganii de Sus, Gorgova, Partizani, Vulturu; • Murighiol–Murighiol, Colina, Dunavăţu de Jos, Dunavăţu de Sus, Plopul, Sarinasuf, Uzlina; • Nufăru Commune –Nufăru, Ilganii de Jos, Malcoci, Victoria; • Pardina Commune-Pardina; • Sfântu Gheorghe Commune – Sfântu Gheorghe; • Somova Commune –Somova, Mineri, Parcheş. The rank-size distribution of settlements - based on the Law 351/2001 – Settlement Network: Urban settlements: • Rank II: Tulcea Municipality, rezidence of the County, playing a balancing role in the network of settlements. • Rank III: Sulina Town, fulfilling a polarizing role for the neighbouring zone to the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Rural settlements: • Rank IV: 12 villages as seats of communes exerting an influence on the constituent villages, endowed with administrative and social amenities. • Rank V: 28 constituent villages of the communes. 24.08.2011 24
SPATIAL STRUCTURE System of settlements 24.08.2011 25
STRATEGY The strategy o PiP is closely related with the Tulcea county and DDBRA Strategy for 2009-2013 period. The main development objective of these documents (we may say the vision) regarding Tourism is the development and promotion of a tourism such as “exploring the Danube Delta slowly”. General objectiveof the PiP-thepromotion and development of eco-tourism in the area of Pilot Project by valorizing the natural, cultural and traditional heritage Tourism has to becom the central element which stimulates both the process of preserving and protecting the environment and the sustainable socio-economic development of communities. The specific objectives for the 2009-2013 period are: • Promoting the local traditional tourism; • Preserving and protecting the biodiversity of natural habitats; • Preserving the cultural patrimony. Support for the preservation of the ethno-cultural identity of the local population. The integration of the traditional elements in the local urban development; • The economic development of the local communities situated on the Danube Delta biosphere reservation territory, with the involvement of the local population; Specific objectivesof the Pilot project are related with: • Organization of a tourist offer focused on a cruise on the Danube • To promote environmental behaviors in relationship with tourist resources of the area: floating, bird watching etc. • To increase the number of tourists in Danube Delta In order to achieve these specific objectives are required a set of measures and actions. Also, it is necessary to attract the support and participation of the local communities in taking the decisions concerning the Danube Delta; the collaboration with NGO-s and other institutions which have as object the protection of the environment. 24.08.2011 26
STRATEGY STAKEHOLDERS in the area of Pilot Project envolved in Strategy development process • Tulcea City Hall • Tulcea Prefecture • Tulcea County Council • Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority • Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development • County Center for Resources and Educational Assistance • Autonomous Directorate “The Administration of Sulina Free Zone” • Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Tulcea • Agency for the Environment Protection Tulcea 24.08.2011 28
SUGGESTED FURTHER CROSS-BORDER CO-OPERATIONNational policies Cross border projects to be submitted for the next EU programming period (2014-2020) Support and a framework for the initiation and development of cross-border cooperation projects are Cross-Border Cooperation programme Romania-Ukraine-Moldavia. In the framework of this Pilot Project is interested in the relationship Tulcea-Odessa. This Cross-border cooperation programme aims to improve the economic, social and environmental situation in the area. To achieve this, have been identified the following priorities: • Improvement the economic performance in the border area through diversification and modernization of the economy of the border by: • Development of initiatives for cooperation in the field of transport, border infrastructure and energy networks. • Improving productivity and competitiveness in rural and urban areas. • Development of long-term solutions to environmental problems in the area of the border on the following issues: • Emergency situations where a coordinated approach is essential. • Management of water resources and waste. • Promotion of good interaction between people and between communities in the border area through social and cultural exchanges, in the field of education. 24.08.2011 29
SUGGESTED FURTHER CROSS- BORDER CO-OPERATIONRegional policies Cross-border projects to be submitted in the frame of the last call (2007-2013) Another program which may initiate cooperation projects is the one who sees "cooperation within the euro-region" Lower Danube "which follow: • Creating a regional center and cross-border prevention and intervention in cases of pollution of the Danube; • Creating a cross-border information centre; • Promotion of green tourism in the euroregion; promotion of protected areas; • Development of new tourist facilities in administrative units and promoting the image of a sustainable economic development: • Integrated system for monitoring of environmental factors, biodiversity and natural resources in the Danube Delta Transboundary Biosphere Reserve; • Cross-border cooperation for the restoration of wetlands (polders- Stensovsko Zhibrianskie and Zagen in Romania). • Cross-border Centre of environmental protection, • Customs and traditions on both sides of the Danube • Improving cross-border cooperation in the integrated management of water resources in the Danube region • "A River Delta without borders – the promotion of tourism in Danube Delta transboundary level" Local policies Cross-border projects to be submitted in the frame of the last call (2007-2013) • To use the potential of renewable energy - Creation of conditions for the installation of solar panels on public buildings, for the supply of hot water in Ceatalchioi, Pardina, Chilia veche, Somova • Improving and modernizing the heating system in Ceatalchioi, Pardina, Chilia veche, Somova by using renewable energy resources. 24.08.2011 30
Thank you for your attention! ELENA STANCU- Project coordinator INCD URBAN INCERC - URBANPROIECT BRANCH el_stancu@yahoo.com RUSSE – August 2011 31