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Unique and Personalised Mother's Day Gifts

We know your mum is one-of-a-kind and on Mother's Day you can surprise her with an amazing unique gift, custom-made and personalised just for her! Visit us at https://reiju.co.uk/collections/mothers-day.<br><br>

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Unique and Personalised Mother's Day Gifts

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unique and Personalised  Mother's Day Gifts

  2. Best Mummy In The World' Natural Healing Crystal Gift Boxed Set 'BestMummyInTheWorld' hangingsign,  andanatural pinkAbaloneShellbraceletallofwhichcome beautifully presented in box.  Each  crystalisunique, naturalandfullofgentle healingenergy. Youwillreceiveoneofthefollowingin eachgiftboxalongwithadescription  tagexplaining thebenefits  - X1Natural RoseQuartzCrystalChunkx1 Natural  polished Red Natural  pink  AbaloneShellbracelet1 ,x1Blackhigh qualityReijugiftbox a quality black gift Jasper Heart x1, Mothers Day Live, Laugh, Love' Emerald Crystal Raw Chunk, Luxury Candle & 250g Butter Jar Gift Set Natural Shea Thisluxurygiftsetincludesoneofthefollowingand istheperfectgift:x1Natural  EmeraldRawcrystal chunkpiecex1ZestyBloom  luxurioussparkle candlex1Shimirose100% NaturalSheaButter250g Jarx1 'Live, Laugh, Love' hangingslateheartAllcome beautifullygiftwrappedwithabenefitstagattached tothe  Emerald  crystalandtheluxurycandleand SheabutterwillcomeintheirownReijubox

  3. 'Mums Are Angels' Rose Quartz Crystal Hand Carved Stone Angel With Lovely Mothers Day Card TheseAngelsaremadeandhandcarvedfromgenuine RoseQuartz  crystalstone.YouwillreceiveoneRose QuartzAngelverysimilartothoseinthepicturesalong witha 'MumsAreAngelsInDisguise' keepsakecardand envelopeforMotheringSunday..  EachHandCrafted CrystalAngelis4 - 5cmandweighs40g approx.  Metallicsilverenvelopeis9x6cmapproxWe willsendthisReikiChargedasIamaqualifiedReiki Practitioner & CrystalHealingTherapist 'I Love You Mum' Natural Healing Crystal Gift Boxed Set Thissetincludesnaturaluniquecrystals, anda  'I LoveYouMum' hangingsign, allofwhichcome beautifullypresentedinaqualityblackgift box. Each crystalisunique, naturalandfullofgentle healingenergy. Youwillreceiveoneofthefollowing ineachgiftboxalongwithadescription  tag explainingthebenefits  -  X1Natural  PinkAgate Geode  Crystalx1  Opalite Heartx1  NaturalRoseQuartzChipBracelet1 'ILove YouMum' smallwoodenHangingSignx1Blackhigh qualityReijugiftbox Polished Crystal reiju.co.uk info@reiju.co.uk

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