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The Heart. If you live an average life your heart could beat up to 2 500 000 000 times and beats between 70-80 times per day . The heart is a part of the circulatory system. It pumps blood through 100 000 km of vessels , working ceaslessly … unless you die.
If you live an average life yourheartcould beat up to 2 500 000 000 times and beats between 70-80 times per day. The heartis a part of the circulatory system. It pumpsbloodthrough 100 000 km of vessels, workingceaslessly… unlessyou die. Blue WhaleHeart
Components The Heartconsists of twoartia, twoventricles, four valves, four pulmanary viens and arties, twovena cavas and the aorta
Structure The heartis in the shape of an oblong circle and the sterotypicalshape of the heart.
Function The primaryfunction of the heartis to provide the body withnecessaryblood. The heartisreallyjust a muscle, controlled by the autonomicnervous system, thatendlesslyexpands and contracts to push bloodaround the body.
HeartAttack Excessfat and/or cholesterol and/or white bloodcellscanbuild up in coronaryarteriesand create a blokage. Heartattackscanbecaused by manythingsfrom excessive alcoholconsumption to obesity. There is no immediate cure for a heartattackexcept to seekimmediatemedical attention.
Stendhal Syndrome Stendhal syndrome isbasically an extremeform of extasy. It happenswhen one isexposed to an art form and filledwithsomemuchexcitmentthatthingslikedizziness, racingheart and evenheartattackscanensue.