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Unified Financial Analysis Risk & Finance Lab. Chapter 9: Value and Income Willi Brammertz / Ioannis Akkizidis. Value and income. Valuation Why can value differ?. Different views on market evolution. Different book keeping methods. On value. What is book value?
Unified Financial Analysis Risk & Finance Lab Chapter 9: Value and Income Willi Brammertz / Ioannis Akkizidis
ValuationWhy can value differ? Different views on market evolution Different book keeping methods
On value • What is book value? • Difference between market and book value? • Tension between • Book keepers and rocket scientists • Actuaries and asset managers • The special role of fair value / NPV • Parallel valuation
Parallel Valuation • Must be possible • Note: • There is a single set of events • All values derive from the same set of events • Full consitency between different valuation methods
Parallel valuation • Cash flows and events are independent of valuation • Only the traject of P/D(ß) changes • Many P/D(ß) can be calculated and stored in parallel
Book keeping and Chart of account • Is a chart of account neccesary for book keeping? • Chart of account: Representation of a product catalogue • What is the role of the chart of account • In static analysis • In dynamic analysis • Value and chart of accounts
Scientific book keeping • The different bookkeeping methods βare only concerned with the calculation of • P/D(ß) • ΔP/D(ß)
Nominal value } =0
The big four • Nominal value • Historic value • Amortized Cost • Market value (primus inter pares)
Amortized cost mustbe a constant This is the case under the following condition
Market value / mark to market / fair value and NPV • Observed market value is without accruals • Fair value ≈ mathematically calculated value of non traded positions assuming similar conditions • NPV is fair value including accruals • Accruals: difference between market and arbitrage free NPV
Other book keeping methods in the financial sector • Linear • To maturity • To repricing • Lower of cost or market • Minimum value principle
Linear write off If rate resets: write off usually till next rate reset point
What is „Expected Cash-Flow“ based value? • Compatible with IFRS? • Alternative to fair value? • Trick of regulators? • Hidden present for the „too big to fail“ banks • Valuation on a risk neutral or near rick neutral basis • Excludes the propper risk premium
FX • Only 2 rules (Φ) • Mark to market • Historic value
Impairment • Impairment: Credit risk (*) related value reductions
Operational: Investments • What makes investments (and P&L effects) so different? • Different methods of writing off • Linear • Geometric • Sum of digits
IFRS 32, 39 • Allowed Book keeping methods • Nominal • (Historic) • Amortized cost • Fair value / Market value • Critique on fair value book keeping
Profitability of a single financial transaction: Interest Income (Expense) ./. Transfer Expense (Income) = Gross Income (Deckungsbeitrag I, Net Contribution I) ./. Cost of the transaction (Salaries, paper etc.) = Net Income (Deckungsbeitrag II, Net Contribution II) Cost of transaction: See chapter 7 (Activity Based Cost Allocation) FTP and profitability
FTP, cost accounting and contributionanalysis NII(ti-ti+1) , Allocated Cost(ti-ti+1) Profitability of a Profit-Centre (Product, …) =Sum of Net Income of all transactions belonging to the Profit-centre (Product …)
Integrating risk and return Rate VA σr VL Time tL tA Δ t RISK
FTP and return Interest o Total Margin Y1 5 % • 4.5 % o Term to maturity 6 % o Yield curve o 5.6 % TM 5 1 5
FTP and risk and return Yield curve t1 6 % o Total Margin Y2 Yield curve t0 o o 5.6 % TM o 4 Interest 0 -1 1 Term to maturity