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Classical Mechanics Friction: Examples Work &Kinetic Energy

Midterm 2 will be held on November 8. Covers units 4-9. Classical Mechanics Friction: Examples Work &Kinetic Energy. JFB Rotunda David Matthew Stephens Lei Shan (Mike). Schedule. Schedule. Schedule. Coupled Blocks with Friction.

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Classical Mechanics Friction: Examples Work &Kinetic Energy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Midterm 2 will be held on November 8. Covers units 4-9 Classical Mechanics Friction: ExamplesWork &Kinetic Energy JFB Rotunda David Matthew Stephens Lei Shan (Mike)

  2. Schedule

  3. Schedule

  4. Schedule

  5. Coupled Blocks with Friction A block (m2)slides on a table pulled by a string attached to a mass (m1)hanging over the side. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sliding block and the table is mk. What is the tension in the string? m2 g m1

  6. Tension in String • A block (m2) slides on a table pulled by a string attached to a mass (m1) hanging over the side. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sliding block and the table is mk. What is the tension in the string? T1 T2 m2 g What is the relationship between the magnitude of the tension of the string at block 2 and the magnitude of the tension in the string at block 1? A) T1 > T2B)T1 = T2 C) T1 < T2 m1

  7. Acceleration of coupled blocks A block (m2) slides on a table pulled by a string attached to a mass (m1) hanging over the side. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sliding block and the table is mk. What is the tension in the string? m2 g m1 What is the relationship between the magnitudes of the acceleration of the two blocks? A) a1 = a2B) a1 < a2 C) a1 > a2

  8. m2 1) FBD N T m2 g f T m1 m1 m2g m1g

  9. m2 1) FBD 2) SF=ma N T m2 g f T m1 m1 m2g N = m2g m1g m1g – T = m1a T – mm2g = m2a add m1g – mm2g = m1a + m2a m1g – mm2g a = m1 + m2

  10. m2 1) FBD 2) SF=ma N T m2 g f T m1 m1 m2g m1g m1g – T = m1a m1g – mm2g T = m1g – m1a a = m1 + m2 T is smaller when a is bigger

  11. Accelerating Blocks

  12. Accelerating Blocks

  13. Carnival Ride

  14. Carnival Ride

  15. Accelerating Truck

  16. Accelerating Truck

  17. Mass on Incline

  18. Mass on Incline

  19. Mass on Incline

  20. Mass on Incline 2

  21. Mass on Incline 2

  22. Mass on Incline 2

  23. Mass on Incline 2

  24. Block

  25. Pushing Blocks

  26. Midterm 2 will be held on November 8. Covers units 4-9 Classical Mechanics Lecture 7 Today’s Concepts: Work & Kinetic Energy JFB Rotunda David Matthew Stephens Lei Shan (Mike)

  27. Lecture Thoughts

  28. Kinetic Energy and Work

  29. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem The work done by force F as it acts on an object that moves between positions r1 andr2is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy:

  30. What about Potential Energy??….next Unit!

  31. Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem But again…!!! The work done by force F as it acts on an object that moves between positions r1 andr2is equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy:

  32. Newton’s 2nd law Work & Kinetic Energy

  33. Vector Multiplication

  34. The Dot Product

  35. The Dot Product

  36. The Dot Product

  37. Work –Kinetic Energy Theorem: Work on sliding box Forces that act perpendicular to displacement perform no work!!!

  38. Work –Kinetic Energy Theorem

  39. Work done by Weight

  40. Work –Kinetic Energy Theorem Applied

  41. Work done by a Spring

  42. Main Points

  43. Main Points

  44. Main Points

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