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Microorganisms that cause disease in humans and animals enter the body at different sites and produce disease symptoms by a variety of mechanisms.
The Human Immune System and Infectious Disease Microorganisms that cause disease in humans and animals enter the body at different sites and produce disease symptoms by a variety of mechanisms. Microbial invasion is initially countered by innate defenses that preexist in all individuals and begin to act within minutes following encounter with the infectious agent. Only when the innate defenses are bypassed, evaded or overwhelmed is an adaptive immune response required. The innate immune system (iis) is usually sufficient to prevent the body from being routinely overpowered by these organisms. However, once they have gained a hold, they require the concerted efforts of both the iis and the adaptive immune system (ais). In the first part of this chapter, different arms and principles of the iis and the ais will be briefly discussed. The second part of the chapter will discuss the process of fighting a bacterial and a viral infection, with an emphasis on the cross talk between the two parts of the immune system. Vaccination can be defined as the process of administration of an antigenic material (vaccine) into a living mechanism. The clinical effect desired is to cause stimulation of an individual’s immune system in order to develop an adaptive immunity against the pathogen constituting the vaccine. Vaccination is the most effective method of prevention for infectious diseases. Vaccination journal publishing quality manuscript receiving throughout the globe. The human immune system has two levels of immunity: specific and non-specific immunity. Through non-specific immunity, also called innate immunity, the human body protects itself against foreign material that is perceived to be harmful. Microbes as small as viruses and bacteria can be attacked, as can larger organisms such as worms. Collectively, these organisms are called pathogens when they cause disease in the host. Like any fighting force, the immune system army marches on its stomach. Healthy immune system warriors need good, regular nourishment. Scientists have long recognized that people who live in poverty and are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Whether the increased rate of disease is caused by malnutrition’s effect on the immune system, however, is not certain. There are still relatively few studies of the effects of nutrition on the immune system of humans, and even fewer studies that tie the effects of nutrition directly to the development (versus the treatment) of diseases. Our bodies fight infectious diseases such as coronavirus through our immune systems. The body produces antibodies in response to intruder organisms to fight and remove them. Once the body has fought off a disease, it retains a “memory” of the germ, and how to fight it better and faster next time. Formerly it was believed that some human races possessed an absolute immunity to certain specific infectious diseases.
Yellow fever, for instance, was supposed and is regarded even now as of little or no danger to negroes. The natives in yellow fever districts were said to escape the disease because they were “acclimatized. ” livingstone declared that the native african was immune to syphilis, but unfortunately it has turned out that in this case the supposed immunity meant only this, that up to that time and for some time afterward syphilis had not been introduced into those parts of africa traversed by the great explorer. So also has it been claimed that negroes are immune or but little susceptible to the malarial diseases. On the other hand, the colored race has been regarded as peculiarly susceptible to smallpox. Immunity by Ayurveda No Vaccine, and with a scarcity of Masks & Hand sanitizers, Our Own Body’s Immunity is our best defense. Ayurveda has for centuries addressed the issue of how to develop and maintain immunity. Here are a few Immunity To-Dos for your family. IMMUNITY TO-DOs Good digestion — a prime requirement G It is advised to consume Samskrithamadhu (Ayurvedic Honey) with lime in warm water daily in the morning to keep the whole digestive tract healthy. G Drink warm freshly boiled water with Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Ginger, Black Pepper, and Star Anise. These spices improve digestion and are antimicrobial. G Add fresh Turmeric to your soups or prepare fresh Turmeric Pickle (recipe) with each meal. Turmeric apart from its anti-inflammation properties is also very good at improving our digestion. G Chyavanaprasam (is a good source of C vitamin) – useful for deficient immune disorders, respiratory ailments (also useful in debilitating diseases where the immunity goes down drastically). Those who cannot take ghee/sugar of Chyavanaprasam may take Tiktakam Kwatham morning and evening. It is an ancient Ayurvedic herbal supplement tablet that is robustly anti-viral. G Agastya Rasayana (Leham) – useful for general debility, respiratory ailments including bronchial asthma, hiccup, cough G Dasamula Arishtam after lunch and dinner- is a very powerful and potent health tonic to boost immunity as well as strengthen the lungs and the respiratory system. Pippalya Asavam is a very potent health tonic to kindle the digestive fire https://ayurvedafort.com/ayurveda-benefits/the-human-immune-system-and-infectious-disease/