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This presentation delves into the correlation between authentic leadership and academic optimism, mediated by organizational commitment. It investigates how these factors influence faculty performance in business schools, contributing to literature on educational development.
Presentation on the topic:Authentic Leadership and Academic Optimism: Organizational Commitment as mediator. Paper By: • Anugamini P. Srivastava(First author), Research scholar, DoMS, IIT Roorkee • Deepakshi Jaiswal (Second author), Research scholar, DoMS, IIT Roorkee • Rajib. L. Dhar (Third author), Asst. Prof., DoMS, IIT Roorkee
Title and Content Layout with List • Introduction • Literature Review • Research methodology • Findings • Discussion & Implications • Conclusion
INTRODUCTION Background Purpose significance
Introduction: Background • Researchers have continuously searched for the properties that impact students’ achievement and academic improvement. (McGuigan & Hoy, 2007) • Scholars has shifted their attention to institute specific properties that impact their faculty’s inner intention to work and let their students succeed in their endeavours • Academic optimism – a significant base to examine the performance and effectiveness of schools via controlling the socioeconomic status of their students (Hoy et al., 2006). • Leadership is required to maintain the ethical work behavior. • Study is based on social exchange theory for reciprocation and exchange relations.
Introduction: Purpose The study attempts to analyze the relationship between authentic leadership and its dimensions with academic optimism through the mediating role of organizational commitment.
Introduction: Significance of the study • This study focuses on educational sector with specific reference to private business schools as it is able to contribute towards the social and economic development of a country by creating the opportunities for quality education. • It focuses on how to let faculties in business schools perform to induce student’s effective learning. • This study is significant as it contributes to the literature by examining the factors that may influence academic optimism among business school faculties. • It is original as the influence of authentic leadership on academic optimism is never been examined. • This study responded to the call of exploring potential mediators between the relationship of leadership and academic optimism in different cultural context.
LITERATURE REVIEW Authentic leadership Academic optimism Organisational commitment
Authentic leadership • Leaders are deeply aware of their own values and beliefs, self confident, genuine, reliable and trustworthy. • Professionally effective, ethically sound, and consciously reflective practices. • Encourages trust, commitment, creativity and higher efficacy among followers and induces them to imitate similar attributes in their behaviors (Duignan, 2014). • Stimulates their intensity and reduces their dissents and dissatisfaction. • AL does not need to have certain charisma to influence others or to aim at transforming others to go “above and beyond expectations” (Sosik et al., (2011) • They just need to be genuine and honest, be self aware and possess moral standards and values (Gardner et al., 2011).
Dimensions of authentic leadership: • Self awareness: individuals have complete awareness of their own values, identity, emotions, goals and motives. • Relational transparency: when leaders provide an environment of transparent and just practices. • Internalised moral perspective: leaders/ seniors are involved in displaying emotions exactly in line with what they feel, make decisions grounded on his/her core beliefs, maintain high standard of ethics in dilemmatic situations • Balanced processing: leader attribute for soliciting views to challenge their positions and the skill to consider different viewpoints before coming to conclusions
Academic optimism • The shared belief that exists among faculty of an institution and encourages them to attain academic achievement (Smith and Hoy 2007). • Belief enables faculty to help student’s achievement and encourages them to trust their students and parents as being cooperate towards institution’s excellence and performance (Hoy et al., 2008). • When teachers perceive themselves and their colleagues as able to perform high, trust their students perform & achieve and consider the administration as significantly motivating academic environment, then they enthuse school improvement and effectiveness (Hoy et al., 2006, 2008).
Dimensions of academic optimism • Collective Efficacy points out teacher’s faith in them self to provide certain changes or improvement in the learning and development status of their students. • Academic Emphasis describes teacher’s perception for the emphasis provided by the institution towards academic excellence and learning of students, thus stimulating students’ achievement • Trust refers to teacher’s perception regarding their students and the parents to be cooperative towards the overall process of school effectiveness and performance via being benevolent, transparent, reliable, resilient and optimistic.
Organisational commitment • Internal desire of an individual to be and remain a member of the organization by giving his best abilities to the organization • Sense of dedication and devotion of an individual towards an organization through the acceptance of organizational objectives, rules, regulations, values and practices • Strongly impacts job satisfaction, efficacy levels and employees reciprocation to perceived trust • Willingness to perform towards the organizational success.
Hypothesis: • H1: Authentic leadership has an impact over faculty’s academic optimism. • H2 (A): Self awareness affects each dimension of academic optimism • H2 (B): Relational transparency affects each dimension of academic optimism. • H2 (C): internalized moral processing affects each dimension of academic optimism • H2 (D): Balanced processing affects each dimension of academic optimism. • H3: OC mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and academic optimism.
METHODOLOGY Analytic approach Findings
Analytic approach Study sample: 128 faculties and 33 Head/ Dean from 33 business institutes- Uttar Pradesh, India. Data collection: Questionnaire method Data analysis: • Correlation and hierarchical regression analysis with the help of SPSS 20.0. • Confirmatory factor analysis with the help of AMOS 20.0. • Other statistical techniques were also applied to test the reliability and validity of the data with the help of SPSS 20.0
FINDINGS Confirmatory factor analysis Hierarchical regression analysis
Confirmatory factor analysis (i.e. χ2/DF < 3, NFI = 0.90, RMSEA < 0.08, CFI: higher value indicates better fit); (Hair et al., 2006)
Construct validity Diagonal values is the square root value of AVE to examine discriminant validity **p<0.01
Discussion • The results favoured the expectations for the relation and provided that leaders’ genuine behavior towards their teachers results in creation of trust and academic optimism among their faculties. • It represented a positive and significant impact of self-awareness, relational transparency, balanced processing and internalised moral perspective on academic emphasis, collective efficacy, and faculty trust on students and parents. • It highlighted the significant role of social exchange theory and the sense of reciprocation in relating leaders attribute to followers optimism. • This study emphasized that leaders do makes a difference in educational institutions and through their intent to perform authentic behavior can raise the job satisfaction level and commitment among teachers. • With higher range of commitment, teachers would focus more on the quality education and would consider its relevance in their career.
Implications • Novel approach to study faculties emotions and beliefs in Indian context. • Basis for recruitment policies. • Direction of leading business schools to raise teachers performance. • Indirect effect on students’ performance and learning ability. • Adds value to literature on academic optimism and authentic leadership. • Provides better prospects for research in educational sector of India. • The current study contributes to expansion of the theoretical basis of academic optimism and proves its relevance in private educational institutions in Indian context.
Authentic leadership is the need in the present scenario and can enable effective solution to social issues. • Teachers commitment can relate leaders efforts to teachers overall efficacy and their focus on educational excellence. • Attempts should be made to avail suitable HR opportunities for the leaders to incorporate within them the advantageous features of authentic leadership. • Proper retention facilities should be ensured to the talented teachers along with interactive training sessions. • Practical issues of absenteeism and other can also be connected in future studies. • Other regions of India can also be explored by future researchers.
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