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Integrating economic statistics in the Netherlands. Bert Kroese. The chain of economic statistics (old). Short-term turn-over statistics. Quarterly turnover annual turnover. Quarterly National Accounts. Quarterly GDP-growth annual GDP-growth. Production statistics.
Integratingeconomicstatistics in the Netherlands Bert Kroese
The chain of economic statistics (old) Short-term turn-over statistics Quarterly turnover annual turnover Quarterly National Accounts Quarterly GDP-growth annual GDP-growth Production statistics National Accounts
Changing the chain: main goals • Quality improvement • smaller revisions • better consistency between statistics • consistent treatment large enterprises wrt globalization • Higher efficiency • (target -20%) • Lower response burden • Easier to maintain software programs
Main changes (1): better use of administrative sources Quarterly VAT-data for small and medium enterprises (700,000 units) Surveysforlargest 8,500 units • Improved linking with administrative sources by introduction of new version of statistical unit
Main changes (2): more methodological coherence Quarterly turnover data based on pratically complete coverage, usedfor… Growthestimates STS, QNA and first annualestimates NA Level estimates SBS and finalannualgrowthestimates NA Monthly estimates based on model to extrapolate quarterly data using monthly survey data for largest enterprises. Made consistent with quarterly estimates. Special organisational unit for consistent data on the largest 350 enterprises (8500 units)
Main changes (3): streamlining processes Focussing resources Interactive editing only after top-downanalysis More extensive use of automatic editing routines Manual profiling only for largest enterprises Top-down analysis and better tools for QNA and NA (e.g. automatedbalancing) Betteruse of reference data fromotherprocesses Better communication between processes on analysis and editing decisions. No double work Improved chain management
Necessary conditions Redesign of basic processes in oneintegrated approach, using Business Architecture A well co-ordinated transition by managing individual projects as part of an overall programme`. Professional projectmanagement A re-organisationtoadapt the structureto the changes in processes Creating a “Chain culture”
Business Architecture Steady state 1 Process step Process step Steady state 2 Process step Steady state 3 Process A Process B Exchange data betweenprocesses Steady state 2 Implement new module Process step Steady state 3 8
Lesson learned • Business Architecture is crucial and provides • the coherencebetween the individualprocesses • the possibility of a stepwiseimplementation • a logical breakdown of redesignprojects • the outline of a new organisationalstructure The 80/20-rule: focussing on what matters most on the final result leads to a lot of efficiency Using VAT-data creates the possibility of anintegralquarterly turnover dataset that links allestimatestogether
Visualisation of business architecture Coherent; modular; flexible; room fordiversity
Chain management Use of business register forallstatisticsinvolved Explicit agreements on deliveries in the chain Co-ordinated approach to changes in units, correction of errors et cetera Practical procedures for handling incidents as well as major changes Chain management groupwithrepresentativesfromall units forcommunication, monitoring and co-ordination, with a chain manager to support thisprocess
Creating a chain culture Branchworkinggroupswith experts fromalldepartmentsinvolved Workshops todiscussvariousaspects of the chain processwith the workfloor Chain management game Explicit and transparant feedback en feedforward Open communication
Main new processes and flows Business register Consistency largest enterprises Direct estimates turnover Productionstatistics (SBS) Integration: National Accounts Integration: Quarterly NA
NA Large enterprises Production statistics BusinessRegister QNA Data exchange points Turnover Data collection The new chain of economic statistics in a nutshell