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Explore the discovery machines and particles in Particle Physics history from 1960 to 2008, including LHC, Tevatron, and more. Witness the dawn of groundbreaking discoveries in the world of physics. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!
Let the show begin! EAGLE ATLAS
10000 LHC pp colliders ontdekkings machines t-quark Tevatron W&Z boson SppS LEP II 3 families SLC/LEP TRISTAN gluon PETRA/PEP ISR CESR c-quark -lepton SPEAR II SPEAR precisie machines ADONE e+e colliders () 1000 100 <Zwaartepuntenergie> (GeV) 10 1 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Jaar van het eerste resultaat
e Positron e Elektron
Linde the Higgs Faraday when asked about the use of electricity: “I do not know, but I am sure it will be taxable …………… eventually!”
Ontvangst - Oerknal Ontbijt Opening - Let the show begin! (FL) CERN live - Injectie first beam! - LHC is rond (EK) - Experimenten in de wacht (APC) CERN live - CERN Control Centre Speeddate - 11:00 update CERN CERN live - Persconferentie - ATLAS Control Room Lunch - Last news from CERN 8:30 8:45 9:00 10:25 10:40 12:00 13:00