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Atelier 4 - Biologie & Santé Humaine

AT. Atelier 4 - Biologie & Santé Humaine. Pernambuco – Midi Pyrenées : Relation Naissante = 13 projects non encore financés Quatre domaines identifiés Vieillissement Cancer Inflammation/Infection Psychologie Projects detaillés. PESQUISADORES BRASILEIROS.

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Atelier 4 - Biologie & Santé Humaine

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  1. AT Atelier 4 - Biologie & Santé Humaine

  2. Pernambuco – Midi Pyrenées: • RelationNaissante = 13 projects non encore financés • Quatredomainesidentifiés • Vieillissement • Cancer • Inflammation/Infection • Psychologie • Projects detaillés

  3. PESQUISADORES BRASILEIROS • JúliaMelo – IMIP – CANCER (Oncopole – Pr. Fournier) • Simone Brandão – HC-UFPE – (PET-CT – Alzheimer – Pr. Vellas) • JuremaTelles – IMIP – (Cancer – Pr. Fournier) • ArmeleDornelas – UFPE • Fátima Santos - UFPE • Maria das GraçasRodrigues de Araújo – UFPE • Tony Meireles – UFPE (Envelhecimento – Pr. Vellas) • José Fernando do Prado Moura – IMIP • Ana Lúcia Francisco – UNICAP • JoãoBosco Oliveira – IMIP – Inflamação e Infecção (Pr. Valentin) • Maria Rosângela Cunha Duarte Coêlho – LIKA – Virologia (Pr. Valentin) • Ana Cristina Lima Leite – UFPE (Cancer - Pr. Fournier)

  4. PESQUISADORES FRANCESES • Eric Crubézy • Bruno Vellas • Jean Jacques Fournie • Alexis Valentin • Elaine Fernandez

  5. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine CANCER Project of collaboration # 1: New thalidomide derivatives for aggressive lymphomas CRCT-LPPQM LPKM : Laboratoire of planning and synthesis of bioactive molecules. CRCT team: therapeutic immunotargeting of B cell lymphomas The project involves : Team of Pr Ana Cristina Lima Leite: 12 persons (4 FTE in the project) Team of JJ Fournié: 13 persons (3 FTE in the project). The project aims at Funding Recife’s researcher’s mission to Toulouse to test and measure molecular bioactivity of this chemical collection against a panel of 20-50 different lymphomas cell lines of the different histotypes. (2 weeks duration). Funding a Ph D student in charge of biological screening in the lab of Dr. Fournié, of a chemical library of new compounds produced in the lab of Pr. Leite. The program involves funding of scientific missions of the scientists involved in the two respective labs.

  6. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine CANCER Project of collaboration # 2: New Biomarkers for TN breast cancer IMIP-CRCT IMIP: Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof Fernando Figueira. CRCT team Pierre Brousset: The project involves : Team of Pr Leuridan Torres /José Fernando Moura: 6 persons (4 FTE in the project) Team of Pierre Brousset: 15 persons (6 FTE in the project). The project aims at successive steps: Funding Recife’s researcher’s mission to CRCT in Toulouse to run the first profilings (1 month duration). Funding a PhD student in charge of exploring/assessment of the predictive value of the profile

  7. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine CANCER Project of collaboration # 3: Targeting PI3K isoforms for treatment of ovarian cancers IMIP-CRCT IMIP: Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof Fernando Figueira. CRCT team Julie Guillermet-Guibert: The project involves : Team of Pr Leuridan Torres José Fernando Moura: 6 persons (4 FTE in the project) Team of Julie Guillermet-Guibert: 7 persons (6 FTE in the project). The project aims at successive steps: Funding Recife’s researcher’s mission to CRCT in Toulouse to run the first profilings (1 month duration). Funding a PhD student in charge of exploring/assessment of the predictive value of the profile

  8. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine CANCER /Ressource eau – Project a mettre en place Cancer et qualité de l’eau en Pernambuco Étude epidemiologique

  9. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine Vieillissement Prof Bruno Vellas (UT) Dr. Islene Araújo (OMS) Health Promotion across the life course Primary Health Care and Long Term Care Age-friendly Environments Rethinking ageing Identifierunchercheurpourrealizer une cooperationdansleslignes de l’OMSen Colaborationavec Toulouse Possibilitédoctorat

  10. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine Vieillissement Prof Bruno Vellas (UT) Dr. Simone Brandao (HC –UFPE) Evaluationneurofonctionnelle PETSCAN danslamaladie de Alzheimer Identifierunchercheurpourrealizer une cooperationdansleslignes de l’OMSen Colaborationavec Toulouse Possibilitéposdoctorat

  11. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine Vieillissement Prof Bruno Vellas (UT) Dr. Islene Araújo (OMS) Vieillissementetexercisephysique Identifierunchercheurpourrealizer une cooperationdansleslignes de l’OMSen Colaborationavec Toulouse Henrique Novais Mansur Possibilitédoctorat

  12. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine Vieillissement Prof Bruno Vellas (UT) Vieillissement /exercisephysique/sarcopenie Possibilitédoctorat

  13. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine Prof. Alexis Valentin Prof. R. Liblau CPTP. PURPAN Chercheur/Labo (email): João Bosco de Oliveira -IMIP - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira Prof. Rosangela Coelho - LIKA • Immunoregulation, Inflammation, Infection • Hepatite

  14. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine • Prof. Bruno Vellas • Vieillessement et Psychologie • Processus psychosociaux et personnes âgées • Prise en charge et prévention de la dependance chez la personne âgée • Chercheur/Labo (email): Fátima Santos (UFPE) • Ana Lucia Francisco (UCP) • Elaine Fernandez (UT)

  15. Atelier 4 – Biologie & Santé Humaine professor ÉricCrubezy Groupe de rechercheen Pernambuco envoie de formation Chercheur/Labo (email): Gabriela Granja Porto/Laboratoire de Techniques Médico- Legales (gabriela.porto@upe.br) Universidade de Pernambuco Possibilitédoctorat Ancestralité Caracteristiquesphenotypiques de lapopulation de Pernambuco

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