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Lagganlia. Why a transition camp?. Meet, work with and form new friendships with people who will be in their high school year group. Team Building The possibility of getting to know staff from Craigmount High School. Demonstrating skills that are not always seen in a classroom setting.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lagganlia

  2. Why a transition camp? • Meet, work with and form new friendships with people who will be in their high school year group. • Team Building • The possibility of getting to know staff from Craigmount High School. • Demonstrating skills that are not always seen in a classroom setting. • Less anxiety for the transition from Primary to High School.

  3. What are the benefits of Outdoor Education? • Education in outdoor places • Safe adventurous activities • Expert instruction • Personal challenge and self-reliance • Teamwork, shared experiences and friendship • A journey of discovery both “inwards and outwards”

  4. When do we go? • Leaving from school on Monday 3rd September 2018 • Returning to school on Friday 7th September 2018 • Attending with Corstorphine PS • Staff who will accompany the children on the trip will be decided nearer the time.

  5. Accommodation • The Centre is owned by the City of Edinburgh • There are 125 beds on site. Main building/lodges • 4 -6 bedded rooms, ensuite

  6. Daily Routine? • 7:00 – Wake Up and get dressed • 8:00-9:00 – Breakfast rota • 9:10-12:30 – Groups meet with instructors - Morning Activities • 12:30-1:30 – Lunch time depends on day and activity • 1:30-:4.30 – Afternoon activities • 4:30-5:00 – Reflect on activities with instructor • 5:00-6:00 – Free Time • 6:00-7:00 – Dinner • 7:00-8:30 – Evening Activity • 8:30-9:30 – Supper/Back to lodges/Bedtime

  7. Activities • Hill walking • Canoeing • Gorge walking • Sailing • Abseiling • Mountain biking • Skiing • Archery • Orienteering

  8. Evening Activities • Monday – night line activity • Tuesday – problem solving • Wednesday – night walk • Thursday - disco

  9. Food At Camp • All food is served in the dining room • Breakfast: cereal, toast, cooked breakfast • Lunch: Packed lunch – children select their own items to make their lunch after breakfast • Dinner: Children select from two options on a nightly basis • Supper: Small cake provided • Allergies and food requirements are catered for

  10. Clothing required • Whatever the weather, a lot of time will be spent outdoors so • warm, old clothing is essential. Layers are good just in case the • sun shines! • Please label everything so that we are able to reunite the children • with any lost items • New clothes are not required for their time away as their clothes will • get wet and dirty whilst having lots of fun carrying out the • various activities • Lagganlia provides waterproof clothing, however, it does not • provide warm outerwear • There is also a drying room for pupils to hang up their wet clothing • Pupils should have a clean change of clothes for the evening • A suitable party outfit can be brought if they wish as there will be • a disco on the Thursday evening.

  11. Clothing required • 1 warm, waterproof jacket (essential) • 2 pairs of sturdy shoes/boots/trainers (for walking activities) • 3 warm jumpers/sweatshirts/fleeces • 3 pairs of warm, old, comfortable trousers/joggers/tracksuit bottoms • (not jeans) • 2 pair of trousers/jeans • T-shirts/tops (no football tops) • Underwear • Nightwear • Gloves and a warm hat • Slippers/indoor shoes • Swimming costume • Socks- at least 3 thick pairs, woollen if possible • 2 towels/soap/toothbrush etc • Insect repellent/suntan lotion • A bottle for juice/water (essential) • Plastic bag for taking home things that are wet/dirty

  12. Valuables/Spending Money • Electronic games, MP3 players, mobile phones, ipads or other • items of value should not be brought to Lagganlia. • Cameras are permitted, but should be marked with your child’s • name. • Cameras can be given to school staff when not being used to keep • them safe. • There is a shop at Lagganlia where the pupils may wish to buy • something to remember their stay at Lagganlia. • Pupils will be responsible for their own moneyand should bring no • more than £10 pocket money. • It would be very helpful if their £10 could be in change as • opposed to large notes and if it could be stored within a • wallet/purse within their luggage to keep it as safe as possible.

  13. Medicines/Needs • Medicines will be administered by school staff • Children should not keep medicine themselves – all handed in week before (if possible) or on morning of departure • Medication that is needed throughout the day will be with the member of staff allocated to the child’s group • Details of medication needed in a group will be included in a pack given to the staff member • Each pack will be individual to that activity group.

  14. Keeping in Touch • If there is a situation where you need to get in touch with your child please contact Lagganlia who will pass on the message to our staff • If we need to get in touch with you we will do this using the emergency contact given or via the school office • We will update our Twitter feed as often as possible, to keep you up to date with what is going on at camp! We will also send out a few parent mails over the course of the week to keep you updated

  15. Any questions?

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