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ANAB AQMS Activity 2011 ~ January - March April 2011

ANAB AQMS Activity 2011 ~ January - March April 2011. AQMS 2011 Overview. Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) 36 AS9100 11 AS9110 28 AS9120 Applicant CBs 4 AS9110 Increased Surveillance Frequency 1 CB (twice per year for office assessments & witnessed audits)

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ANAB AQMS Activity 2011 ~ January - March April 2011

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  1. ANAB AQMS Activity2011 ~ January - MarchApril 2011

  2. AQMS 2011 Overview Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) • 36 AS9100 • 11 AS9110 • 28 AS9120 Applicant CBs • 4 AS9110 Increased Surveillance Frequency • 1 CB (twice per year for office assessments & witnessed audits) • 1 CB (twice per year for office assessments) Suspensions • 1 nonconforming (since lifted) Withdrawals • None

  3. Transition 9100/9110/9120:2009 • ALL CB’s Completed the transition (in OASIS) • All CB’s applied prior to 1 Jan 2011 (no suspensions) • Heads Up 170, 175, 181, 187 • SR001 – Revised Jan 2011, revised again (recently) and will be released soon (corrected an error) • www.iaqg.org/oasis • SR001 FAQ – Published soon

  4. ANAB Transition • All Accreditation Assessors passed 9100 AATT training in Jan 2011 and 9110 AATT training in Mar 2011 (except 1) • Including key Council members • Including an additional 9100 assessor to become an 9110 AA. • Ron Wilmes is leaving ANAB in June • Reviewing office assessments; how to manage growing standards and growing expectations of the Aerospace Industry

  5. Aerospace Complaints against ANAB-accredited CBs

  6. 372 (Feb 2011) – An organization is complaining about their AS9120 audit and the auditor assigned. CB is redoing the audit because of the first audit. Details have been requested, not provided yet. Open, under investigation 2011 Aerospace Complaints Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

  7. 378 (Mar 2011) – An organization is complaining about their certification status in OASIS; their status was marked withdrawn (by the CB) and it was suppose to be suspended. Action was taken by the CB and OASIS was updated. Closed, with action 2011 Aerospace Complaints Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

  8. A91 – Received Dec 2010 – Closed, partially upheld Appealing several NCR’s from an AQMS witnessed audit NCR in regards to missing items in the Quality Manual – NCR upheld NCR in regards to document control – NCR withdrawn NCR in regards to auditing to sufficient depth – 1 of 4 evidence items withdrawn, 4 part of the NCR evidence upheld NCR in regards to the accuracy of the scope statement on the certificate – NCR upheld ANAB Aerospace Appeals Appeals in italics were provided previously. Appeals in bold are new.

  9. A103– Received Feb 2011 – Closed, appeal denied Appealed a major NCR during an AQMS office assessment in regards to accepting poor corrective action responses from the CB’s client The CB discussed why the acceptance of updated documentation from their client and how the results of a check of a large quantity of other data supported that the fault was an isolated incident and therefore, the CB's acceptance of that client's CA response was not an indication of major deficiencies in the CB process. ANAB discussed the repeat nature of the nonconformity issued to the CB, the lack of objective evidence for the CA taken by the CB client , and the lack of a complete and thorough Root Cause Analysis by the CB client, even though the fault was described as an isolated incident. Even in isolated incidents the client must still provide acceptable CA to address the root cause to eliminate reoccurrence. Therefore the panel upholds the NCR as valid. ANAB Aerospace Appeals Appeals in italics were provided previously. Appeals in bold are new.

  10. Office Assessments 43 required (7 additional) 15 completed (4 follow-up) 24 confirmed (3 follow-up) 4 being scheduled Witnessed Audits 49 required (11 AS9120 and 2 follow-up) 14 completed (3 AS9120) 21 confirmed (3 AS9120 and 1 follow-up) 14 unscheduled (3 AS9120 and 1 follow-up) 2011 ANAB Office Assessments & Witnessed Audits

  11. Office Assessments 12 NCR’s to aerospace requirements during 15 office assessments 1 major 33 NCR’s to ISO 17021 or general requirements during 15 office assessments 4 majors Witnessed Audits 14 (4 to AS requirements) NCR’s issued during 14 witnessed audits 6 majors (1 originally minor, escalated due to timing) Four assessments in March, ANAB is currently reviewing to determine if further action is required 2011 NCR’s

  12. 2011 Common NCR’s (59 total) 2010 Common NCR -- NCR/CA Process

  13. Questions / Comments

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