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Advances in Sandwich Panel Technology Symposium Proceedings

Learn about the latest in sandwich panel production, materials optimization, and quality control methods presented at the conference. Cutting-edge research projects and innovations in the field are highlighted including non-destructive testing methods, fire-resistant core materials, and geometry optimization. Discover advancements like Lock-in Thermography and Mechanical Methods through these detailed presentations.

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Advances in Sandwich Panel Technology Symposium Proceedings

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  1. Up-to-date progress in panel applications Institut for Sandwichtechnology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Berner Edinburgh, 23th – 24th of October 2008

  2. One of the first German Approval for Sandwich-Panels1978

  3. German Approval for Sandwich-Panels - 1978

  4. German Approval for Sandwich-Panels - 1978

  5. German Approval for Sandwich-Panels1978

  6. Advancement in the Field of Sandwich Panels • Advancement of the Production • Optimization of Material and Cross Section • Enlargement of the spectrum of use

  7. Advancement in the Field of Sandwich Panels • Advancement of the Production • Optimization of Material and Cross Section • Enlargement of the spectrum of use

  8. I. Advancement of the ProductionContinous production line

  9. I. Advancement of the ProductionDamages

  10. I. Advancement of the ProductionDamages

  11. I. Advancement of the ProductionQuality Control with samples

  12. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpaiDevelopment of non destructive testing methods for sandwich panels Eureka project: Budget: 34.000,- € Status: completed

  13. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai • Three principle ways to investigate sandwich panels • Rays • Mechanics • Thermal methods

  14. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai X-Ray

  15. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Thermal methods Discontiuities in the panels lead to thermal differences • Passive Thermography • Lock-in Thermography • Pulse Thermography

  16. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Lock-in Thermography with results

  17. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Lock-in Thermography • Advantages • it works • complete surface areas can be monitored • the technique is known • Disadvantage • reflecting materials often don’t absorb enough energy to show a visible effect. Therefore a matting colour has to be used. • The pictures are sometimes not very clear. Therefore somebody has to watch the screen. • It is difficult to illuminate and to observe non flat geometries

  18. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Mechanical Methods • Macroscopic deformation • Oscillator coupled to the panel • Magnetic forces • Microscopic deformation • Ultrasound methods • Microflown • Measuring • Photometry • Vibrometry • Speckle Interferometry

  19. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Magnetic forces

  20. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Implementation of ….. design and realising

  21. I. Advancement of the ProductionResearch Project: qSpai Implementation of …..

  22. Advancement in the Field of Sandwich Panels • Advancement of the Production • Optimization of Material and Cross Section • Enlargement of the spectrum of use

  23. II. Optimization of Material and Cross Section • PUR (PIR)-foam • EPS (XPS) • Mineral wool

  24. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SwichCore SwichCoreDevelopment of a new fire resistant core material FH3 - project: Budget: 163.000,- € Status: completed

  25. Phenolic Foam II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SwichCore Developed core materials Hybrid Foam Sodium Silicate Composite “SiAC”

  26. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SwichCore Results of tensile-tests / Phenol

  27. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SwichCore Full scale tests / Phenol

  28. Single Burning Item SBI-Test nach EN 13823 II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SwichCore Reaction to fire & Fire resistance Fire Resistance Test according to DIN EN 1364-1

  29. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak SandTweakOptimisation of geometry and core material of sandwich panels with metallic faces FH3 - project: Budget: 150.000,- € Status: running

  30. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Cross Sections (out of German Approvals) roof panel 2008 – ArcelorMittal Construction 1978 – Laminoirs de Strasbourg

  31. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Cross Sections (out of German Approvals) wall panel 2008 – ArcelorMittal Construction 1978 – Laminoirs de Strasbourg

  32. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Core material (out of German Approvals) 2008 – ArcelorMittal Construction 1978 – Laminoirs de Strasbourg • Density 40 kg/m3 • Tensile strength with faces 0,09 N/mm2 • Shear strength 0,11 N/mm2 • Shear Modulus 2,5 N/mm2 • E-Modulus Core 2,4 N/mm2 • Density 39 kg/m3 • Tensile strength with faces 0,07 N/mm2 • Shear strength 0,14 N/mm2 • Shear Modulus 2,8 N/mm2 • E-Modulus Core 2,3 N/mm2

  33. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak sW vs. GC Internal forces (bending moment at internal support of a two span panel with flat faces) out of temperature Wrinkling stress sW (Plantema)

  34. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Aim of optimization load capacity production costs material costs Algorithm of Optimization building physics production technology ecological compatibility fire performance

  35. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Optimization of core material • Analyse of old test results (last four years) • Selection of “experience areas” for all mechanical values • Expanding the “experience areas” • Determination of new combinations for mechanical properties →new core material

  36. II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Optimization of core material Determination of new optimal variations of mechanical properties of core materials Load factor: Criterions of failure w→ 100 % fCv → 100 % fCc → 100 % w → 100 % Searching of: Mechanical properties from certain sets: Gc Gc1; Gc2 Ecc Ecc1; Ecc2  Ect Ect1; Ect2 fcc fcc1; fcc2 fcv fcv1; fcv2 Aiming at OPTIMUM concerning design

  37. wD = +0,50 kN/m2wS = -0,25 kN/m2 FG III L L II. Optimization of Material and Cross SectionResearch Project: SandTweak Optimization of core material • Identification of the optimal core material for a double-span beam • Material values according to German Approval: allowable span LGC = 3.6 N/mm2, EC = 3.7 N/mm2, fCv = 0,110 N/mm2 L = 5.61 m • Material values optimized:allowable span LGC = 5.5 N/mm2, EC = 5.0 N/mm2, fCv = 0,085 N/mm2 L = 7.37 m •  31% longer spanswithout any further costs

  38. Advancement in the Field of Sandwich Panels • Advancement of the Production • Optimization of Material and Cross Section • Enlargement of the spectrum of use

  39. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useOpenings requires additional girders

  40. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useFrame Construction

  41. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useFull scale tests

  42. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat SandFlatResearch and Development of flat roof sandwich elements FH3 - project: Budget: 150.000,- € Status: completed

  43. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Deriving from problems in the industry a research project was established

  44. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Three important technical packages • Long-term loading of flat roof elements • Seals of flat roof elements • Fixings for flat roof elements

  45. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Creep-tests Loads due to snow Loads due to self-weight Loads due to high temperature

  46. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Ideas for new seals • Seals for transverse joint • Seals for longitudinal joint

  47. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Water column test (developed by iS-mainz)

  48. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Test of air and water tightness according to DIN EN 12865 & DIN EN 12114

  49. III. Enlargement of the spectrum of useResearch Project: SandFlat Pilot-project

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