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JPI Oceans?. EU27 + EC. Research funding in Europe. 15%. 85%. WHY JPI Oceans?. Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public RTD spending through cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of (existing) national RTD activities.
Research funding in Europe 15% 85%
WHY JPI Oceans? • Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public RTD spending through cross-border collaboration, coordination and integration of (existing) national RTD activities. • Concept introduced by EC in July 2008 to implement ERA as result of the Commission Green Paper public consultation in 2007 • Deal with challenges that cannot be solved solely by MS • JPI Oceans adopted by Council in December 2011 • Focus on solving the societal challenges of our seas and oceans • Coordination and integration of national R&D investments in the broadest sense • Added value: Long-term and high-level commitment, variable geometry 15% 85%
18 Participating countries (+ Outermost regions)
The Strategic role of JPI Oceans • High-level strategic body to provide long-term integrated approach to marine and maritime research and technology development (Management Board voting members – observer EC) • Echoed in the Strategic Advisory Board • With users and producers of knowledge define fit for purpose solutions • Defining societal challenges > Needs and gaps > Wide typology of activities • “Joint Programming” is slightly misleading as it does not reflect the whole scope and ambition of JPI Oceans
Economy-Science-Governanceinteractusers/producers ofknowledge Policy makers & Society Researchers & Technologists Industry & Services Enhance relevance and uptake
Enable the advent of a maritime economy, maximising its value in a sustainable way. Knowledge based maritime economy
Ensure good environmental status of the seas and optimise planning of activities in the marine space.
Optimise the response to climate change.... and mitigate human impact on the marine environment.
Develop and sustain infrastructure to support an integrated data and information base enabling industrial development and supporting maritime governance
Foster the inter-disciplinary human capacities that are necessary to fulfil the JPI’s goals
Develop a policy research to mechanism
Develop a policy research to mechanism in particular to support the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Input Horizon 2020 from JPI Oceans (MB) to EC • Three large-scale programmatic areas at the intersections of the maritime economy, healthy marine environment and climate change • Climate changing the Oceans • Oceans and climate, like acidification • Marine observing systems and forecasting to improve safety and security at sea • Climate change impact on fisheries & aquaculture • Long-term ocean observation programmes
Input Horizon 2020 from JPI Oceans (MB) to EC • Three large-scale programmatic areas at the intersections of the maritime economy, healthy marine environment and climate change • Climate changing the Oceans • Healthy Oceans, Seas and Coasts • A sustainable blue economy • Enablers • Multipurpose infrastructures to address oceans’ long term challenges • Capacity building
Pilot Action examples Ecological aspects of deep sea mining
Ecological aspects of micro-plactics in the marine environment • “Consistent” means of monitoring • German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research (BMBF) organises kick-off meeting in Bonn, Germany, in July 2013 • Testing on Rhine & Elbe forsuitabilityelsewhere
Multi-use of infrastructure for Monitoring • Synergies through Co-operation – use ship time more efficiently
Sharing vessels facilities for the achievement of long term common programmes on impact of climate change on physical circulation, geochemical and biological consequences in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea.Proposed by FR inventory and prioritization
How can JPI Oceans add value to your organisation ? Thoughts, reflections,...
HOW • Most agendas are focusing on science and/or specific sectors/issues • Challenging to re-use for analysis • JPI Oceans looking for synergies across sectors/ disciplines • Consultation/mapping process • Research Funding Agencies of countries: questionnaire • Stakeholder workshops – extended questionnaire • Public consultation – extended questionnaire
Mapping and gap analysis process for SRIA • Stakeholder consultation • Workshops (50 signed up) • Technology platforms - Industry, Innovation & Economic Associations • Infrastructure Initiatives, projects and Organisations • United Nations Organisations and Groups /International Organizations - Policy and Regional Conventions/Advisory bodies • ERA activities (ERA-NETs, Art 185) • European Scientific Organizations and Associations • Collaborative projects • MSFD related organisations • European Union institutions • Institutions for science for policy (national level)
Contact: jpioceans@rcn.no Twitter: @jpioceans