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Renewable energy producers sell power to the utility

3. Renewable energy producers sell power to the utility. Payments vary by renewable technology. Costs are spread among all ratepayers. Tariffs decline as technologies become cost-competitive. 4. THE FUTURE IS 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY. 132 Regions ~ 100.00 km² (28,6%)

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Renewable energy producers sell power to the utility

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  1. 3

  2. Renewable energy producers sell power to the utility Payments vary by renewable technology Costs are spread among all ratepayers Tariffs decline as technologies become cost-competitive 4


  4. 132 Regions • ~ 100.00 km² (28,6%) • almost 20 million inhabitants (24,2%)

  5. No Way – It‘s a global movement

  6. How to ensure that REFITS can be implemented in developing countries where the costs can not (entirely) be borne by the people? 11

  7. 12

  8. What is the GCF? 13

  9. „The Fund...will promote theparadigmshifttowardslow-emission andclimate-resilientdevelopmentpathwaysbyprovidingsupporttodeveloping countries tolimitorreducetheirgreenhouse gas emissionsandtoadapttotheimpactsofclimatechange...“ (Report of the Transitional Committee)

  10. Decisions so far: • Direct access to funding through accredited national implementing entities • The GCF will first only accept grants from the public and private sector, paid-in public capital contributions and concessional public loans • A National Designated Authority (NDA), or a focal point, will act as the main point of contact for the Fund, and ensure the consistency of funding proposals with national climate and development plans • The Board plans to agree on a comprehensive resource allocation system for the GCF by mid-2014 15

  11. Points of relevance: • Modalities for decentralised Enhanced Direct Access (developing country based institutions to programme resources coming from the GCF) can be adopted with a REFIT mechanism (e.g. through a REFIT Committee) • Coherence and coordination with other climate change financing modalities must be converged • There is a concern that the GCF leaves it’s mandates and evolves into a bank • The GCF is emerging, very much is still up in the air 16

  12. Proposal: Green Climate Fund REFIT Faciltiy (GRF)

  13. Source: JRC/European Commission

  14. Source: JRC/European Commission

  15. Source: JRC/European Commission

  16. Creating an enabling environment for RE in Africa: • Simplify the administrative process • Resolve land Issues • Provide access to finance • Raise awareness, build technical capacity • Consider infrastructure, e.g. roads • Prepare detailed information on RE resources, e.g. wind and solar atlases • Ensure human capacity at authorities – sufficient knowledgeable staff

  17. Dipl. Ing. Stefan Schurig | Director Climate Energy | stefan@worldfuturecouncil.org

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