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Alluvial plain - floodplain on which flooding rivers have deposited rich soil

Alluvial plain - floodplain on which flooding rivers have deposited rich soil. http://www.arbeitssprache-englisch.com/geography/nile/marshland.jpg. Aquifer - underground water-bearing layers of porous rock, sand, or gravel. http://austinist.com/attachments/austinist_steph/edwards%20aquifer.jpg.

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Alluvial plain - floodplain on which flooding rivers have deposited rich soil

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  1. Alluvial plain - floodplain on which flooding rivers have deposited rich soil http://www.arbeitssprache-englisch.com/geography/nile/marshland.jpg

  2. Aquifer - underground water-bearing layers of porous rock, sand, or gravel http://austinist.com/attachments/austinist_steph/edwards%20aquifer.jpg

  3. arable - land suitable for growing crops http://www.winslow.bg/bansko-real-estate/en/prop/uf/project_pics/agric/agri1.jpg

  4. Archipelago - a group or chain of islands http://www.singlestravel.com.au/images/Buccaneer%20Archipelago.JPG

  5. Atmosphere - layers of gases that surround the earth http://www.kidsgeo.com/images/earths-atmosphere.jpg

  6. Atoll - ring-shaped island formed by coral building up along the rim of an underwater volcano http://www.driever.nl/foto/achtergronden/atoll.jpg

  7. Basin - area of land drained by a given river and its branches; area of land surrounded by lands of higher elevations http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Amazon_river_basin.png

  8. bay - part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally smaller than a gulf http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/00/18/54/b5/hanauma-bay.jpg

  9. Biosphere - the part of the earth's crust, waters, and atmosphere that supports life http://www.dyrevern.no/images/251/storfe_kuer_1.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/186/373092812_f46938c0fa.jpg http://www.floristone.com/layout/hip-tort-3.jpg http://static.squidoo.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens1914780module9331028photo_1209511255Golden_eagle_flight_enlarged.jpg

  10. Canal - man-made waterway or artificially improved river for travel http://21stcenturywaves.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/panama.jpg

  11. Canyon - deep narrow valley with steep walls

  12. Cape - a piece of land jutting into the sea or some other large body of water (smaller than a peninsula)

  13. Capital city - town or city that is the official seat of government Photo by HazelAnne Prescott

  14. Cascade - a descent of water over a steep surface; a waterfall, esp. one of considerable size http://www.platinumglobaldestinations.com/South_Africa_2009/assets/victoria_falls.jpg

  15. Channel - wide strait or waterway between two landmasses that lie close to each other http://www.laurinswim.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/englishchannel.jpg

  16. City - Center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance (usually over 2,500 people) http://blog.kir.com/archives/houston%20skyline.jpg

  17. Coniferous - trees such as evergreens that have cones and needle-shaped leaves, and keep their foliage throughout the winter http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/05/93105-004-A69550BF.jpg

  18. Cordillera - parallel chains or ranges of mountains http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Cordillera_de_los_Andes.jpg

  19. Crevasse - huge, deep crack that forms in thick ice or snow http://www.live-life.co.nz/livelife_site_images/crevasse.jpg http://media.photobucket.com/image/crevasse/park_photos/GLACIER/Glacier_Peak_1962_07.jpg

  20. Current - cold or warm stream of seawater that flows in the oceans, generally in a circular pattern

  21. Deciduous - trees, usually broad leaved such as oak and maple, that lose their leaves in autumn http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2083/1816626705_e09b2c0e68.jpg

  22. Delta - flat, low lying land built from deposits of soil carried downstream and deposited at the mouth of a river http://en.wikivisual.com/images/f/f6/NileDelta-EO.JPG

  23. Depression - an area that is sunk below the surrounding area http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/4484918.jpg

  24. Desert - area that receives less than 10 inches of rain in a year HP sample pictures

  25. Divide - a high point or ridge that determines the direction rivers flow http://www.clubfishworld.com/northamerica/montana/continental/continental02.jpg

  26. Escarpment - steep cliff or slope between a higher and lower land surface http://image34.webshots.com/34/0/35/93/287103593WGJnbr_ph.jpg

  27. Estuary - an area where the tide meets a river current http://www.richard-seaman.com/Travel/NewZealand/Cities/Christchurch/ChChEstuaryFromSumnerHill.jpg

  28. Fauna - the animal life of a region http://www.masai-mara.net/images/animals_cover.jpg

  29. fjord - long steep-sided glacial valley now filled by sea water http://www.wayfaring.info/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/geiranger-fjord-l.jpg

  30. Flora - the plant life of a region http://www.paflora.org/Covergraphic.jpg

  31. Glacier - large body of ice that moves across the surface of the earth http://www.simonhampel.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/20080214-40d_4190.jpg

  32. Groundwater - water within the earth that supplies wells and springs http://rollingknollsestates.com/aquifers_&_groundwater_files/image004.jpg

  33. gulf - part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally larger and more deeply indented than a bay http://vortex.accuweather.com/phoenix2/images/hurricane/tracking/gulf.gif

  34. Harbor - a sheltered place along a shoreline where ships can anchor safely http://www.penceland.com/images/Boston2.jpg

  35. Highlands - elevated land – hills, mountains, and plateaus http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/0_MY_P_S/0_my_photographs_scotland_-_highland_cows_vv17_largest.jpg

  36. Hill - a natural elevation of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain http://www.geocities.com/rhorii/PhotoGallery/WST-HillsSW-PICT8171.JPG

  37. Hydrosphere - the watery areas of the earth, including oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and other bodies of water http://ess.geology.ufl.edu/ess/Introduction/Hydrosphere.gif

  38. Island - land area, smaller than a continent that is surrounded by water http://www.geonet.org.nz/images/volcano/our-volcanoes/Mayor_Island.jpg

  39. isthmus - narrow stretch of land connecting two larger land areas http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Oceania/Australia/photo186722.htm

  40. Lake - a sizeable inland body of water Lake Tahoe by HazelAnne Prescott

  41. Leeward - facing away from the direction of the ocean wind; usually dry http://image04.webshots.com/4/8/61/4/107286104YRHIIT_fs.jpg

  42. Lithosphere - surface land areas of the earth’s crust, including continents and ocean basins http://www.new-gallery-of-art.com/latest/HiResKauai1986MountainOcean2.jpg

  43. Lowland - land usually level at low elevations (plain) http://www.freehdwallpapers.com/wallpaper/Lowlands/

  44. Mesa - broad, flat-topped landform with steep sides; smaller than a plateau http://www.rmusd.net/images/8,6/mesa.jpg

  45. Mixed forest - forest with both coniferous and deciduous trees http://www.globalforestwatch.ca/change_analysis/GFWC-QC-03.jpg

  46. Mountain peak - pointed top of a single mountain

  47. Mountain range - a series of connected mountains; land with steep sides that rises sharply from the surrounding land (1,000 feet) http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/164/vancouver-island-mountain-range_10198.jpg

  48. Mouth - place where a river or stream flows into a larger body of water http://www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/~sm00dmd/photodb/river%20mouth%201973.jpg

  49. Oasis - small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well

  50. ocean - one of five major bodies of salt water that surround the continents http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/00/18/2e/18/the-ocean.jpg

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