1. Chapter 14:Observing Skills Stephanie Powers
July 11, 2005
EDCI 8960
2. Definition of Observing Describing
Taking mental pictures
Associating the mental pictures with previous experiences
Declaring the pictures to be pleasant or unpleasant
3. Formative vs. Summative Formative
Used to describe what is happening in a classroom
Means of professional growth and instructional improvement
Chosen for use between teacher and supervisor Summative
Intended to summarize and judge competence
Tend to be checklists, rating scales, or narratives of worth
Dictated to teacher and evaluator
4. Describing Goal of describing is to eliminate any confusion about what is happening.
Neighborhood Method
Quantitative Methods
Amount of occurrences
Qualitative Methods
Nature of occurrences
5. Quantitative Methods Categorical Frequency Instrument
Performance Indicator Instrument
Visual Diagramming
Space Utilization
6. Categorical Frequency Instrument Form that defines certain events or behaviors that can be checked off at frequency intervals and then counted.
Possible topics:
Verbal vs. nonverbal behaviors
On-task vs. off-task behaviors
7. Performance Indicator Instruments Records whether or not actions listed on the observation instrument have been observed.
When used for observation purposes, they should not imply an absolute standard.
8. Visual Diagramming Video taping is always best when trying to portray what occurs in the classroom. Usually diagrams teacher/student interaction Given time frame