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MSB Am 16: Deep Sea Corals Range of Alternatives

MSB Am 16: Deep Sea Corals Range of Alternatives. August 14, 2013. Objectives. Amendment 16 update Review range of alternatives Is this a reasonable range for public hearings? . Am16 Progress. February 2013 Ecosystems and Ocean Planning Committee meets; reviews draft alternatives

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MSB Am 16: Deep Sea Corals Range of Alternatives

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  1. MSB Am 16: Deep Sea Corals Range of Alternatives August 14, 2013

  2. Objectives • Amendment 16 update • Review range of alternatives • Is this a reasonable rangefor public hearings?

  3. Am16 Progress • February 2013 • Ecosystems and Ocean Planning Committee meets; reviews draft alternatives • Public scoping process • April 2013 • Spatial alternatives workshop in Baltimore • July 2013 • Follow up with industry participants • Letter from several Ecosystems AP members + others

  4. Notes on Alternatives • Applicable only to Mid-Atlantic Council region • Applicable to all relevant federally-managed fisheries • NOT applicable to non-federal fisheries (e.g. lobster) • Best available science on deep sea coral distribution rapidly changing • FMAT incorporating as much as possible • Framework provision alternatives

  5. Discretionary Provisions • Magnuson-Stevens discretionary provisions to designate deep sea coral zones • See page 7 of alternatives document

  6. Alternative Sets • Broad coral zones • Management measures in broad zones • Discrete coral zones • Management measures in discrete zones • Framework provisions • VMS requirement for Illex fishery

  7. Broad + Discrete Coral Zone Framework • Broad Coral Zones • “Freeze the footprint” • Large areas excluding most current fishing effort • Discrete Coral Zones • Smaller areas • Protection for areas of known/likely coral presence • Individual canyons, inter-canyon slope areas *Both could be implemented simultaneously*

  8. 1. Broad Coral Zones • Alt 1A: No Action • Alt 1B: Landward boundary at 200 m depth contour • Alt 1C: “ at 300 m depth contour • Alt 1D: “ at 400 m depth contour • Alt 1E: “ at 500 m depth contour

  9. Broad Zones

  10. 2. Management Measures in Broad Zones • Alt 2A: No Action • Alt 2B: Prohibit bottom-tending gear • Alt 2C: Prohibit mobile bottom-tending gear

  11. 2. Management Measures in Broad Zones • Alt 2D: Require Council review and approval for fishing within broad zones • 2D-1: Special access program • 2D-2: Exploratory fishing access program • 2D-3: Research/experimental access program • Alt 2E: Exempt red crab fishery from broad coral zone measures

  12. 2. Management Measures in Broad Zones • Alt 2F: Require increased monitoring for vessels fishing in broad zones • 2F-1: Require observer coverage in broad coral zones • 2F-2: Require VMS for vessels fishing in broad coral zones • Alt 2G: Exempt mid-Atlantic golden tilefish fishery from broad zone restrictions.

  13. 3. Discrete Coral Zones • Alt 3A: No Action/Status Quo • Alt 3B: Designation of canyons or slope areas with observed coral presence • 3B-1: Original boundaries • 3B-2: Modified boundaries

  14. Baltimore Canyon

  15. Norfolk Canyon

  16. Mey-Lindenkohl Slope

  17. Block Canyon

  18. 3. Discrete Coral Zones • Alt 3C: Designation of canyons with inferred coral presence • Emery Canyon • Jones and Babylon Canyons • Hudson Canyon • Accomac Canyon • Wilmington Canyon • Washington Canyon

  19. Inferred Coral Presence

  20. 3. Discrete Coral Zones • Alt 3D: Designation of canyons with possible coral presence, including canyons with insufficient coral presence data to determine whether or not corals are present. • Based on Table 4 of Appendix B, there are 10 such canyons: McMaster Canyon, Ryan Canyon, Uchupi Canyon, Spencer Canyon, South Wilmington Canyon, North Heyes Canyon, South Vries Canyon, Warr Canyon, Phoenix Canyon, and Leonard Canyon.

  21. 4. Management Measures in Discrete Zones • Alt 4A: No Action • Alt 4B: Prohibit all bottom-tending gear • Alt 4C: Prohibit mobile bottom-tending gear • Alt 4D: Exempt illex and loligo fisheries from discrete zone restrictions.

  22. 5. Framework Provisions • Alt 5A: No Action • Alt 5B: Option to change boundaries for deep sea coral zones • Alt 5C: Option to change management measures within zones • Fishing restrictions, exemptions, special access, monitoring requirements • Alt 5D: Option to add additional discrete zones

  23. 6. VMS Requirement • Alt 6A: No Action • Alt 6B: Require VMS for Illex squid moratorium vessels

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