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Herdenking Nelson Mandela

Herdenking Nelson Mandela. Nkosi Sikeleli Africa http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBKNXsFI_3s. Antjie Krogs saluut aan Nelson Mandela (in Die Burger , 7/12/2013). ROUGESANG BY DOOD VAN MANDELA ondergronds het ’n rif geskuif die aarde struikel verward swik die son

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Herdenking Nelson Mandela

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  1. Herdenking Nelson Mandela

  2. NkosiSikeleliAfricahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBKNXsFI_3sNkosiSikeleliAfricahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBKNXsFI_3s

  3. Antjie Krogs saluut aan Nelson Mandela (in Die Burger, 7/12/2013) ROUGESANG BY DOOD VAN MANDELA ondergronds het ’n rif geskuif die aarde struikel verward swik die son toe sy asem hom verlaat het in die nag het die sterre geduisel want alles is verstrengel wurgend aan sy dood sy dood en die dood alleen ineens is alles droef asof ons in ’n groot skadu staan asof glas deur ons breek asof klip in ons splinter asof ons gedagtes in fluisterende wanhopige groepe rondvlug soos assegaaie in die grond bly vassteek trillend in Qunu weier die beeste vanoggend om uit die kraal te gaan by Lusikisiki lê die visse na aan die oppervlakte in Mvezo maak die korhane geen geluid nie die gedagte aan Mandela laat ons binnekante knak (ons wou sy sterwende liggaam nie sien nie) ons kan selfs nie die mond oopmaak nie (ons wou sy sterwende liggaam nie sien nie) om te begin praat oor sy dood om te praat oor sy dade (ons wou sy sterwende liggaam nie sien nie) oor sy bloed wat pyl soos ’n luiperd na geregtigheid (ons wou sy sterwende liggaam nie sien nie) om te vertel van sy werke, sy sagte ongelooflike krag (ons wou sy sterwende liggaam nie sien nie) die lieflike nate van sy blommende vergewende kopbeen (ons wou sy sterwende liggaam nie sien nie) die stormram van sy tong wat toekomste tot ’n verbonde kern wring geliefde Mandela, bring seën op ons, jou kinders laat jou lewe sy vingerafdruk op ons almal laat dit sal lank duur voordat ons ooit weer ’n mens so edel iemand so genesend en koppig mooi so taai van inbors so streng insluitend van beginsel so elegant en oorrompelend van hart in ons sterflike arms kan hou

  4. Flash mob: <http://m.news24.com/channel24/News/Local/A-beautiful-flash-mob-in-honour-of-Tata-Madiba-20131210>

  5. Mandela in his own words

  6. ZICHZELFI am what I am, both as a result of people who respected and helped me, and of those who did not respect me and treated my badly.I wanted South Africa to see that I loved even my enemies while I hated the system that turned us against one another.It would not be right to compare me to Gandhi. None of us could equal his dedication or his humility.The world is truly round and seems to start and end with those we love.POLITIEKIf you are a politician you must be prepared to suffer for your principles.It is important to surround yourself with strong and independent personalities, who will tell you when you are getting old.You can’t build a united nation on the basis of revenge.

  7. AIDSThose who are affected with this terrible desease do not want stigma, they want love.APARTHEIDThe wounds that cannot be seen are more painful than those that can be treated by a doctor.Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud.He had the courage to admit that a terrible wrong had been done to our country and people through the imposition of the system of apartheid. (over president De Clerck)After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.Racism must be consciously combated and not discreetly tolerated.

  8. VRIJHEIDDiscipline is the most powerfull weapon to get liberation.Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.The people are their own liberators.

  9. HUMORIt is not easy to remain bitter if one is busy with constructive things.I haven’t suffered to the same extent other people have whilst I was relaxing in prison.The thing that impressed me most was that he poured the tea. (over president P.W. Botha)When I have no visitors over weekends, I remain the whole day in my pyjamas and eat samp.I intend to do a bit of farming when I step down. I will be without a job and I don’t want to find myself standing at the side of the road with a placard saying: unemployed.WERELDGEMEENSCHAPThe suffering of the people of any single country affects all of us no matter where we find ourselves.The reality can no longer be ignored that we live in an interdependent world which is bound together to a common destiny.

  10. Documentaire: Mandela In Memoriam

  11. In gesprek met mijzelf

  12. His Day is Done - A Tribute Poem for Nelson Mandela by Dr. Maya Angelouhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqQzjit7b1w&list=TLBft7j_ODz1zmzx7GJidBfSo1mcIFvm37

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