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The post-2015 process

The post-2015 process. Lidia Bratanova , Director, Statistical Division. Post-2015 Agenda: S etting the stage. MDGs, critique : Focused more on least-developed countries Inconsistencies between goals, targets and indicators Population dynamics not accounted for

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The post-2015 process

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  1. The post-2015 process Lidia Bratanova, Director, Statistical Division

  2. Post-2015 Agenda: Setting the stage • MDGs, critique: • Focused more on least-developed countries • Inconsistencies between goals, targets and indicators • Population dynamics not accounted for • Top-down approach, no consultation • Statisticians not involved, data availability and quality, capacities of NSOs not properly considered • Post-2015 agenda: • Open, inclusive consultations involving all stakeholders in addition to the UN system initiatives • Global Goals, valid for all countries • Involvement of statistical community: • At national and regional levels • At global level through the UN Statistical Commission

  3. Post-2015 Agenda UN Secretary General UN General Assembly SG Special Advisor UN GA Open Working Group (OWG) High‐level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) UN System Task Team (UNTT) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) WG on Monitoring and Indicators UNDG National, global and thematic consultations RegionalConsultations High Level Political Forum Technical Support Team on SDG UN Global Compact UN Country Consultations WG on Global Partnership for Development Committee of experts on Sustainable Development Financing World We Want web platform My World Global Survey UN Thematic Consultations WG on Financing for sustainable development February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 United Nations System Governments/Public

  4. Post-2015 Agenda UN Secretary General UN General Assembly Inter Agency Expert Group SG Special Advisor UN GA Open Working Group (OWG) High‐level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) UN System Task Team (UNTT) Stat, Com. Friends of the Chair (FOC) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) WG on Monitoring and Indicators Task Team Lessons Learned in MDG Monitoring UNDG National, global and thematic consultations RegionalConsultations High Level Political Forum Technical Support Team on SDG UN Global Compact UN Country Consultations WG on Global Partnership for Development Committee of experts on Sustainable Development Financing World We Want web platform My World Global Survey UN Thematic Consultations WG on Financing for sustainable development February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 United Nations System Governments/Public

  5. Timeline of setting the post 2015 agenda • Sept. 2010, UN GA requested to advance UN development agenda beyond 2015 • January 2012, UN system Task Team on the post-2015 agenda, composed of more than 60 UN entities • June 2012, Rio Conference initiated a process to develop a set of SDGs • July 2012, High-level Panel of 27 Eminent person: to develop bold, yet practical development recommendations • Sept 2012, SD Solutions Network (SDSN), lead by Prof. J. Sachs • January 2013, OWG on SDGs and Committee of Experts on SD Financing created • 2013, UN GA launched a process of intergovernmental consultations

  6. Timeline of setting the post 2015 agenda • February 2014, the SD SN to release its report • September2014 conclusions by: • Open Working Group on SDGs • Committee of Experts on Financing • End 2014, a synthesis report by UN SG incorporating all inputs • September 2015, High-levelSummit to adopt post-2015 development agenda • In the meantime the statistical community to advise their governments and to make sure they are consulted

  7. Post-2015 Agenda UN Secretary General UN General Assembly Inter Agency Expert Group SG Special Advisor UN GA Open Working Group (OWG) Country Representation High‐level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) UN System Task Team (UNTT) Stat, Com. Friends of the Chair (FOC) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) WG on Monitoring and Indicators National Statistical Systems Task Team Lessons Learned in MDG Monitoring UNDG National, global and thematic consultations RegionalConsultations High Level Political Forum Technical Support Team on SDG UN Global Compact UN Country Consultations WG on Global Partnership for Development Committee of experts on Sustainable Development Financing World We Want web platform My World Global Survey UN Thematic Consultations WG on Financing for sustainable development February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 United Nations System Governments/Public

  8. Post 2015 process and statistics • Rio+20, “The Future we want” (June 2012) • Para 38: Recognized the need for broader measures of progress to complement GDP • Requested UN SC to launch work in this area • Report of High-level Panel of Eminent Persons (May 2013) • Offered a set of illustrative goals (12) and targets • Called for a data revolution with regard to: • Data availability and better accountability in measuring progress • Improve the quality of statistics and information available to citizens • UN FOC Group on Broader Measures of Progress (May 2013) • Ensure a robust statistical measurement approach is incorporated from the outset In the preparations for the post-2015 agenda

  9. Statisticians were not taken by surprise • 2005, UNECE, Eurostat and OECD, work on Measuring SD, Report focuses on intergenerational issues of SD using capital measures • 2007, OECD, Project on Measuring Progress • 2009, Communication of EC on GDP and Beyond and Report by the Commission on Measurement of Economic performance and Social Progress (StiglitzCommission) • 2011, OECD Better Life Initiative; ESSC adopts report by a Sponsorship Group on Measuring Progress, well-being and SD • 2012 E-frame for Measuring Progress • June 2013, UNECE Conference of European Statisticians endorsed Recommendations for Measuring SD, by a joint UNECE, Eurostat, OECD Task Force • Other global efforts, national initiatives, NGOs

  10. Framework and Indicators for Measuring SD, Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force (1) • Conceptually builds on 3 dimensions of human well-being: here and now, later and elsewhere. • Identifies specific policy themes of SD • Links the policy oriented and conceptual approaches: strength of the framework • 3 sets of indicators could be drawn • A flexible tool, indicators could be adjusted by countries • Identifies a number of measurement issues • Expected to inform the development of SDGs and lead to harmonization of national and international data sets

  11. Framework and Indicators for Measuring SD, Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD Task Force (2) • Pilot testing the indicator sets by 8 countries; Australia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine • Case studies on the experience of using the framework • OECD plans testing the indicator sets with the perspective of using them for monitoring and benchmarking the comparative performance of OECD countries • Further methodological work: • Measuring transboundary impacts in the context of SD • Measuring SD at different scales (regional, company) • Linking subjective and objective indicators • Work on social and human capital and natural capital is on-going

  12. UN Friends of the Chair Group (FOC) on Broader Measures of Progress • Stocktaking of national and international initiatives • Reviewed the report of the HLP of Eminent Persons • Contributed statistical notes in support to a large set of issue briefs for the thematic sessions (28 themes covered) of the OWG on SDGs • Contributed to an informal session of the OWG on SDGs on measuring progress (December 2013) • A report for the March 2014 session of UN SC • Strong reference to the Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD conceptual framework to measure SD • Framework based on internationally agreed normative standards • Invites statistical community to consider the Framework and its recommendations

  13. Question for voting from the audience • What role have statisticians played so far in the post 2015 Agenda • (A) Statisticians have informed sufficiently and have influence • (B) Statisticians have informed sufficiently, but do not have influence • ( C ) Statisticians have not informed sufficiently but have influence • (D) Statisticians have not informed sufficiently and do not have influence

  14. Conclusions • Much has happened throughout the world in the field of measuring progress and sustainability • Framework proposed by Joint UNECE/Eurostat/OECD TF is largely recommended • Defining Post - 2015 agenda will benefit from the work done so far • Post-2015 agenda Goals is expected to boost further the statistical development; capacity building • Develop new data sources, methods and methodologies to better meet data requirements of SDGs • Development of SDGs may influence what will be considered globally accepted measures of progress • Need to set up a relevant mechanism for monitoring and reporting

  15. Post-2015: still on-going • Continue to provide statistical support in the design of SDGs and post-2015 agenda to ensure statistical considerations are appropriately taken into account • Continue being involved in the process to ensure dialogue between the political and statistical communities • Provide methodological advice in defining targets and indicators • Prepare for reporting on global SDGs as of 2017-18 • The picture of how all will fit together gets clearer !?

  16. Question for voting from the audience • What role statisticians should play when the SDGs are defined ? • (A) Concentrate on measuring the SDGs • (B) Measure the SDGs but also continue activities on better measures of progress

  17. Annex:

  18. Post-2015 Agenda UN Secretary General UN General Assembly Inter Agency Expert Group SG Special Advisor UN GA Open Working Group (OWG) High‐level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) UN System Task Team (UNTT) Stat, Com. Friends of the Chair (FOC) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) WG on Monitoring and Indicators Task Team Lessons Learned in MDG Monitoring UNDG National, global and thematic consultations RegionalConsultations High Level Political Forum Technical Support Team on SDG UN Global Compact Committee of experts on Sustainable Development Financing UN Country Consultations WG on Global Partnership for Development World We Want web platform My World Global Survey UN Thematic Consultations February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 February 17, 2014 Sustainable Devlopment/Rio+20 MDG/post-2015 Development

  19. UN System Task Team (UNTT) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda • Composed of 60 UN entities • Contribute to the consultation process • Coordinate system-wide preparations and define a system-wide vision on a post-2015 agenda • Critical evaluation of how the MDGs have worked • Lead by UNDESA and UNDP • Inform the High-level Panel of Eminent persons • 3 Inter-agency technical support teams

  20. UNTT Working Groups: • WG on Monitoring and Indicators: • report "Statistics and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda“, identified challenges and opportunities involved in the selection of indicators in thematic areas that will be relevant for a holistic development agenda, such as population dynamics, inequalities, linking sustainability and development, and data disaggregation. • Inter-agency Technical Support Team (TST): • consists of over 40 UN entities to support the OWG (technical support, analytical inputs, background material, expert panelists • WG on global partnership for development beyond 2015 • think pieces on lessons learnt from MDG8 and on specific themes related to global partnerships in the post-2015 agenda.

  21. High-level Panel of Eminent Persons • Prepare a bold yet practical development vision • Members from civil society, private sector and government leaders • Chair: PM D. Cameron (UK), Pr. Ellen Sirleaf (Liberia) and Pr. S. Bambang(Indonesia) • Consultations: National (100), civil society organizations (more than 5000), private sector (250) and global youth • Report in May 2013: calls for a data revolution

  22. Inter Agency Expert Group on MDGs • MDGs monitoring and reporting: statisticians from UN Secretariat, UN specialized agencies, other intern. agencies (incl. OECD, Eurostat), NSOs. • Report for SG and HLP on Statistics and Indicators for post 2015 dev. agenda • Technical teams on specific topics: e.g. use of administrative data, role of big data, etc. • Coordinated by UN Statistical Division

  23. Open Working Group • Created by UN General Assembly in September 2013 • Key objective: developsustainable development goals • Representatives of member countries (30 seats, most shared by several countries)

  24. Sustainable Development Solutions Network(SDSN) • Launched in Sept. 2012 by UN SG to accelerate problem solving for SD, develop an indicator framework • Independent global network of researchers, universities, lead by Prof. J. Sachs • In 2013 mapped out 10 operational priorities and proposed goals (10) and targets (30) • A core set of indicators for the goals and targets, incl. reporting and monitoring mechanism available for public consultation as of 14 Febr.

  25. UN Global Compact • A strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. • Building the Post-2015 Business Engagement Architecture • Alliance with Global reporting Initiative and World Business Council for SD

  26. UN High-level Political Forum • Created in June 2012 to replace the Commission for Sustainable Development. • Meets every year for 8 days within the ECOSOC to: • provide political leadership and recommendations for sustainable development, • follow-up and review progress in implementing sustainable development commitments, • enhance the integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, • have a focused, dynamic and action-oriented agenda, • consider new and emerging sustainable development challenges.

  27. The World We Want • A web platform facilitated by the UN Development Group (lead by UN Women and UNDP) • Global consultation on post 2015 agenda; • My World Survey (over 1 mln respondents) to gather the priorities of people from every corner of the world; • Report on A Million Voices: The World we Want, published in 2013 • http://www.worldwewant2015.org/

  28. Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on SD Financing • Created by UN GA in June 2013, composed of 30 experts • Assess financing needs, propose an effective SD financing strategy to facilitate the mobilization of resources and their effective use • Complete its work by 2014

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