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雲 南民歌組曲 ( 迴旋曲 ). Suite of Yun-Nan Folk Songs (Rondo). A. 彌度山歌 Hillside love song B. 山茶花 Camellia C. 綉 荷 包 Embroidered Wallet D. 猜 謎 歌 Riddle song. 黄友 棣 編曲. Music arranged by Yau -Tai Hwang. 咿哪 山 對山來岩對岩 蜜蜂採花深山來. Hey!
雲南民歌組曲 (迴旋曲) Suite of Yun-Nan Folk Songs (Rondo) A. 彌度山歌 Hillside love song B. 山茶花 Camellia C. 綉荷包 Embroidered Wallet D. 猜謎歌 Riddle song 黄友棣 編曲 Music arranged by Yau-Tai Hwang
咿哪 山對山來岩對岩 蜜蜂採花深山來 Hey! Hills match with hills and rocks match with rocks. Bees drink nectar from flowers and enter the deep hills
蜜蜂本為採花死 梁山伯對祝英台 Bees willingly die for the nectar from flowers, Like the legendary Butterfly Lovers
伊哪 梁山伯對祝英台 Like the legendary Butterfly Lovers
山對山來岩對岩 小河隔着過不來 Hills match with hills and rocks match with rocks.A stream separates a pair of lovers.
哥抬石頭妹兜土 花橋造起走過來 He moves rocks and she moves the mud. They build a decorated bridge that they cross.
伊哪 花橋造起走過來 Hey! They walk across the decorated bridge that they have built.
啊 山茶那個花來山茶花 十個大姐採山茶 Oh! Camellia flowers! Ten maids are picking tea on the hill
花籃歇在山坡上 唱個山歌轉回家 They lay they baskets on the hillside They sing their songs and return home
小哥 我說給你 唱個山歌轉回家 Young Man, I sing for you. I’ll sing my song and return home
大理茶花 頭一朵 誰真愛我就嫁給他 The Camellia of Dali, first in bloom, The one who loves me truly, I’ll marry him
小哥 我說給你 誰真愛我就嫁給他 Young Man, I am singing to you. The one who loves me truly, I’ll marry him
小哥 我說給你 誰真愛我就嫁給他 Young Man, I am singing to you. The one who loves me truly, I’ll marry him
山對山來岩對岩 小河隔着過不來 Hills match with hills and rocks match with rocks. A stream separates a pair of lovers.
哥抬石頭妹兜土 花橋造起走過來 He moves rocks and she shovels the mud, They build a decorated bridge that they cross.
伊哪 花橋造起走過來 Hey! They walk across the decorated bridge that they have built.
小小荷包 雙絲雙線飄 妹綉荷包墜郎腰 This little purse is sewn with double strands of light silk thread. This purse will weigh heavy on the waist of my man
我的哥哥,等是等等着 不等哥哥要等那一個 My loved one, I have waited long for you. If I don’t wait for you, for whom should I wait?
荷包綉給情哥帶 妹送荷包有來由 This purse is embroidered for my loved one to carry.There is good reason why I send this purse.
妹送荷包有來由 There is good reason why I send this purse.
哥帶荷包街前走 妹有心事要告訴哥哥 You will carry the purse as you go on the road.You will remember that I have affairs of the heart to tell you.
小乖乖來 小乖乖 我們說給你們猜 Little ones come! We’ll give the riddle, and you’ll guess the answer.
什麽長, 長上天 ? 那樣長, 水中間 ? What is long in the sky? What is long in the water?
什麽長長街前賣? 那樣長長妹跟前嘍來? What is long and sold on the streets? What is long and in front of a girl?
小乖乖來 小乖乖 你們說給我們猜 Little ones come! You’ll give the riddle, and we’ll guess the answer
銀河長長上天,蓮藕長,水中間, 米線長長街前賣, 絲線長長妹跟前嘍來 The Milky Way is long in the sky. The lotus root is long in the water.Rice noodles are long and sold on the street. Silk threads are long and in front of a girl.
小乖乖來 小乖乖 我們說給你們猜 Little ones come! We’ll give the riddle, and you’ll guess the answer.
什麽圓, 圓上天 ? 那樣圓, 水中間 ? What is round in the sky? What is round in the water?
什什麽圓圓街前賣? 那樣圓圓妹跟前嘍來? What is round and sold on the streets? What is round and in front of a girl?
小乖乖來 小乖乖 你們說給我們猜 Little ones come! You’ll give the riddle, and we’ll guess the answer.
月亮圓, 圓上天, 荷葉圓, 水中間. The moon is round in the sky. Lotus leaves are round in the water.
粑粑圓圓街前賣, 鏡子圓圓妹跟前嘍來 Rice cakes are round and sold on the streets. A mirror is round and in front of a girl.
咿哪 山對山來岩對岩 蜜蜂採花深山來 Hey! Hills match with hills and rocks match with rocks. Bees drink nectar from flowers and enter the deep hills
蜜蜂本為採花死 梁山伯對祝英台 Bees willingly die for the nectar from flowers, Like the legendary Butterfly Lovers
伊哪 梁山伯對祝英台 Like the legendary Butterfly Lovers
山對山來岩對岩 小河隔着過不來 Hills match with hills and rocks match with rocks.A stream separates a pair of lovers.
哥抬石頭妹兜土 花橋造起走過來 He moves rocks and she moves the mud. They build a decorated bridge that they cross.
伊哪 花橋造起走過來 Hey! They walk across the decorated bridge that they have built.