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E-Government: Conduct Business Online with Level 2 Account Access

Access a one-stop hub for FSA inquiries, utilize eAuthentication benefits for lenders, and secure private data with 128-bit SSL encryption. Follow steps to obtain electronic data submission access for guaranteed loans.

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E-Government: Conduct Business Online with Level 2 Account Access

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  1. E-Government Conduct business online! With a level 2 account access you can have 1-stop access to a variety of FSA inquiries, including USDA-LINC for lenders. Want to know more? Read on….

  2. eAuthentication Advantages to Lenders Faster Service- Documents and forms are submitted in real-time. Save mailing time, paper generation, and faster turnaround. Access to FSA’s Paperless Systems- Loan Status Reporting, Loan applications and closing documents, Access to borrower’s account Information, Loss Claim Submission (coming soon), and Interest Assistance Renewals (coming soon). By using these systems, Lenders will have instant access to their borrower’s account information according to FSA records. Electronically sign documents- By using your USDA eAuthentication account, you can digitally sign documents so you don’t have to sign originals. Flexibility- No software to buy or install. You can submit documents and images in any of the following formats: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat PDF documents and images, Web Equity Manager exported ZIP files, Images, and Text. Secure and Private- eFiling uses 128 bit secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology used by many commercial banks in on-line banking applications.- We Do Not Use lender employees’ Social Security Numbers. You should change your password on a regular basis.

  3. Obtaining Access for Electronic Data Submission Lenders who will participate in electronic reporting for Farm Service Agency (FSA ) Guaranteed Loans must do the following: • Recertify using the revised FSA 2201 Lenders Agreement which includes the terms and conditions for lender participation in electronic data submission. • Ensure that all lender employees who need access to electronic reporting obtain a Level 2 eAuthentication ID and password at this time. • Designate an employee as a Security Administrator who will act as a point of contact to FSA. A lender can choose to designate additional Security Administrators to act as a backup. A Security Administrator will delegate and assist in maintaining the access for the other lender employees and will have access to all FSA loan information for all branches of the lender. • At this time, we are encouraging lenders to complete the above three items. The following pages provide additional information on eAuthentication and Electronic Data Submission. Any user who already has a Level 2 eAuthentication account does not need to self-register again.

  4. Access: www.eauth.egov.usda.gov Click Hyperlink

  5. www.eauth.egov.usda.gov Click Hyperlink

  6. Enter requested info and click Continue. On the next page, verify that all info is correct and click Submit. *Even though you are representing the Lender, you are creating an eAuthentication account as an individual. Your name and home address must match what is on your state issued drivers license or id, US passport or US military ID card. The alternate phone number field may be used to enter your work phone number. We prefer that you enter a work email address, because this is where all electronic notifications and reminders will beaddressed.

  7. Last Step You must visit a local USDA Service Center in person for identity proofing. Please have your government issued photo ID (e.g. State issued drivers license, State issued ID, US Passport or US Military ID) with you when you visit the USDA Service Center. Note: Your first name and last name as submitted with your eAuthentication registration must exactly match your first name and last name as printed on your government issued photo ID that you present at the Service Center. Your address, also, needs to match the address on your photo ID. Once the identity proofing has been completed, your ID will be activated and you can submit completed forms via USDA’s eForms web site. An online reporting system that will give lender employees the ability to input semi-annual status reports, default status reports, and closing reports into FSA’s database is projected to be ready for use in the near future. FSA will let you know when the online reporting system is ready for use and what you will need to do to gain access to that system using your Level 2 eAuthentication ID. Now for the next step – USDA – LINC ….

  8. Lender’s Security Administrator access to the USDA LINC Site (Summary): • The person designated by the lender as the lender’s Security Administrator must obtain a Level 2 eAuthentication ID and account if that person does not already have an ID and account established. Also, all other lender employees who will need access to electronic reporting must obtain Level 2 eAuthentication IDs and accounts. • Ensure your lending institution has recertified with the revised FSA-2201 Lender’s Agreement. • Your local FSA Service Center should report the name of the lender’s designated Security Administrator (SA) to the Farm Loan Program Section in the State Office. The State Office will add the designated SA to the Application Authorization Security Management (AASM) system, which gives the SA access to FSA’s electronic reporting systems. • The Lender Security Administrator will receive an email notification after FSA adds him/her to the AASM system. The email includes the USDA LINC website address. (See sample email language below): “You have been authorized as a Security Administrator in Guaranteed Loan System - Level 2 (GLSLVL2). Your Guaranteed Loan System - Level 2 (GLSLVL2) users should go to the following eAuthentication web site to self-register for level 2 security to obtain an ID and password: www.eAuth.egov.usda.gov. Then you can log-on to the Guaranteed Loan System - Level 2 (GLSLVL2) web site located at https://usdalinc.sc.egov.usda.govto delegate access to the Guaranteed Loan System - Level 2 (GLSLVL2) for all of your users.” Note: Any user who already has a level 2 eAuthentication account does not need to self-register again. The Security Administrator should delegate access using the existing level 2 eAuthentication ID for other lender users.

  9. Complete! • Ensure you have all other training materials to input status reports into USDA-LINC. They are available in PowerPoint format at www.fsa.usda.gov/ks or you may contact FSA Kansas State Office in Manhattan 785-564-4765 or email shelly.wolf@ks.usda.gov for additional guidance. • To submit loan packages online, you’ll login with your level 2 eauth user ID at http://forms.sc.egov.usda.gov/eforms/mainservlet • Remember the USDA-LINC site is different for inputting reports at https://usdalinc.sc.egov.usda.gov/

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