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Manuscript Review. Prepared by Noni MacDonald MD FRCPc Editor-in-Chief Paediatrics and Child Health Former Editor-in -Chief CMAJ. www.newmoon.uk.com/ritual/magickal-ink.gif. 2012. 1. Objectives. By the end of this discussion, the participant will be able to
Manuscript Review Prepared by Noni MacDonald MD FRCPc Editor-in-Chief Paediatrics and Child Health Former Editor-in -Chief CMAJ www.newmoon.uk.com/ritual/magickal-ink.gif 2012 1
Objectives By the end of this discussion, the participant will be able to Outline the steps for manuscript review and acceptance at a medical journal List the major factors peer reviewers are asked to take into account in reviewing a manuscript Describe other factors editors also consider Explain editorial terms like –intercept, revise, overhaul 2012 2
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review 1 2 3 4 Intercept* Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 3
Intercept-The Big “NO” Letter Editor + an associate editor looked over the manuscript: decided- not a fit by topic * bad science* poorly written* too many articles on topic not fit format of journal other…… No Reviews attached upload.wikimedia.org 2012 4
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review* 1 2 3 4 Intercept Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 5
Peer Review 1 Editor or assoced decides is worthy to go out for review 2 to 6 reviewers selected may include 1 or 2 suggested by author looking for at least 2 to 3 reviews to come in electronic review invitations faster, attached to database 2012 6
Peer Review: Criteria Scientific Quality methods -including stats data for conclusions Presentation clarity of writing title - specific - fits content abstract - brief, clear figures and tables Research Violations ethics: human,animal Rating rank to sci in field Confidential novelty, significance Comments for Author # each, design, data consistent with rating 2012 7
Peer Review Criteria Check List Importance of research question Originality of research Delineation of strengths & weaknesses methodology/experimental / statistical/interpretation of results 4. Writing style-table /figure presentation,citations accurate 5. Ethical concerns human,animal, no plagerism, no COI 6. Is it a good read? 2012 Benos et al Advances in Physiology Education 2003;27:47-52 Roberts et al. Academic Psychiatry 2004:28:81-87
Peer Review: Criteria Manuscript “privileged” information do not disclose to others Destroy after your review- paper,tables, figures etc If shared work of review- when report state with whom did this 2012 9
Peer Review: Editors Evaluation Thoroughness, comprehensiveness Timeliness Citation of evidence to support critique Constructive criticism Objectivity Clear statement re priority and appropriateness Benos et al Advances in Physiology Education 2003;27:47-52 2012 10
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review 1 2 3 4 Intercept Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 11
Reject Letter Take time review comments editor, reviewers Consider submit to another journal resubmit to same journal: address all concerns bp0.blogger.com 2012 12
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review 1 2 3 4 Intercept Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 13
Revise = Accept One step closer Address all comments change what can, explain why not if not Take your time but do NOT dawdle serious work May go out for review again…… commerce.concordia.ca 2012 14
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review 1 2 3 4 Intercept Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 15
Galley Proofs = Accept Only get one set Usually on line or email 3. Answer all queries 4. Check with great care - tables - figures - text = data - citations - authors names and spelling 5 Time deadline!!!! 6. Can now say article “in press” - often up online epub ahead of print – can cite 2012 16
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review 1 2 3 4 Intercept Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 17
Research and Writing a Paper Reviewing Your Paper We are building our boat and sailing it at the same time. David Heymann WHO on SARS crisis Explore.ca Peggy’s Cove, Canada 2012 18
Authors Manuscript Re-submit Reject Revise Editor and Editorial Staff Galley Proofs Peer Review 1 2 3 4 Intercept Issue for publication set Paper published Online- print 2012 19