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Green vegetables, such as spinach, watercress, and rocket are the highest oxygen-containing foods, this means, when you eat a huge green salad for breakfast, it is like sitting in a room full of pure oxygen every day before you start the day. So, in essence, it oxygenates the whole body filling you with masses amounts of energy. Would anyone like to guess how much oxygen, there is in a full English breakfast or cereal?<br><br>https://supplementsbureau.com/probio7-review/<br><br>https://diethours.com/4-day-thyroid-diet-review/<br><br>http://wedidreviewforyou.com/the-tao-of-badass-review/
Candida and Diet 101 by Harold Brown Oneal It's absolutely fantastic for improving health, if you start having huge green salad for breakfast, you can be guaranteed your health will improve, you will see improvements in your skin, energy levels, digestive system, brain function and much more because of the anti-oxidants and other nutrients contained in a big salad are feeding your body with exactly what it needs for once, as your health improves you will rapidly start to lose weight and feel better because excessive body fat is generally due to the body being in an un healthy state full of toxins from acidifying foods like dairy products, cereals and grains and the safest place to store toxins is in body fat as opposed to the essential organs and which will be harmed by these toxins. This is also the reason why, when you normally try to lose weight, you fail it's because you have not worked on getting healthier. It's simple really, ask yourself, do you think the body wants to lose that body fat, which is storing all those deadly toxins from the foods you eat and release them into your essential organs and blood stream to cause havoc on the body? The answer is obviously NO, so until you start eating healthy and having lots of green vegetables to oxygenate and fill your body with nutrients you will almost certainly never lose any weight. On to the most important part of this article. What to put in your salad and why? Ok, so your thought of a salad if probably quite different to mine, like most people it's generally a bowl of iceberg lettuce and maybe a few slices of tomato for decoration. Well let's get things straight, that isn't a salad! To gain all the benefits listed above a salad needs to be quite different to that, it should be full of dark green leafy vegetables such as rocket, watercress and spinach as these are some of the most nutritious vegetables around (Popeye was right). https://supplementsbureau.com/probio7-review/ https://diethours.com/4-day-thyroid-diet-review/ http://wedidreviewforyou.com/the-tao-of-badass-review/