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SyncLeads Review - What is Sync Leads? The SyncLeads software has a full set of built-in business building features, and needed integrations, to enable to take full advantage of multiple autoresponder & webinars & membership software leads submission, individual & mass coupon system, free viral leverage of paid ads, lead form subscribe action boosters, segmentation, lead magnets, rewards, contests, sweepstakes, surveys, free facebook lead form distribution through complementary synergy app, and optional full leads backup protection (works with pass thru onlytoo).
Here is what SyncLeadsincludes: • Instant Multiple Targets Submit: autoresponders, webinars, membership software, and most other webapps • Built-In Instant Coupon system for Unique & MassCodes • Universal HTML integration with Almost Every Existing autoresponder, webinar system, membership software, blog, web app &more • Mass Distribution for Facebook Lead Forms for FREE to Unlimited Fanpages with complementary synergyapp • Average Lead Ads Cost Savings with Viral Leverage of paid and free FB lead forms through OptInUpintegration. • SyncLeads Review - How Sync Leads Work? • Double click, or double tap onmobile. • That’s how easy it is to collect email subscribers from Facebook and add them to your email list. They do not have to type anything or accept any kind ofapplication. • All they have to do is to double click or double tap on your message, and you will get their facebook verified emailaddresses. • SyncLeads team have created the easy way for you to not only instantly transfer those collected subscribers to multiple autoresponders, webinar platforms, and membership software, all at the same time, but we have also added major leads ads cost saving and business building functionality on top ofthat. • SyncLeads allows you to skyrocket both your subscription rate and instant sales with built-in couponsystem. • It also allows you to massively lower your average cost per lead with viral leverage of paid leads ads, which lets you get large number of free leads per each of paid lead, and to post facebook native lead ad forms to unlimited facebook fan pages without paying anything for them atall. • Syncleads software works for both those who advertise on Facebook by using paid leads ads, and for those who prefer only free version ofit. • If you use paid Facebook lead ads, your already know that it is the best and the least expensive way to get laser targeted subscribers, but it does not mean that you should just settle on paying for leads without leveraging the very same dollars in order to get great multiple of free leads for eachpaid. • But if you just want to use SyncLeads with free Facebook lead ad forms you come to the right place,too. • Not only SyncLeads complementary synergy app can take care of massive distribution of your free lead ad form to unlimited facebook properties, but by using the 2nd app with which SyncLeads is integrated with, you can put those leads forms on overdrive with viral mechanics, about which I tell you later in this video.
With SyncLeads your are not limited to either paid or free lead ads but you can use both at the same time, which would even give you extra facebook reach boost ontop. • Now let me tell you exactly why SyncLeads is way better technology than any other similar software out there, and why it can bring your business to next level regardless if you use paid, or free lead ad forms distributed by synergy app which comes withSyncLeads. As soon as Facebook released lead ads last year, the first generation of apps was created in a hurry to unlock transfer of leads from facebook toautoresponder. Those apps were created to solve the problem with Facebook delivering leads just as csv file download.
Because most autoresponders limit and often reject manually uploaded leads, and because prospects expect instant first reply to convert, leads ads where practically unusable for direct marketers without the facebook-to-autoreponder transferapp. Those first generation apps did solve the big problem, but as time passed marketers noticed that as great as the simple lead transfer is, it does not really help them with building the business besides having the leads moved toautoresponder. That need spurred a handful of 2nd generation apps with added isolated features, such as coupons or multiple autoresponders submit on top first generation layer, but because of very limited improvements and spread of features between different apps, it was only a slight improvement on generationone. SyncLeads is the very first 3rd generation app, which is not just a pipe for leads flow, but provides a complete 360 marketing solution for Facebook lead ads on top ofit. SyncLeads Review - Sync Leads SpecialFeatures: The base SyncLeads feature of the software is to instantly transfer leads from Facebook to autoresponders. That base feature is vastly improved in SyncLeads software toinclude submission of leads to multiple autoresponders, webinar systems, and memberships platforms all at the sametime. Transfer to multiple targets it not only a convenient feature, but a real “must have” for removing limits on your marketing campaigns and on the way you engage and convert prospect. SyncLeads software supports most popular autoresponders through API integrationand GoToWebinar. While the number supported APIs increases on monthly basis, the most important fact is that SyncLeads already supports almost all existing autoresponders, webinar systems, membership platform, blogs, and other web software with html post integration. On the other hand there, is an ocean of custom autoresponders, webinar platforms outside of gotowebinar, membership software, blogs, and other web software which are the other 99% of the web, and for which either there is no API, or there is not enough users or development capacity to integrate withindividually. Convince subscribers to sign up for a free trial of your paid membership, and then invite your free members to join pre-recorded webinar event, where you convert them from prospects tobuyers. With the use of SyncLeads, prospect just double click or double tap on your lead ad form, and they are instantly subscribed to your autoresponder, free trial membership iscreated, and the prospect is added to pre-recorded webinarevent. Another great SyncLeads feature is a built-in coupon system, which allows you to both build a list and make money at the same time. This feature is a must have for eCommerce and a great thing to have for digital product. SyncLeads built-in feature supports ability to give unique coupons to each subscriber or same coupon to all subscribers of specific facebook leadform. It is the ultimate viral list building, customer acquisition, and segmentation system inone. It allows to run viral product launches, viral giveaways with reward, as well as viral contest andsweepstakes. It also allows to both build a list and segment customers with viral surveys.
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