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Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful thing. After you’re gone, your money will help us to continue our support so that those with Rett syndrome can live their life to the full.
Rett syndrome can live their life to the full Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful thing. After you’re gone, your money will help us to continue our support so that those with Rett syndrome can live their life to the full. You don’t need pots of money to leave a financial legacy. A gift in your will doesn’t mean your family and loved ones will lose out. And whether it’s big or small, your contribution will really make a difference. If you’d like to leave Rett UK something in your will, you can do it in different ways:- * Residuary gift This allows you to leave a percentage of your estate to us after your family have received the share you left them and things like funeral expenses have been paid. As little as 1% will make a significant difference to the support we can give. * Pecuniary gift with this, you bequeath a fixed sum of money to our charity. It’s advisable to get this type of gift index-linked so inflation doesn’t affect its value. * A specific gift You can leave us a particular item – things like jewellery, artwork, a car, land, buildings or shares. With both a residuary and pecuniary gift you can choose whether you’d like the gift to be restricted or non-restricted. If you’re happy for us to decide how best to use your money, go for non-restricted. However you might want the money to be used in a particular area of our work or for a specific project – in which case you can leave it as a restricted gift. When it comes to the taxman, both of us can benefit from a gift in will. Your gift may exempt you from or reduce your Inheritance Tax; and we won’t be taxed on your legacy either. You can find out more out leaving a gift in your will – or amending an existing will to include a charity – at Remember A Charity. * If you’d like to discuss leaving us a legacy, please contact Becky Jenner on 01582 798910 or email becky.jenner@rettuk.org