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“Funny in Farsi” Presentation Example

“Funny in Farsi” Presentation Example. Mr. Sanders - English 235. PowerPoint Requirements. -3-4 minutes total -Each person presents at least once using notecards -1 picture per slide -Well organized and structured Above is an example of roughly 20 words. 20 words per slide - MAX.

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“Funny in Farsi” Presentation Example

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Funny in Farsi” Presentation Example Mr. Sanders - English 235

  2. PowerPoint Requirements -3-4 minutes total -Each person presents at least once using notecards -1 picture per slide -Well organized and structured Above is an example of roughly 20 words. 20 words per slide - MAX

  3. Sharing Requirements -Must share PowerPoint and Word Document with notes with me via google drive ctsanders@sps186.org

  4. What NOT to do: To be clear, you will not be copying and pasting an article that you found online and just reading it at us. Not only is this boring, but chances are you aren’t actually learning anything. Did anyone see an IR speech that looked like this where there were too many words and not enough pictures? It’s actually kind of hard to tell where the really important information is when you think about it. Everything runs together and it looks like a sloppy hot mess. Who wants to read something that looks like this anyway? Personally, I know I don’t. In fact, I’m willing to bet the people who didn’t read their books did something like this. They get scared of “messing up” or “not being prepared” so they put every single thing the possibly can and jam it into a slide or two. I’ll willing to bet the people that did this didn’t get as high of a grade. I zone out whenever someone posts anything like this one the board and chances are you do too. How many of you actually listened to every single word (attentively) as I read this to you just now?

  5. Directions - Once you have computers and are seated with your groups 1st - Everyone should log into his or her GOOGLE DRIVE____________@students.sps186.org account (Password = Lunch pin)

  6. Share 2nd - Have one person share your PowerPoint with me (RIGHT AWAY) not when you are finished 3rd - Same as #2, but make sure it’s your Word Document

  7. To take a Screen-Shot Hold -Command -Shift -4 Then, click picture link to upload

  8. Resource Links(last slide) Put the hyperlinks / URLs of websites where you took your information from

  9. Use time wisely Today - Computer Cart C Friday - Computer Cart C Monday - Begin presentations Tuesday - Begin “Funny in Farsi”

  10. Finally... Should you choose to not follow the directions, Namaste Frog’s cousin will judge you. (Harshly…)

  11. GROUPS

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