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Future role of Assessment and Care Management

Future role of Assessment and Care Management. Jeanette Thompson. Broader context in which all this sits. Developments of support planning and brokerage Enable people and families to take their own decisions Enable user led organisations and community groups to play their part

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Future role of Assessment and Care Management

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  1. Future role of Assessment and Care Management Jeanette Thompson

  2. Broader context in which all this sits • Developments of support planning and brokerage • Enable people and families to take their own decisions • Enable user led organisations and community groups to play their part • Shape support providers contribution • Focus care management • Promote the development of independent brokerage • Preventative agenda – local area co-ordination • Citizen leadership • Provision of information, advice and guidance

  3. Outcomes of last event :Future role of social care • Preventative agenda –eg LAC and IAG • Self Directed Support • Safeguarding Is this a social care role or the local authority? If local authority what element is social care?

  4. Key elements of the emerging role of Assessment and care management • Self directed support • Support navigator • Quality review officer • Gatekeeper of social care support • Professional social care input • Care co-ordination • Safeguarding co-ordinator • Preventative roles eg Local area or community co-ordinator

  5. Support Navigator • Provision of advice, information and guidance, including to people who fund themselves • Systems knowledge - Navigator • Signposting • Support planning • Identifying additional funding streams • Negotiator – conflict management • Advocate • Implementing support plans – procuring/purchasing

  6. Quality review officer • Agreeing plans / challenging plans • Gathering evidence and monitoring whether outcomes have been met • Monitoring satisfaction and contentment of the person with their life, their plan and providers • Problem solving • Publicising problems and successes • Community knowledge • Essentially focused on the review and learn process – increased amount of time invested in this area

  7. Gatekeeper of social care support • Fair access to care services co-ordination and the application of eligibility criteria • Determining need risk and vulnerability • Assessing levels of support needed and where this could be met from • Applying supported decision making principles • Determining funding via resource allocation system

  8. Professional social work input • Professional social work assessments • Approved social worker role • Mental capacity work • Court work • Counselling • Statutory functions • support to carers/carers assessment • ?? Best interest assessor

  9. Care co-ordination (CPA) and Partnerships • Managing risk • Co-ordinating support • Legal responsibilities • Interface with voluntary sector and health • Link with community development structures – strengthening voice of communities of interests • NB SAP roles and functions re co-ordination, LD defintions and those of CPA

  10. Safeguarding co-ordinator • Investigating and resolution of situations • Gain the trust of the public • Increased understanding of policies and procedures around safeguarding and risk • Support challenging people • Make difficult decisions • Provide consultancy advice and information • Support prosecutions • Understand mental health law

  11. Preventative role eg Local Area co-ordination • Not necessarily within the L.A. • Links to specific communities • Knowledge of the local community • Role with vulnerable people in the community and with the community to work with its vulnerable people – not service user group specific • Helps people to problem solve

  12. Instigates new projects in the community eg small sparks • Facilitates local community skills bank • Linking and networking • Marketing and information dissemination – can you – did you know • Signposting • Safeguarding

  13. Where does community development fit with this approach? Does assessment and care management have a role within this?

  14. Outcomes from last event • The roles made sense to everyone • Belief that we should provide a varied role for social workers • Acceptance of the conflict between the gatekeeping role and the support and quality monitoring role • Issues from a mental health perspective – particularly the interface between assessment and provision

  15. Regional and national developments • Level 2 members of in control able to sign up to network on future role of social worker – Sheffield have signed up to that group • CSIP/DH starting a network to look at future role of social worker • Defining the role • Leadership • Academic involvement

  16. Development of a personalisation module • Work with ADASS on future role of social worker • NTOW 10k to look at future role of social worker.

  17. What’s missing? Working in groups think about any roles or functions that are missing

  18. How do we communicate this information to the teams?

  19. How can we test the roles?

  20. What are the workforce development implications?

  21. Skill set • Person centred planning / approaches • Assessment skills • Negotiation and conflict management • Communication / Listening • Problem solving, creativity and flexibility • Networking, linking people • Risk management – shared risk • Accountability • Analytical skills • IT and presentation skills • Multi media • Advocacy • Quality • Decision making

  22. Evaluation skills

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