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People with dementia. Definitio n. What is dementia? Dementia is a set of symptoms which effect the function of the brain, it includes mood changes, loss of memory, communication and reasoning difficulties. Why are people vulnerable?
Definition • What is dementia? Dementia is a set of symptoms which effect the function of the brain, it includes mood changes, loss of memory, communication and reasoning difficulties. • Why are people vulnerable? People can take advantage of them as they get confused very easily, they need people to make some decisions for them and this could lead to them not doing the best for the clientbut for themselves
Key facts • 60% people who have dementia also have Alzheimer's • 20% have vascular dementia • 20% have a mixture of the two • Signs and symptoms; forgetfulness, carrying out tasks become harder to manage, confusion, trouble controlling moods and depression is common NHS, “Dementia” NHS 2013 Public health England • Dementia is progressive – symptoms can get progressively worse • 800,000 people within the UK with dementia • Can effect both men and women and most of the time can not be cured Dr S Crutch “What is dementia” Alzheimer's society, April 2011, London • Alzheimer's society is a leading research charity to help and support people with dementia, their families and cares Alzheimer's society 2013 Alzheimer's society Available from www.alzheimers.org.uk [last accessed 17/09/2013] • High blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol and diabetes increase chances of developing vascular dementia. NHS 2011 “Dementia” Produced by COI England
Legislations • If somebody has dementia they may need help from the NHS and the community care act(1990) they carry out a community care assessment for this such as adaptations, meals on wheels, community care and any other help required. C Bielanska “community care assessment” Alzheimer's society, October 2011, England • Powers of attorney would be put in place if the person lacked mental capacity so a decision could be made on their behalf – finances “mental capacity act” 2005 Age UK 2013 “dementia - money and legal matters” Age UK Available from www.ageuk.org.uk [last accessed on 26/06/2012] • Carers and disabled children act 2000 carers (equal opportunities) act 2004. These relate to ensuring that the individual with dementias carers are also looked after while providing the support for the individual. Social care institute for excellence, 2013 “dementia – supporting people with …” SCIE Available from www.scie.org.uk [last accessed on 21/07/2011]
Case studies • North Wiltshire's dementia backlog is cleared by trust • They say they have seen 207 patients within the past 6 months. People were waiting over a year to be diagnosed. • More clinics, new staff and GPs are allowed to diagnose and treat some forms of dementia BBC October 2013, “north Wiltshire's dementia backlog is cleared by trust” BBC available from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-24395960 [last accessed on 7/10/2013] • Dementia patients miss key tests , Many dementia patients fail to have the proper checks when they are in hospital, an audit of care has found. it says too few patients have their mental state assessed, and information is often not shared properly. BBC July 2013 “dementia patients miss key tests” BBC available from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-23273100 [last accessed on 7/10/2013]
Hospitals in England and Wales are falling short in the care given to dementia patients. The report highlights issues such as poor communication with families and a lack of personal care for patients. BBC December 2011, “ Dementia care” BBC Available from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-1620616 [last accessed on 7/10/2013
Further links • Book – the national dementia strategy, living well with dementia done by the department of health in 2009 • www.dementiauk.org/ • www.rice.org.uk