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Linköping U niversity. Reinventing research and education. Education Additional slides. An international university. 1,500 international students 570 students outgoing from LiU every year through different exchange programmes 5 00 partner universities in more than 50 countries.
Linköping University Reinventing research and education EducationAdditionalslides
An international university 1,500 international students 570 students outgoing from LiU everyyearthrough different exchangeprogrammes 500 partner universities in morethan50 countries
International education Many courses in English A broad rangeofmaster’sprogrammes Graduateschools
Studyprogrammes in Swedish with international focus Commercial and Business Law, focus on Europe International Business TeacherEducation, languagespecialisation Industrial Engineering and Management, International AppliedPhysics and ElectricalEngineering, International
International master’sprogrammes Engineering & Computer Sciences Environmental Studies Natural Sciences Education Social Sciences & Humanities
Linköping University in rankings Among the top 500 universities in the world.
The International Student Barometer containsabout 100 categories, butthere is onecomprehensivequestion:”Overall, howsatisfiedareyouwith all aspects of your University experience?”Linköping University comesouttop!
International Student Barometer LiU also received the best results within these categories: Learning spaces Laboratories Eco-friendly attitude Transport Accommodation quality IT support
N:o 1 in learningspaces Comfortable classrooms High-tech equipment Wi-fi access
N:o 1 in laboratories Top modern lab facilities Frequent access tolabs for students Close interaction between students and teachers
N:o 1 in eco-friendlyattitude Recycling stations Free campus bus connecting the threecampuses Eco-coffee and reusablethermomug
LiU best in itsclass All applications for new teachereducationgranted in 2011
Global recruitment 1,500 international students from 70 different countries 50 % women, 50 % men
International students reception Information package Orientationprogramme Peer student programme Swedish for exchange students
Wecontinuetoimproveoureducation Overall courseevaluation system Anonymous examination Satisfied Student Index Academiclanguage support
Degreesawarded at LiU Total 3,659 Professionaldegrees(≥180 ECTS) 2,125 MSc in Engineering 643 BSc in Engineering 107 University Medical Degree 145 Master/Bachelor ofEducation 490 BSc in Nursing 255 Other 485 General degrees(≥180 ECTS) 1,534 Master'sdegrees 607 Bachelor'sdegrees 543 Qualifications (<180 ECTS) 35
Close contactwithlabour market Fastesttransitiontoworkaftergraduation 95 % of the students get a job at the right levelofqualification
Carl-HenricSvanberg Chairman BP, former CEO Ericsson ÅkeSvensson President Association ofSwedish Eng. Ind.,former CEO Saab Ulf Ewaldsson CTO Ericsson BertilAndersson PresidentNanyangUniversity,Singapore GunillaCarlsson Swedish Minister for International DevelopmentCooperation GunillaNordström ExecutiveVice-President Electrolux Asia Mikael Ohlsson CEO Ikea Group Successful alumni
Alumni recommend LiU 85,000 alumni in the world Over 95 % ofour alumni wouldrecommendtheirchildrentostudy at LiU