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NATIONAL TRAINING FRAMEWORK & TAFE NSW STRUCTURE. National Training System. Access and Equity. Competency Based Training. Skilled Workforce. New Entry Level Training Arrangements. Competitive Training Market. National Training Framework. ANTA , DEST & DEEWR.

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  2. National Training System Access and Equity Competency Based Training Skilled Workforce New Entry Level Training Arrangements Competitive Training Market National Training Framework

  3. ANTA , DEST & DEEWR • Prior to the establishment of the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA), Australia had 8 separate training systems • ANTA was a Commonwealth Statutory authority that was established in 1992 to provide a national focus for VET, administer national programs and the Commonwealth funding of the National VET System. • From 1 July 2005 ANTA was abolished and responsibilities taken into Dept of Education Science & Training (DEST) • From 3 December 2007, DEST was abolished and replaced by the Dept of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR) (www.deewr.gov.au)

  4. Industry Driven Training

  5. Industry Skills Councils • Agri-Foods • Community Services and Health • Construction and Property Services • EE-Oz Training Standards (Electro- communications and Energy Utilities) • Forest Works • Government Skills • Innovation and Business • Manufacturing. • Skills DMC ( Coal Civil Construction, Drilling Mining) • Service Skills Industries • Transport and Logistics • Automotive. http://www.isc.org.au/

  6. Registered Training Organisations • All training organisations (including TAFE institutes) that issue Australian Qualifications Framework qualifications and statements of attainment must be registered. Only Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s): • can issue qualifications & statements of attainment that are recognised nationally • are listed on the National Training Information Service (NTIS) database • can be approved to provide courses to overseas students studying in Australia & listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions & Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) • are eligible to tender for public funding for vocational education & training • The ten TAFE Institutes are each individually registered as RTOs.

  7. Training Packages Training Packages : • Are sets of national endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people’s skills. • Describe the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace. • Are developed by industry through national Industry Skills Councils or by enterprises to meet the identified training needs of specific industries or industry sectors. • Consist of units of competence. These describe appropriate skills but do not indicate how an individual should be trained.

  8. Funding Commonwealth Government funding was provided to NSW under the 2005-2008 Commonwealth State Agreement for Skilling Australia’s Workforce (SAW Agreement). Under the agreement NSW needs to meet its share of national targets. New Commonwealth Funding Agreement • Focus on outputs, attainment including Indigenous enrolments and completions • No new recurring funding (less to NSW on population share) but same outputs required • Productivity Places for jobseekers, existing workers – contestable funding • Market design reforms

  9. TAFE NSW Institute Locations

  10. Federal and State Plans and Priorities • NSW State Plan • Strategic Plan for VET 2008-2010 • NSW DET Corporate Plan 2008-2010 Institute Executive Group Define Institute directions within state, national, local and regional frameworks and set Institute profile, targets and priorities. SWSI Strategic Directions 2009-20011 Specific targets for faculties Faculty Service Delivery Strategies Strategic and Business Planning

  11. SWSI Structure A faculty based structure with nine faculties each with a structure of Faculty Director, Assistant Faculty Director SEO Teaching & Learning and a Training Consultant. Reporting lines are through your Head Teacher who in turn reports to a Faculty Director. Head Teachers meet regularly with their faculty management team. Depending on the faculty, teachers of similar discipline areas may meet and cooperate to develop specific learning materials and undertake assessment validation activities. Implementation of faculty plans is through teaching sections located at the nine colleges ( ten sites) in the institute

  12. TAFE 21st Century • TAFE NSW training package products and services will facilitate not mandate how qualifications are delivered • Integrated TAFE Training Services aligned to ISCs • Capacity Development of Staff • All institutes able to utilise OTEN brand and system for flexible delivery Industry Skills Units: • Aligned to national Industry Skills Councils. • Develop and maintain resources to support implementation of Training Package qualifications  and accredited courses in TAFE NSW • Provide professional support and advice to Institutes to build the capability of staff to customise training products and services • Provide a contact point for industry, the community, government agencies and other key stakeholders on training and education matters for TAFE NSW • Provide specialist advice to government on training and education issues impacting on TAFE NSW  • Manage state wide projects and initiatives related to training and education services.

  13. The future • TAFE Workforce Development • Continued implementation of TAFE and 21st Century • More independence for Institutes, purchasing agreements • Promotion of information on performance and courses • Responding to expanded user choice in NSW • Influences of COAG Agenda • Productivity Places • Funding sources such as Teaching & Learning Capital Fund • Formation of Skills Australia • Ministerial Council for Vocational & Technical Education

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