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Anna Soci The state of the Project: overview and assessment Riga August 29/30, 2007. Objective 1
Anna Soci The state of the Project: overview and assessment Riga August 29/30, 2007
Objective 1 Identifying and analysing the main economic factors which influence the creation and the survival of enterprises in peripheral rural areas of Europe, and measuring the degree of their influencewith appropriate empirical methodologies We are still under the …….
The two tasks constituting the portion of the Objective 1 to be achieved in the second year are: to terminate the collection of information for the CGE and the NEG models to provide an analysis of the data collection results (for both categories of models) TASKS
The first task has been accomplished successfully Some delay due to the novelty of the approach for some partners and to the difficulty to collect good data on a small scale implied analogous delay in the full achievement of the second task. Accomplishment and evaluation
The second task is going to be accomplished: the SAMs were constructed and eventually balanced. The calibration process is going to be finalized. the NEG models started to be implemented with real data. the evaluation of the results just started (Meeting in Riga). The second task
The end-product of this second task is to evaluate the degree of influence of territorial factors on the growth and development of enterprises in remote rural areas via the results obtained from the CGE and NEG-type models.
We finished WP4: Collection of model information We have been through the 9/11th of WP5: Model calibration, analysis and results In terms of WPs…..
Research paper on information collection for individual CGE models. It will present the procedures followed in each study area for the collection of the necessary information for the construction of the models. Research paper on information collection for individual NEG models. It will present the procedures followed in each study area for the collection of the necessary information for the construction of the models. 2 DELIVERABLES (WP4) (on-line)
Research paper on application and results of individual CGE analyses. Comparative research paper on application and results of CGE analysis. Research paper on application and results of individual NEG analyses. Comparative research paper on application and results of NEG analysis. 4 DELIVERABLES (WP5)(in progress)
Partners participated at International Conferences with scholarly audience. Some Deliverables are in progress to receive a peer review for the publication on academic journals. Moreover, Partners performed an intense activity of diffusion of TERA tasks and work in progress in their own countries. Activities
P1 December 2006, Coordinator: participation at the Workshop “The diversity of rural areas in the enlarged EU: characterisation, typology and modelling” jointly organized by JRC, IPTS, DG AGRI in Seville (SP). January 2007, Coordinator: participation at the International Conference “Human and Social Sciences in the 7° FP”, organized by the University of Bologna in Bologna (I). The coordinator was asked to present the TERA Project to the audience as the example of a success within the 6° FP. May 2007, Coordinatorand dr. Melloni: participation at the Workshop “La politica agricola dell’Unione Europea: riflessi economici, giuridici, estimativi”, organized by the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, in Bologna (I). Participations
June 2007, Coordinator: participation at the Conference “An Award for Sustainable Development in the Province of Ferrara”, organized by CCAI in Ferrara (I). September 2006, Dr. Gruber and Dr. Marattin: participation at the 8th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group, Viennna (A). Two papers presented. August 2006, Dr. Gruber: participation at the SOEGW Conference in Rimini (I). Two papers presented.
P4 December 2006, dr. Psaltopoulos: participation at the Workshop “The diversity of rural areas in the enlarged EU: characterisation, typology and modelling” jointly organized by JRC, IPTS, DG AGRI in Seville (SP). One paper presented, jointly with Prof. Thomson (Aberdeen team). P5 December 2006, dr. Saktina: participation at theWorkshop “The diversity of rural areas in the enlarged EU: characterisation, typology and modelling” jointly organized by JRC, IPTS, DG AGRI in Seville (SP). One paper presented.
P6 September 2006, Ing. Bednarikova:participation at the International Conference Agrarian Perspectives XV, “Foreign Trade and Globalization Processes”, in Prague (CR). One paper presented. December 2006, Ing. Bednarikova: participation at theWorkshop “The diversity of rural areas in the enlarged EU: characterisation, typology and modelling” jointly organized by JRC, IPTS, DG AGRI in Seville (SP). One paper presented. All the Partners participated in the TERA meetings with contributed papers.
P1 submitted three papers to refereed journals: - S.Gruber and A.Soci, Agglomeration, agriculture and the perspectives of the periphery (to Spatial Economic Analysis) - S. Gruber and L. Marattin, No taxation withouth infrastrucure (to Spatial Economic Analysis) - S. Gruber, To migrate or to commute? (to Journal of Regional Science) Publications
The exchange of information has been efficient and full collaboration among the partners has always been present. The quality of the internal scientific debate was good and stimulating. Relationships
Visits to the University of Patras Ing. Bednarikova and dr. Saktina visited Patras (December 2006) to cooperate with Partner 4 on: i) the application of the mechanical GRIT-RAS technique for the construction of the regional tables for the Czech and Latvian study areas; ii) the analysis of superior data (survey questionnaires); iii) the formulation of the superior data to be inserted in the SAM tables. Prof. Galassi visited Patras (March 2006) to cooperate with Partner 4 on: i) the construction of the Italian mechanical SAM; ii) the analysis of superior data. Ing. Bednarikova visited Patras (June 2007) to cooperate with Partner 4 on the multiplier analysis, calibration and basic simulations of the Czech SAM. Visits
Visits to the University of Aberdeen dr Balamou visited Aberdeen (January 2007) to cooperate with Partner 2 on the application of the cross-entropy method for balancing the SAM tables and to discuss issues arising in the format of the TERA SAMs (to ensure consistency between partners). Ms Hyytia visited Aberdeen (May 2007) to clarify SAM construction issues; to provide support for finalising and balancing the Finnish SAM and calibrating the Finnish CGE model. dr Saktina and Ms Hyytia visited Aberdeen (June 2007) to balance the Latvian SAM; to calibrate the Finnish CGE models; to explain the type of multiplier analysis possible with the TERA SAMs; to explain the types of shocks to be used in the CGE model simulations.
Visits to Prague (Partner 6) Dr. Psaltopoulos visited Prague (September 2006) to cooperate with Partner 6 on: i) the specification of the structure of the Czech SAM model; ii) the application of the GRIT technique for the construction of mechanical regional table for the Czech study area.
Partners performed an intense activity of diffusion of TERA tasks and work in progress in their own countries (press-releases on regional and national newspapers, briefings with local authorities, articles on local newspapers,interviews on regional radio news, dissemination meetings) See PUDK (as a part of PAR) Dissemination
The TERA web-site www.dse.unibo/terawas ready in the Fall 2005 and last year Appendix to the Periodic Activity Report was describing it in details. During the second year the web-site has been continuously modified and improved. A large data-base was set up by the coordinator containing a nominative list of people (journalists, politicians, managers) to be contacted on the diverse occasions. Press release and press conferences were organized for each meeting. Printed matters (flyers, brochures, covers) and Presentation-supporting tools (templates, headed writing-paper) were provided to the Consortium for his dissemination activity.
Media relations: a press release has been provided for each meeting. a press-survey has been obtained from articles published during the meetings (many articles have been published in local newspapers). The press-survey is available on the TERA web site. a press conference has been organized where possible. Printed matters Newsletters to promote scientific results and dissemination actions have been prepared. Two yearly Newsletters are already available on the web site. Flyers and programs for the meetings have been standardized, and the EU, FP6, and TERA logo were added everywhere. The Project Working Paper series is ready and updated.
Two meetings had been organized. Archanes (Isle of Crete, Greece): October, 2006 This fourth meeting was devoted to the presentation of the SAMs and the problems related to their construction. The meeting had also a session of the Governing Body. Bologna (Italy): May 25th, 2007. This was uniquely a Governing Body meeting whose main target was to help partners in managing their duties for the second reporting period. In addition, the organization of the fifth meeting in Riga, of the mid-Project Conference in Ferrara, and of the possibility of having the final Conference in Gand, were discussed in the meeting together with other important issues like the intellectual property rights among the partners and related problems. MEETINGS
WP4 Correspondence between the “expected” objectives and results and the “actual” objective and results ALL THE EXPECTED OBJECTIVES AND RESULTS HAVE BEEN REACHED SUCCESSFULLY and ALL THE MILESTONES HAVE BEEN REACHED. Correspondence between the “expected” and the “actual” Deliverables THE FINAL DELIVERABLES MIRROR PERFECTLY THE EXPECTED DELIVERABLES Overall evaluation
WP5 Correspondence between the “expected” objectives and results and the “actual” objective and results. No final evaluation is possible since WP5 is still in progress. However, a substantial though partial assessment of the activities leads towards a positive evaluation. Overall evaluation
As agreed in the meeting in Archanes, also some work in WP6 started to be done. The current meeting in Riga would be the place where to get an initial assessment of this piece of research An alive discussion has ben taking place recently about how to proceed for WP5 and some hints for WP6 too have been suggested by Partner No 3. WP6
WP8: Evaluative Synthesis Deliverable No 0: Project Presentation WP1:Identification of Study Areas and Regional Context Studies Deliverable No 1: Methodological paper Deliverable No 2: Comparative Analysis List of deliverablesAll the due deliverables have been given and they are available on-line
WP2:Conceptualisation of Geographical and Economic Patterns for the Study Deliverable No 3: Agglomeration, Agriculture and the Perspective of the Periphery WP3: Model Design Deliverable No 4: CGE Example Model Additional Deliverable No 4a): Modelling Agriculture, Tourism and Policy in a CGE Environment
Deliverable No 5: What is NEG? The Basic Framework and Two Theoretical Extensions for the TERA Project Additional Deliverable No 5a): No Taxation Without Infrastructure Additional Deliverable No 5b): To Migrate or To Commute?
WP4: Collection of Model Information Deliverable No 6: Information Collection for Individual CGE Model Appendix: National Reports Deliverable No 7: Information Collection for Individual NEG Model Appendix: National Reports
All the draft papers given during the meetings are available on-line in the List of “Material for deliverables”
1. The timing for the Deliverables of WP5 2. Time-schedule (and Deliverables) for WP5/6/7 3. Future meetings 4. Conferences 5. Publication protocol 6. Other issues (*) The steps forward would be discussed in the co-ordination meeting. Steps forward (*)