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Welcome! Dial In:1-800-861-4084. Code:4102437979. WebChat #1: AmeriCorps Week 2009. Jackie. Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Today’s Speakers…. Craig Lamberton , Corporation for National and Community Service
Welcome! Dial In:1-800-861-4084. Code:4102437979 WebChat #1:AmeriCorps Week 2009 WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Jackie Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc.
Today’s Speakers… Craig Lamberton,Corporation for National and Community Service Jackie Aker, Corporation For National and Community Service Anne Bentzel, Corporation For National and Community Service Rhonda Taylor, Corporation for National and Community Service Cathey Ector, North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Linda Brown Rivelis, Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin Mazursky, Campaign Consultation, Inc. Stephanie Ross, Campaign Consultation, Inc. Michelle Bond, Campaign Consultation, Inc. Stephanie Grocott, Campaign Consultation, Inc. WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Linda
Future WebChats…. WebChat #2: Planning and Promoting Your Events April 15th 3:00-4:00pm EST Discover tools available to help plan and promote your event and gain knowledge from experienced project planners. WebChat #3: Winning Videos and Photos April 22nd 3:00-4:00pm EST Find out more about the Video Contest and the new addition of a Photo Contest, other new features, celebrity judges and fantastic prizes. WebChat #4: Media… for the Masses April 29th 3:00-4:00pm EST Launch your event into the public eye! Learn how to get the most media attention you can. WebChat #5: Final Preparations May 6th 3:00-4:00pm EST Last minute helpful tips to make your event even more successful WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin
Today’s Agenda • Introductions • Reviewing AmeriCorps Week Goals • Ideas on how to Participate • Reviewing online websites and resources • AmeriCorps Presentation Kit • How to register to participate • Introducing this year’s Photo and Video Contest • Q& A WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin
AmeriCorps Week Goals • Bring more Americans into service • Salute AmeriCorps members and alums for their powerful impact • Thank the community partners who make AmeriCorps possible WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Jackie
More Inspiration… Former AmeriCorps*USA literacy tutor in NW WA! I did two years of service and have been considering a third year as a VISTA. My first year of AmeriCorps literally changed the course of my future. Before that experience I'd never seriously considered becoming a teacher. By the end of that year I'd decided that teaching was what I really wanted to do. I did part of my master's and teacher education program during my second year of service and am now a WA state certified teacher. I ♥ AmeriCorps! ~Amber Price WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Linda
More Inspiration… I serve as an AmeriCorps*VISTA for the Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Vermont. My goal is to build capacity by providing assistance in literacy and outreach programs, as well as creating a volunteer database, recruiting volunteers and assisting with fundraising. This supports the mission of the library to make sure everyone in the community is aware of the library and its services and uses them actively.My service has given me new skills, in-service trainings and the chance to live in a beautiful part of the country. It has allowed me to put my beliefs into action. ~Marianne Disney WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Linda
Ideas for AmeriCorps Week • Service projects • Regional events with a central theme • Culminating event • Rally • Outreach Presentation • Utilize the AmeriCorps Presentation Kit • One on One Recruitment to potential members • Do a different action every day • Incorporate AmeriCorps Week into your daily work • Showcase AmeriCorps at a conference or event • Hand out information • Governor’s Proclamation • State resolution • Visit or write your elected officials • Document your service work • Participate in and promote the AmeriCorps Photo and Video Contests • Spread the word with Web 2.0 • Interview your community on “What does national service mean to you?” Upload video clips of your interviews on YouTube • Engage media as partners • What other ideas do you have? WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin
AmeriCorps Week Highlight North Carolina Drive for Service WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Cathey
AmeriCorps Week Highlight Other Project Suggestions? To un-mute your phone, #6 To mute your phone, *6 OR add your suggestions by using the chat feature on the right-hand side of the webinar WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin
Helpful Websites • Official AmeriCorps Week 2009 Website: • www.AmeriCorpsWeek.gov • Facebook Fan Page: AmeriCorps Week • http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Washington-DC/AmeriCorps-Week/65264629594?ref=ts • AmeriCorps Photo and Video Contest • www.americorpscontest.org • AmeriCorps Homepage • www.AmeriCorps.gov WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Anne
Web 2.0 • http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Washington-DC/AmeriCorps-Week/65264629594?ref=ts • On the Facebook site you will be able to: • Connect with other AmeriCorps members and Alums • Access point to all Twitter, Flickr, and other Social Media tools • Join the AmeriCorps Week Cause • Show your support by becoming a fan of the page WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Ross
Project Tool • http://myproject.nationalservice.gov • On the Project Tool site you will be able to: • Post your projects • Post your event • Post your presentations • Find volunteer opportunities • Manage your Volunteers • Upload photos and report back WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Rhonda
AmeriCorps Presentation Kit • Contains: • Tips on speaking to groups • Fact and Figures on AmeriCorps • DVD with a Slideshow on AmeriCorps • Videos of AmeriCorps members in Action • Go to http://www.americorpsweek.gov/kit.asp to order your kit! WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Anne WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009
AmeriCorps Video and Photo Contest Step 1: Create Create a compelling 60-second video or take a photograph. Think about the impact of AmeriCorps, how will you capture it? Step 2: Submit Format your video according to the guidelines, and upload it to www.americorpscontest.gov between May 1 and May 22, 2009. Step 3: View and Vote A panel of renowned judges will view submissions and narrow them to 5 finalists. Then the public will vote between June 15 and July 6 to determine this year's winners. WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Michelle
Questions or Comments? WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin
Future WebChats…. WebChat #2: Planning and Promoting Your Events April 15th 3:00-4:00pm EST Discover tools available to help plan and promote your event and gain knowledge from experienced project planners. WebChat #3: Winning Videos and Photos April 22nd 3:00-4:00pm EST Find out more about the Video Contest and the new addition of a Photo Contest, other new features, celebrity judges and fantastic prizes. WebChat #4: Media… for the Masses April 29th 3:00-4:00pm EST Launch your event into the public eye! Learn how to get the most media attention you can. WebChat #5: Final Preparations May 6th 3:00-4:00pm EST Last minute helpful tips to make your event even more successful WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc.
Thank you for attending! See you next week and tell a friend! Visit www.AmeriCorpsWeek.gov for more information WebChat # 1: AmeriCorps Week 2009 Corporation for National and Community Service Campaign Consultation, Inc. Erin