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Zaps and Apps

Zaps and Apps. Cynthia Dwork Microsoft Research Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science. General. We investigate how quickly ( number of rounds ) is it possible to perform zero-knowledge and witness protection proofs. Introduce and construct Zaps Verifiable pseudo-random sequences

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Zaps and Apps

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  1. Zaps and Apps Cynthia Dwork Microsoft Research Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science

  2. General We investigate how quickly (number of rounds) is it possible to perform zero-knowledge and witness protection proofs. • Introduce and construct • Zaps • Verifiable pseudo-random sequences • Timing and zero-knowledge

  3. Plan • What are zaps • Background • Constructions • Existentialism • Applications

  4. What Zaps Are Not An acronym

  5. What Are Zaps A zap for a language L is a witness indistinguishable proof system for showing thatXL With some special properties • Number of rounds • When and how random choices are made

  6. Witness Protection Programs A witness indistinguishable proof system for XL proververifier • Completeness: if prover has witness W - can construct effective proof that makes verifier accept. • Soundness: if XLno prover can succeed with high probability to make verifier accept. • Witness protection: for every V’ and any two witnesses W1and W2: distributions on transcripts are computationally indistinguishable.

  7. Zero Knowledge • Each (cheating) verifierV’ induces a distribution on transcripts • For all (efficient) verifiersV’there exists an (efficient) simulator S such that for all XLthe distributions on transcripts that V’induces and that S produces are indistinguishable

  8. Witness Indistinguishability (WI) • Introduced by Feige and Shamir to speed up zero-knowledge proof • ``Natural 3-round zk proof system” - can show WI • In contrast - no black-box 3-round zero-knowledge • 4-round general constructions achievable • Is preserved under composition • both parallel and concurrent • In some applications - provides sufficient protection • Identification

  9. What Are Zaps II A zap for a language L is a • Two-round witness indistinguishable proof system for showing XL 1.verifier prover 2.prover verifier • First round message can be fixed ``once and for all” (before X is chosen) • The verifier uses public coins • Single round non-constructively

  10. Real World Vs.Shared String World • Shared string world: prover and verifier share a string ``deus ex machina” such that • Guaranteed to be random • Simulator has control over string (transcript includes shared string) • Good for increasing resistance to attacks in PKC • Real world: all such strings have to be generated by blood, toil, tears and sweat - • Requires several rounds

  11. ``Non-interactive” Zero-knowledge • Operates in the shared string model [BDMP] • Given s protocol is single round: Prover verifier • Simulator gets to choose convenient string s • NIZK for any LNPcan be based on any trapdoor permutation [FLS][KP] Certifiable

  12. NIZKs and Zaps Theorem: NIZK for L exists (in the shared world) iff zaps for L exist (in the real world) (Bad? ) Idea: let the verifier choose the common string s Endangers witness: can choose s that will make the prover leak information about witness Correction: proverXors it with its own random strings Endangers soundness: prover can choose result as in simulator

  13. Compromise • Repeat many times • Each time verifier chooses a fresh string B1, B2 , … ,Bm • Prover repeats the same string C • The proof is given using B1C, B2C, … ,BmC • Verifier accepts iff accepts for all mproofs Soundness?! WI?!

  14. Verifiable Pseudo-randomness A verifiable p.r. sequence generator (VPRG): on seed s{0,1}nproduces public verification keyVK and sequence <a1, a2, …, ak>s.t: Binding: there is only one sequence consistent with VK Verifiability: for any seed s and I{1...K} possible to come up with proof p for {ai | iI} Passing theithbit test: for all 1 i  k, given VK, p and <a1, a2 ,… ai-1, ai+1 ,…,ak >no poly-time adversary can guessaiwith non-negligible advantage. Special case of VPRF [MRS]

  15. Approximate VPRGs Relaxation • Relaxed binding: limited number of possible opening • Two round communication: zaps style Can construct (approximate) VPRGs from trapdoors Theorem: zaps exist iff approximate VPRGs (with certain parameters) exist. Open problem: does small expansion in VPRG imply large expansion?

  16. Hidden Random Strings – A `Physical’ proof • Prover is dealt ℓbinary cards with random values • Can reveal any subset of them. • To prove that XLholding witness W holding witness - reveal a subset of them – a and additional information – b Soundness: if XLwith probability at least 1-q there are no (a,b) for which the verifier accepts Witness Indistinguishability: simulator on input XLgenerates (a,b) • Identically distributed to real ones • Given witness Wcan complete the remaining cards to fit W

  17. Using HRS and VPRGs to Get Zaps … Let m = k/ℓ. HRS proof is repeated m times • Verifier sends b1, b2, …, bk • Prover: • Chooses random string C 2 {0,1}ℓand seed s for VPRG • Sequence is a1, a2, … ,ak • Sends C and VK. • Bit i of HRS is ai bi ci mod ℓ +1 • For each opened bit in a prover sends akand proof of consistency • Verifier checks the m HRS proofs and the consistency of the opened bits ℓ ℓ

  18. Constructing VPRGs from Trapdoor Permutations • Choose f1, f2 , … ,fr - certifiable trapdoor permutations • Each fi : Dn → Dn • Choose y1, y2 , … ,yc - from Dn • VK =<f1, f2, …, fr >, <y1, y2, …, yc> • Entry (i,j) hardcore predicate of fi-1(yj) y1 y2 yc f1 f2 fr

  19. Concurrent and Resettable Composition WI compose concurrently - so do zaps. In contrast: no black-box composition of zero-knowledge proofs in constant number of rounds [KPR][R][CKPR] Resettable adversary - can rerun the protocol with new random bits [CGGM] Zaps are immune to resettable adversaries - New: 2-round resettable WI proofs

  20. Applications • Oblivious transfer - 21/2 rounds (PK) • Using time in the design of protocols [DNS]: Timing based (,) assumption for <: If one processor measures , the second , then  finishes after . New results using zaps: • 3-round zk (in contrast - impossible in regular mode) • 2-round deniable authentication • 3-round resettable zero-knowledge

  21. Tool: Timed Commitments [BN] • Regular commitment • Potential forced opening phase X Receiver Sender

  22. Regular Commitments Commit Phase X Sender Receiver Sender is bound to X Reveal Phase X Sender Receiver Receiver can verify X

  23. PotentialForcedOpening Forced Open Phase X Receiver Sender Receiver extracts X (+proof) in time T Commitment is secureonly for time t < T

  24. Requirements • Future recoverability - verifiable following commit phase • Decommitment - value + proof. Ditto for forcibly recovered values. Can act as genuine proof of knowledge to committed value • Immunity toparallel attacks Construction based on ``generalized BBS.” Uses several rounds to prove consistency of commitment [BN]. We will substitute with a zap.

  25. The Power Function g22k mod N N=P•Q - Blum integer, g -a generator Unknown factorization - repeated squaring g2i+1 = g2i• g2i mod N Takes 2ksquarings

  26. ...Power Function Factors known - random access property of BBS PRG: • compute x =22k mod  • computegx mod N Used before: • Uncheatable Benchmarks [CLSY] • Time-locks for documents [RSW]

  27. The Commitment • Select N - Blum Integer - and g - generator of large subgroup • Set Yk g22k mod N • Base committed value on Zk   g22k - 1 mod N

  28. Committing using Zk Several options: • Xor with hardcore predicate of Zk: • LSB of Zk • Inner product with random R • Xor with pseudo-random sequence with seed Zk.

  29. The Commitment - Proofs… • Sender generates and send < g, Y0, Y1, … , Yk> =<g, g2, g4, … , g22i, … , g22k> mod N • Proves consistency of < Y0, Y1, … , Yk> - For all 1  i  k show: < g, Yi, Yi+1> is of the form < g, gx, gx2>

  30. The Commitment - Proofs… Key point:  Efficient ZK protocols for consistency of < g, gx, gx2> Similar to proving Diffie-Hellman triple Slightly different in ZN* than in ZP*

  31. 3-round Timed Concurrent ZK To prove XL • Prover verifier: string s1 for zaps • Verifier prover: time commit to x1, x2. Give zap of consistency of at least one of them using s1. String s2 for zaps • Prover verifier: commit with knowledge to random z. Give zap of consistency using s2 that either (i) XL or (ii) z=x1 or (iii) z=x2 Timing requirement: verifier receives response within 

  32. Open Problems Efficiency: • Zaps for specific problems • Are x or y quadratic residues mod N • Zaps for timed commitment VPRGs • Do VPRGs compose? VPRF from VPRG? • VPRGs based on Diffie-Hellman? Round optimal - 2 round zk possible? Explicit 1 round zap?

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