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Overview Setelah membaca bab ini diharapkan mampu: Menjelaskan definisi/istilah Network Management Memahami apa saja yang terkait dengan NM Menjelaskan pentingnya NM, dan dampaknya terhadap biaya(cost), hasil(revenue), ketersediaan jaringan (network avaibility)

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  1. Overview Setelah membaca bab ini diharapkan mampu: Menjelaskan definisi/istilah Network Management Memahami apa saja yang terkait dengan NM Menjelaskan pentingnya NM, dan dampaknya terhadap biaya(cost), hasil(revenue), ketersediaan jaringan (network avaibility) Recognize the different players and industries that have an interest in network management, and understand the different angles from which they approach the subject Describe some of the challenges posed by network management, including those that are technical, organizational, and business NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  2. DEFINISI Network management refers to the activities, methods, procedures, and tools that pertain to the operation, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of networked systems. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  3. Operation deals with keeping the network (and the services that the network provides) up and running smoothly. It includes monitoring the network to spot problems as soon as possible, ideally before a user is affected. Administration involves keeping track of resources in the network and how they are assigned. It deals with all the “housekeeping” that is necessary to keep things under control. Maintenance is concerned with performing repairs and upgrades—for example, when a line card must be replaced, when a router needs a new operating system image with a patch, when a new switch is added to the network. Maintenance also involves corrective and preventive proactive measures such as adjusting device parameters as needed and generally intervening as needed to make the managed network run “better.” Provisioning is concerned with configuring resources in the network to support a given service. For example, this might include setting up the network so that a new customer can receive voice service. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview



  6. Important Factor: Who can operate the network at the lowest cost and pass those cost savings on to customers? Who provides better customer experience by making it easy to order communication services and service those orders with minimal turnaround time? Who can maintain and guarantee the highest quality of service? Who can roll out services fast and efficiently? NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  7. COST One of the main goals of network management is to make operations more efficient and operators more productive. The ultimate goal is to reduce and minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) that is associated with the network. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview


  9. QUALITY Quality also includes the reliability and the availability of a communications service NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  10. QUALITY Systems for the end-to-end provisioning of a service automate many of the steps that need to be performed to configure the devices in the network properly Performance trend analysis can help network managers detect potential network bottlenecks and take preventive maintenance action before problems occur and before services and users are negatively impacted. Alarm correlation capabilities enable faster identification of the root cause of observed failures when they occur, minimizing the time of actual outages. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  11. REVENUE Network management is not just related to cost and quality. Network management can also be a revenue enabler that opens up market opportunities that would not exist without it NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  12. The Players: Different Parties with an Interest in Network Management NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  13. Service Provider service providers are in the business of providing services to their customers. any communication and networking service, such as telecommunication services (telephone, voice mail) and data services (leased lines, Internet connectivity) the winner in the marketplace is the service provider that can turn up services and roll them out to customers the fastest, that can offer the best service level guarantees, that knows how to be the quickest to recover from failures and how to limit their impact to a minimum, and that can best utilize its equipment and get the most mileage out of it. Because it is of such utmost importance, service providers are willing to invest heavily in network management—in development of efficient operational procedures to give them the upper hand, and in custom tools that best support those procedures. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNETWORK MANAGEMENT USERS

  14. The Enterprise IT Department Enterprise IT departments are in charge of running the network inside an enterprise, providing the enterprise with all its internal communication needs. They are often thought of as mini service providers of communications services for the enterprise that they are part of. it is essentially a cost center, so the focus is on how to provide the communication services the enterprise needs at the lowest cost possible. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNETWORK MANAGEMENT USERS

  15. The End User With end users, here we are referring not to the users of the communication service—to them, network management is invisible; it is simply part of the infrastructure that keeps it all running. Network Managers the ones who are ultimately the users of the various management systems and applications, and who rely on them as tools to get their jobs done. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNETWORK MANAGEMENT USERS

  16. The Equipment Vendor Equipment vendors are primarily in the business of selling networking equipment, not network management applications. That means that generally they would provide just the level of management capabilities needed to not inhibit equipment sales NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Providers

  17. The Third-Party Application Vendor management application software developed by an equipment vendor tends to support only equipment of that particular vendor. multivendor support, meaning that the application will work well across equipment from different vendors. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Providers

  18. The Systems Integrator Systems integrators provide services to integrate a set of management applications with a specific network and operations support environment, often plugging functional gaps and providing interface adaptations that might be necessary to turn a set of independent applications into a turnkey solution that is customized for a specific network provider. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Providers

  19. Network Management Complexities Tantangan Teknis Bagaimana membangun aplikasi yang dapat membantu pengelolaan jaringan Bagaimana aplikasi tersebut dapat berkomunikasi dengan perangkat2 jaringan yang ada NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  20. A.Karakteristik Aplikasi Transaction-Based System Characteristics NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities • Pengadaan aplikasi didasari oleh kebutuhan untuk mengakses perangkat jaringan • Dengan mengirimkan request ke elemen jaringan, dan memproses respon agar sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki • Misalnya : • mengaktifkan layanan ke klien jaringan.

  21. Contoh Pengadaan aplikasi jaringan NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  22. Interrupt-Driven System Characteristics NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities Aplikasi real-time yang dapat menerima dan merespon aktivitas jaringan Merespon SNMP paket dsb

  23. Number-Crunching System Characteristics NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities • Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk memprediksi tindakan. • Biasanya butuh koleksi dan pemilahan data yang besar, mungkin dibutuhkan waktu pengumpulan (periode) yang lama (trend) • Contoh : • Mengidentifikasi bottleneck, • menilai apakah layanan sudah terpenuhi • Mengenali pola jaringan • Mengenali trend untuk menerapkan kebijakan masa depan

  24. B. SKALA contoh : 1 klien vs 10.000 klien Butuh tool untuk mengelola NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities Kapasitas jaringan meningkat lebih tajam dibandingkan dengan kemampuan hardware

  25. B. SKALA Aspek yang harus diperhatikan Operation Concurrency Bagaimana memaksimalkan konkurensi dalam komunikasi jaringan Misal : mengumpulkan beberapa request sekaligus NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  26. Event propagation Bagaimana mengelola event dan menyalurkan dengan efisien dan mengupdate status Contoh saat mendapat event dari jaringan aplikasi manajemen dengan cepat dapat mengidentifikasi perangkat mana yang harus digunakan, port manadsb NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  27. Scoping Cara mengakses dan mamanipulasi potongan besar informasi manajemen secara efisien dan menggunakan satu kali tindakan. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  28. Distribution and addressing Bagaimana membagi proses untuk didistibusikan ke system yang lain, menambahkan hardware dengan kemampuan lebih jika dibutuhkan, sekaligus memberikan lokasi/ alamat yg transparan, efisien tanpa membahayakan aplikasi-aplikasi logis dari distribusi tersebut. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  29. Memprediksi SKALA harus berdasarkan konfigurasi dan kemampuan hardware, system load Management Operation Throughput Per satuan waktu: menyatakan sifat dasar operasi, jumlah dan kompleksitas parameter, jumlah elemen jaringan yg terlibat. Event Throughput Per satuan waktu : Throughput maximum dan berkelanjutan, pengolahan dengan skenario yg telah ditentukan Network synchronization capacity Berapa banyak elemen jaringan (yg terlibat) yang dapat disinkronisasi oleh aplikasi per satuan waktu NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  30. C. Cross-Section of Technologies Teknologi yg sering digunakan dalam manajemen jaringan Informasi Pemodelan: bagaimana domain aplikasi dimodelkan (bagaimana perangkat jaringan, port, koneksi, user, layanan, ketergantungan dsb akan dipresentasikan) Database: Pengelolaan database, mengurangi query ke jaringan setiap saat. Distributed System: Agar memenuhi syarat untuk skala reliability dan availability, kadang systemnya sendiri perlu untuk didistribusikan. Communication Protocols: Protokol / aturan/ kesepakatan komunikasi dengan system lain, NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  31. C. Cross-Section of Technologies Teknologi yg sering digunakan dalam manajemen jaringan Communication Protocols: Protokol / aturan/ kesepakatan komunikasi dengan system lain, User Interfaces Diperlukan agar operator lebih produktif, terukur, misalnya: jumlah operasi per satuan waktu, jumlah elemen jaringan yg terlibat per satuan waktu dsb Other Consideration Pemahaman tentang aspek unik dari jaringan dan layanannya, beserta aspek teknis/umum lainnya tentang teknologi yang diterapkan. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  32. NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  33. D. Integration NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  34. D. Integration NETWORK MANAGEMENTan OverviewNetwork Management Complexities

  35. Basic Component of Network Management NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  36. Manager-Agent Communication NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview Manager-Agent vs Client-Server

  37. Management Information Bases NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  38. MIB (not a just database) The version of installed software Utilization of ports must be assessed Environmental data is monitored Fans are monitored Packet counters for different interfaces (DOS?) Protocol timeout parameters Firewall rules that define a security policy NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  39. Pros- Cons of Dedicated Management Network NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  40. advantages of using a dedicated management network Reliability Interference Avoidance Ease of Network Planning Security Reason of using a Shared network Cost & Overhead No Reasonable Alternative NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  41. xxx NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

  42. xxx NETWORK MANAGEMENTan Overview

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