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"Reading Time: 7 minutes Table Of Contents Introduction What Is Mindfulness-Based Meditation Meditation Clears the Mind Benefits of Meditation in Addiction Best ways to practice meditation in recovery Find a way to recovery Introduction A compulsive engagement in the use of a substance or behaviour is considered an addiction. In todayu2019s world, millions of people are facing addiction in"<br>
Free andConfidential Home » Blog » Beat Your Addiction WithMeditation AddictionTreatment Beat Your Addiction WithMeditation May 20,2019 TABLE OFCONTENTS Introduction What Is Mindfulness-BasedMeditation Meditation Clears TheMind Benefits Of Meditation InAddiction BestWaysToPracticeMeditationInRecovery Find A Way ToRecovery Introduction
A compulsive engagement in the use of a substance or behavior is considered an addiction. In today’s world, millions of people are facing addictioninthedaytodaylife,buttheseveritydependsonthekindofsubstancetheindividualisaddictedto. The most threatening addictions that shatter people’s health and take over their happy life are addiction towards alcohol, opioids, pornography, tobacco or some kinds of drugs. Addiction affects both you and your family. You may suffer from some psychological problem,too.Yourbehaviormaychangewhenyouareinagrouporalonewithyourchildandyoumay(evenunintentionally)hurtthem.So, trytovisitapsychologytherapistandtalktothemaboutyourproblem. There are various types of therapyavailable to overcome the addiction, and one of the most effective ways is to try meditation for recovery. You can also take up mindfulness oriented recovery enhancement meditation techniques to overcome your issues. Take some mental reprocessing counseling based onpsychotherapy. What Is Mindfulness-BasedMeditation You have heard about meditation, but what is mindfulness, you ask? It is similar to the age-old meditation technique that is prominent in manycountriesandpracticedinmanyculturessinceancienttimes. Coming to mindfulness meditation, it is a type of exercise that mainly focuses on the connection between mind and body and enhances youtofeelmorerelaxedandstress-free.When youinitiallystartyourmeditationprocess,youmayfacecertaindifficultiesintheinitiallevel, youwillbecomeaprowhenyoustartmakingitasadailyroutine Simplestepsonhowtohelpanaddictthroughmeditationarelistedbelowforyourbenefit: Find a quiet & distraction-freeenvironment Thiswillalwayshelpyoufeelfocusedandmakeyourmindmoreconcentrated,whichhelpsyourinnerhealing alot.Trytoavoidtheplaces where you find distractions and choose a very calm and peaceful place where you can focus your mind and body to be on the same path and you can healyourself. Make yourself more comfortable with theenvironment The quiet place you find may not be very beautiful or scenic, but it must be pleasant enough so that you can make yourself comfortable withthatlocation.Nowstartyourmeditationandmakeityourdailyroutinesoyoucanimproviseyourefficiency. Focus on yourbreathing Try to concentrate on your breathing, observing each intake of air and notice how you feel when you exhale. This helps to calm yourself downas you reach a relaxation phase. Keep your mindopen When you make meditation a part of your daily routine, it helps you become a more positive person. Experts suggest meditations for alcoholicsasithelpsyouopenyourmind,getridofallthetoxicthoughtsandtrashandfocusonyournextgoal. Initiallystartmeditatingforjustafewminutesperdayandlateronincreaseyourtimedurationtolongersessions. Just because meditation is more popular or propagated by a certain faith, you should not consider it a religious belief. Meditation is a holistic wellness technique that achieves a growing amount of effectiveness to recover from addiction. When combined with other forms oftreatment,youcanpreventyourselffromrelapsing. Meditation Clears TheMind Firstandforemost,meditationclearsthemind,relievesstress,andcalmsthebodyoftheaddict. A recent study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence found that mindfulness meditation helps to improve emotional regulation, and is,therefore,aneffectivemeansofaddictionpreventionandtreatment.
Asthe value ofmeditationtowardsthepathtohealing ishigh,professionalsseek meditationasthefirststeptounderstandtherootdesire thatdrivestheindividualtoabusivehabits.Thisdiscoveryishighlycrucialtofindeffectivewaysonhowtohelpanaddict. People who are struggling with addiction may be facing emotional issues like loneliness, anxiety, depression, and anger. Meditation provides the needed strength to face such adversities and builds inner confidence that leads to peace and satisfaction, thereby, replacing the habit ofaddiction. Meditation offers a permanent solution and attacks the issues from the inside out. Rather than curing just the symptoms of addiction, meditation replaces the negative emotions experienced by a broken heart with inner peace and rectifies the issues in a way that the symptoms eventuallydisappear. Benefits Of Meditation InAddiction: In a study, scientists examined the role of the brain in drug addiction. They found the region prefrontal cortex that is a brain happiness center,whichwillbesuperstimulatedduringintoxication. During your meditation process, this brain happiness center receives a natural high. Meditation helps the brain to remain happy and maintainitnaturallyhigh,whichinturn,keepsalcohol,drugorsubstanceabuseaway. Meditation evokes brainwaves. In biofeedback types of therapy, the patients undergo EEG biofeedback training where they try to put the brain waves into more consciousness state. This expensive treatment can easily be replaced by meditation as it provides more alpha and beta brain waves than thebiofeedbacktherapywhenthebrainisinthemeditativestate. Meditationismaybesixtimesbetterthantraditionaltherapy. In arecent study, patientswere categorizedintotwogroups– one thatperformedmeditationand one thatwasintraditional therapy. Each group was asked to fill the questionnaire on day 0 and day 90. The results revealed that the patients who practiced meditation were comparativelylessaddicted,whichstronglyindicatedthatmeditationforrecoverycouldbesixtimesbetterthantraditionaltherapy. Meditation builds immunity againststress. As human beings, we all have certain tolerance to handle stress, but when it exceeds the maximum limit, it can create anxiety, depression, anger, and insomnia. So at this phase, people tend to move towards addiction. Meditation transforms your central nervous system and provides strength to fight against the stress. Meditation also wipes away the anger and depression for an entire lifetime by raising your maximum stressthreshold. Meditation helps to find the deep-rooted reasonsfor addiction. Meditationcreatesawarenessofeverything.Itactsasconsciousthoughtandyoucanfindthecausesforyouraddiction.Thisway,ithelps tobringeverythinginyourlifebacktoharmony. Meditationmakesyoufeelgoodnaturethatishealthytoo. Itreplacesthepleasureofinjuriouschemicalslikedopaminethataffectsthehumanbrainregionslike“nucleusaccumbens”. Meditation changes your brain that canchange your life. Deep meditationimprovises9brainregionsthatyieldbettermentinsleep, happiness,learning,memory,stressovercomingpotential,etc. Meditation strives for “whole brainsynchronization”. Whole-brain synchronization is a process of balancing the left and right brain. Doing this opens the gates for enormous benefits like creativity, faster learning, and positive emotional health. Performing deep meditation for recovery improves 9 brain regions that yield bettermentinsleep,learning,memory,stressovercomingpotential,etc.
Meditationhasbeenconsideredasanaturalbooster. Meditation can be a natural booster for your body’s chemicals like GABA, Endorphins, serotonin, etc. It can replace the pleasure you feel whenyourbodyreleaseschemicalslikedopaminethataffectthehumanbrainregionslikenucleusaccumbens. With such enormous benefits of the therapy technique, no wonder it is suggested for recovery. Meditations for alcoholics can change their life,cankeeptheirlovedoneshappy,andgivethemlifelongstrength. BestWaysToPracticeMeditationInRecovery Ifyouarelookingforhowtohelpanaddict,thenyoucansuggestanyofthemeditationformsgivenbelow. Guidedmeditations. These guided meditations are often taught by your therapist in yoga classes while taking rest after performing your asanas. They will ask youtokeepyoureyesopenandtrytoconcentrateonasingleobject,whichcanbeanything–alight,flame,oranimage. Many guided meditations for alcoholics are available online, which are easy to practice. You can just listen to them, follow, and thereby, visualize positive outcomes in yourlife. Body relaxationscans. These scans can help you to motivate self-awareness and keep your body calm. It improves mental peace and helps you be a healthier person, recovered fromaddiction. Naturewalks. Walking is a good exercise, and when you take it up as meditation, that will help you to focus on a single thing. It connects your body and mind, makes you become one with the beautiful scenic nature around you. Early morning nature walks are the best to explore the environmentalbeautyandthatisakindofmeditationforrecovery,too. Primordial SoundMeditation. This is another form of meditation, in which everyone is asked to sit in a room, but you listen to loud music or chant mantras. The reason why meditation is the most powerful tool to recovery from addiction is, it diverts people’s minds to detach from their old, negative thoughts,nurturestheirsoul,fillstheirmindwithpositivevibes. Staying calm and sitting in a place may be difficult for those who initially start their addiction treatment. Such persons can start the meditation practice with moving meditation, like walking or even yoga, which lets you focus on your breath as you move through the poses. Sobriety is on your way and it is sent in small packages through this meditation course access. Along with meditation eating, good foodalsoplaysamajorroletogetawayfromyourbadpainandchronicdiseases. Find A Way ToRecovery You may often be confused about how to help an addict or discover a way to help to recover from substance abuse. Meditation is an effective weapon that fights against addiction and yields a better life. Most successful addiction treatment centers now acknowledge the advantagesofferedbymeditationandincorporateitsvariousformsintothetreatmentofdrugandalcoholabuserecovery. For your speedy recovery, you can also use our website to contact the listed drug or alcohol treatment centers that provide compulsive meditation therapy with new techniques specific to individual addicts. We have a list of other kinds of treatment centers on our website. Youcanpickthemaccordingtothenearestorthemostaffordabletreatmentandbecomewholeagain.
Meditationforrecovery,Howtohelpanaddict,Mindfulnessorientedrecoveryenhancement,MeditationsforalcoholicsMeditationforrecovery,Howtohelpanaddict,Mindfulnessorientedrecoveryenhancement,Meditationsforalcoholics https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5441879/ HowMeditationHelpsRecoveringAddicts:Healing YourThoughts In a certain way meditation and addiction are opposites: meditation is checking in with the here and now, while addiction is checking out of the here and now. By giving them more control over their emotions and insight into themselves, meditation can be a powerful tool for addicts at all stages of recovery. There’s plenty of evidence that meditation plays …Continuereading EOCInstitute https://www.recovery.org/treatment-therapy/meditation/ Reply May 22, 2019 at 7:31am Meditation always gives you peace and makes you more productive. I am away from addiction for the past 10 years with the help of meditation.Good blog Stuff toread. Reply May 29, 2019 at 9:32am Nice article… now I understand that by practicing medication a person can attain long-term recovery and stay sober from addiction. Thank you so much forpublishingsuchamazinginformationaboutmedicationandaddiction. Reply June 5, 2019 at 3:14pm Meditationhaslotsofbenefits.DIdn’tknowbeatingadditionwasoneofthem.Goodstuff! Reply June 30, 2019 at 4:17pm Thank you! Veryinformative! Reply August 23, 2019 at 11:23am Infographics are very attractive and useful. Greatstuff.
Reply December 21, 2019 at 7:42am Boththefoodandapropermeditationforrecoverycanhelpyoualotinordertopaveanefficientwaytoleadahealthyandhappylife.Great Information. ThankYou! Name E-mail Website FIND THE RIGHTTREATMENT Addictionaide provides a confidential drug abuse assessment and treatment placements tailored to your individual needs. Achieve long-termrecovery,giveusacallorfillouttheformbelowandwewillrespondtoyouassoonaspossible. FAQ Can you leave the rehabilitation center? What are the Stages ofAddiction? What are narcotics and whypeople get it? ReadMore
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