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Wind and solar are less prone to large-scale failure because they are distributed and modular. Distributed systems are spread out over a large geographical area, so a severe weather event in one location will not cut off power to an entire region. <br><br>Visit us: http://www.revayuenergy.com/in-en/wind-solar-hybrid-system-price/<br>
SWITCH TO HYBRIDENERGY #GOGREEN SUPPORT #WINDENERGY http://www.revayuenergy.com/tag/low-cut-in-wind-speed-wind-turbines/
ABOUT REVAYUENERGY Revayu Energy is a clean tech startup providing easy access to affordable & reliable source of power. We provide customized power solutionstovaryingneedsoftheuser.Westartedasawindenergycompanyandgrownintoacompanyprovidinghybridsolutions.We believethatneitherofthetechnologiessuchaswind&solaralonecanprovidethedesiredpoweroutput.Ourclientswantedtohave reliablepowerbothindayandnight.Withsolarmainlyprovidingpowerinthedaytimeandwindprovidingpoweratthenighttime,now clients have power round the clock which reduces the power storage cost. Indian market is very diverse for having different types of regionshavingvaryingwindspeeds.Therefore,Revayuhaslaunched6bladelowcutinlowRPMwindturbinesworkingonaslowas 1.5m/swindspeed.Evenaslightbreezeofairwillprovideenoughtorqueforwindturbinetostartproducingpower.Therefore, increasingtheefficiencyandavailabilityofthewindturbines Ournewlydesignedhybridsystemscanprovidereliablesourceofpowerforalmost24hours.Inthissystemwehaveusedfoundation lesstowerswith6bladewindturbinesandsolarpanelsthatwasinstalledinrecordtimeofjust24hours.Thissystemsarealsobest suitedforIndustrial&residentialrooftops.ThehybridsystemscanbeprovidedinOffGrid&OnGridmodes. RevayuEnergyprovidespowertotelecomtowersbyinstallingwindturbinesatthetowertopthusreducingthecostofwindturbine towerensuringfasterROIfortheendtelecomclient.Existingoffgridtelecomtowersarerunningondiesel-solarhybridalongwith batterysystemsforstoringpower.However,withtheintroductionofwindturbinesfortelecomtowersinhighwindpotentialareas, RevayuEnergyisabletoeliminatemostlytheuseofdieselgenerators.WeprovideenergytoTelecomtowersonRESCOmodelalso. WiththegovernmentofIndiamandateforconvertingalldieseloperatedtowersDGfreeby2022,thereistremendouspressureon telecomtowercompaniestoeliminateDGcompletelyby2022.
ABOUT REVAYUENERGY WehaverecentlystartedtheselfstandingtowermanufacturinginIndiaforrecentgrowthintelecomtowersforrollingof4Gservices inIndia.WearethefirstcompanyinIndiatoprovidefoundationlesstelecomtowersonrentalbasistothemajorTelcosinthecountry foranysurprisedemandinanypartofthecountry. WeprovideconsultancyforEPCservices,providingservicessuchaswindfarmplanningandwindresourceassessmenttotheexisting windturbinemanufacturers.RevayuEnergyisoneoftheveryfewcompaniesinindiatoprovidesmallwindturbinesonsuchalarge scale.Thepositioningofwindturbinesisveryimportantwrttothewindspeedatanyparticularsite.
OURPRODUCTS 9 BLADE WINDTURBINES Rotor Type: Horizontal Axis (HAWT) Rated Output: 1800W Rated Wind Speed: 10 m/s Max, Power: 2200W Cut-in wind speed: 1.0 m/s Cut-of wind speed: 12 m/s Number of blades: 9 No Roter diameter: 1.25m 6 BLADE WINDTURBINES Rotor Type: Horizontal Axis (HAWT) Rated Output: 6600W Rated Wind Speed: 10.5 m/s Max, Power: 7500W Cut-in wind speed: 1.5 m/s Cut-of wind speed: 12 m/s Number of blades: 6 No Roter diameter: 5.2m 3 BLADE WINDTURBINES Rated Output: 5100W Rated wind speed m/s/mph: 11/25 Peak Output: 5700W Cut-In m/s/mph: 2.7/6 Roater diameter: 5.24m/17.2ft Number of Blades:3 Govern Speed: 27 mph
05 ADVANTAGES OF HYBRIDENERGY Wind and solar are less prone to large-scale failure because they are distributed and modular. Distributed systems are spread out over a large geographical area, so a severe weather event in one location will not cut off power to an entireregion. Renewable energy is providing affordable electricity across the country right now, and can help stabilize energy prices in the future.In all plans for energy supply in the future, whether they come from Shell or the International Energy Agency of Greenpeace Hybrid energy willbethe one of the prime energysuppliers. Human civilizations have harnessed wind power for thousands of years. It’s high time that we should look at the advantages of renewable energy as it helps us all to live better and healthier lives. It’s the right time to save money, stay healthy and enjoy theindependence.
ADVANTAGES OF SOLARENERGY Why solar tree isrequired: It is the best option of renewable energy as it requires very less land area as compared to the conventional PV system. BENEFITS: Green energy hence no airpollution People living in remote areas can have access to electricity. It providesshade. Land requirement is very less. It is costeffective. Revayu Energy has recently commissioned a Solar Tree for Bharti Infratel in Rajasthan near Udaipur. The solar tree has a capacity of 5.8 KV using 18panels.
REVAYU SYSTEMS PVT LTD INSTALLS HYBRID PROJECT INGOA Revayu Energy installs India's First Foundation Less Wind Solar Hybrid system at Goa in just 24hrs Revayu brings a 6-blade wind turbine that can rotate on low wind speed as low as 1 m/s. Therefore, generating power even at lower wind speeds. This is low cut in low rpm wind turbines which are more efficient than other conventional small wind turbines having cut in wind speed of around 3m/s. Due to more number of blades and modified blade design, these wind turbines can have enough torque to rotate even in slight breeze of wind. Therefore, this new design has made them viable in most areas across the nation where conventional small wind turbines were not considered as a viable source of windenergy.
WIND TURBINE INSTALLATION DONE ON TELECOM TOWER TOP IN ODISHA - REVAYUENERGY Telecom Towers in India are witnessing a complete revolution with Revayu Energy installing wind turbines on top of the existing Telecom towers of BhartiInfratel. Wind turbines provide cost-effective renewable energy solutions to telecommunication companies. Wind turbines are ideal ways to lower the costs of operating expenses associated with telecom towers in remotelocations. These solutions are ideal for Telecom infrastructure providers dealing with telecom towers that are remote or off-grid and utilize unreliable or expensive energy sources.
MAILINGADDRESS B-17, Institutional Area,Sector 32, Gurugram,Haryana 122021 GET IN TOUCH WITH REVAYUENERGY PHONENUMBER (+91)7982647945 EMAILADDRESS info@revayuenergy.com WEBSITEADDRESS http://www.revayuenergy.com/tag/low-cut-in-wind-speed-wind-turbines/