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Ethics Essays Feedback

Ethics Essays Feedback. General. Answer the question Both sides need equal treatment You must talk about ideas relevant to the question – in this case certainty Focus more on the process of deciding not on the decision itself Question your assumptions Focus on your ideas not others’

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Ethics Essays Feedback

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  1. Ethics Essays Feedback

  2. General • Answer the question • Both sides need equal treatment • You must talk about ideas relevant to the question – in this case certainty • Focus more on the process of deciding not on the decision itself • Question your assumptions • Focus on your ideas not others’ • Keep language simple

  3. Referencing • Word-for-word quotes must be written as such • Quotation marks • Fully referenced • Other peoples’ ideas not written as quotes should be • Summarised and re-phrased • Fully referenced

  4. On Relativism • Relativism is socially useful but intellectually weak • It is absurd to say, that in some places it is right that women should be educated but that in others it is wrong • A great many core values are shared by ALL societies • Relativism helps us understand that people do have different beliefs about right and wrong….but does not mean we should accept them! • Should a practising gay Afghan just accept that homosexuality is wrong and that he/she risks the death-penalty for being true to themselves? • What we need to do in philosophy is find the most reliable method of discerning right and wrong – this is not relativism but rationalism.

  5. Sources of Uncertainty • How can we be certain that our reasoning is not being clouded by emotion?

  6. Reason and Ethics • Rational approaches to ethics DO take account of context • Several wrote otherwise in their essays

  7. Ethics and Emotion • What is the role of emotion in determining right and wrong? • What should be the role of emotion in determining right and wrong? • Does the rightness of an action depend upon your emotional state? • Does the rightness of an action depend upon your emotional involvement?

  8. A Question of Morals • You are walking down the street and see a menacing but unarmed youth trying to steal a mobile phone from a twelve year old child. You pick up a stick you find lying on the ground and hit the youth, knocking them unconscious and causing permanent disabling brain damage. • Is your reaction morally right?

  9. ….and now some more detail • Would you answer to the previous question be different if: • The child was your son • The menacing youth was your son • The menacing youth was your daughter • The menacing youth was not knocked out but ran away • The menacing youth was 10 • The ‘child’ was 16 • The menacing youth was armed

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