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CLOE – Clusters linked over Europe CLOE experimentation – Steering Committee Moderation: DG Regio / European Commission 19 th September 2007 13.00 – 16.00 Brussels, Belgium Albert Borschette (CCAB) - Room AB-2C Rue Froissart, 36, B–1040 Brussels. Agenda.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CLOE – Clusters linked over EuropeCLOE experimentation – Steering CommitteeModeration: DG Regio / European Commission19th September 2007 13.00 – 16.00Brussels, BelgiumAlbert Borschette (CCAB) - Room AB-2CRue Froissart, 36, B–1040 Brussels

  2. Agenda • 1. Short introduction round – “tour de table” • 2. Activities: • “light SWOT” / regional profile on website – each partner giving SQ • 3. Development of recommendation papers • each partner giving SQ • 4. Memoranda of Understanding • Discussions • signing with MA / Ministries OR collection of copies • 5. Setting up of regional (cluster) action plan • each partner giving SQ – link to OP? • 6. Next events: • Nottingham: Thematic workshop #3 / 12-14 December 2007 • Karlsruhe: Closing Conference – Thematic workshop #4 / 26-28 February 2008 • 7. CLOE Website • report on contents (Lead Partner) • 8. Staff exchanges – Identification of partners for exchanging / coaching • 9. Any other business

  3. Guiding questions / frame for recommendation papers- for discussions with partners - • All in all – what is the current status of cluster development in your region? • Does your region have an overall “vision” for development in terms of clustering and innovation? Yes / No? • If YES, whichstakeholders have been involved in developing and discussing this vision? • Which stakeholders should additionally be involved? • If NO, is the region going to develop a vision? Which stakeholders should be involved in this discussion? • Based on the “light SWOT” of your region: What are key strengths and weaknesses for clustering? • Which opportunities for future development are seen / given? • What kind of resources are currently missing for the set-up of the regional cluster strategy? • What kind of support should be offered by local/regional/national/EU level in order to receive these • resources? • 5. What practices have you identified – during the CLOE experimentation – that are suitable as recommendation • for your region?

  4. Guiding questions / frame for recommendation papers- for discussions with partners - • Which kind of actions / recommendations for the future cluster development do you suggest? • Any other comments?

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