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Planning Activities in Europe. Karl Jakobs Universität Freiburg Germany. ……. Who can speak for Europe ? . CERN was established in 1953 as an intergovernmental Organization and plays a special role and has special status on the European particle physics scene:
Planning Activities in Europe Karl Jakobs Universität Freiburg Germany …….
Who can speak for Europe ? • CERN was established in 1953 as an intergovernmental Organization and plays a special role and has special status on the European particle physics scene: • Under the terms of the CERN Convention1, its mission is to • “provide for collaboration among European States in nuclear research of a pure scientific and fundamental character, and in research essentially related thereto.” • The Convention provides that this mission be implemented through two kinds of activity: • “the construction and operation of one or more international laboratories" with "one or more particle accelerators” • "the organization and sponsoring of international co-operation in nuclear research, including co-operation outside the Laboratories" 1. http://legal-service.web.cern.ch/legal-service/convention.htm/FP3
Initiative from CERN Council • Sept. 2005: Establish an ad hoc Scientific Advisory Group (Strategy Group) • Mandate: produce a Draft Strategy Document (DSD) addressing the main lines of Particle Physics in Europe - accelerator-based - non-accelerator based - including R&D for novel accelerator and detector technologies • In the DSD, the Strategy Group shall aim: • to enhance the visibility of existing European particle physics programmes; • to foster increased collaboration among Europe's particle physics laboratories and institutes; • to promote a coordinated European participation in world-wide projects; • to re-iterate the CERN Council's 2004 position on the European strategy for the International Linear Collider; • to encourage knowledge transfer to other disciplines, industries, and society; • to outline priorities; • to consider time scales.
Position of CERN Council in July 2004: • After extensive discussion, the Council agreed that it could go on record with the following statement: • "The Council: • Confirms that the first priority for the world particle physics community is to complete • the LHC and its detectors in order to unveil, as soon as possible, the physics at the • new energy frontier; • Encourages the effort towards the design and development of a linear collider as a • unique scientific opportunity at the precision frontier, complementary to the LHC; • Confirms its endorsement of accelerated R&D activities for CLIC; • Recognises the overall value for the world particle physics community of a decision to construct • a TeV linear collider, and encourages the efforts of the leading players in that direction; • Takes the view that, in the course of this process, it will be appropriate to take stock of the LHC • and accelerator R&D results and produce a new assessment of the physics and the technology • by 2010; • Is of the opinion that, in the initial phase (2004-2007), the organisational structure of the global • design initiative, in particular the Central Design Team, should be light."
The Strategy Group Co-chairpersons T. Åkesson, Lund K. Peach, Oxford Preparatory group R. Aleksan, Saclay S. Bertolucci, Frascati-INFN A. Blondel, Geneva M. Cavalli-Sforza, IFAE R. Heuer, DESY F. Linde, NIKHEF E. Rondio, Warsaw B. Webber, Cambridge Lab Directors R. Aymar, CERN M. Calvetti, LNF-INFN E. Coccia, LNGS-INFN J. Engelen, CERN R. Eichler, PSI A. Wagner, DESY J. Womersley, EPP @ RAL G. Wormser, LAL/Orsay J. Zinn-Justin, Dapnia/CEA • Members from delegations • Austria: W. Majerotto, Vienna • Belgium: R. Gastmans, Leuven • Czech Rep.: J. Chyla, Prague • Denmark: H. Boggild, Copenhagen • Finland: J. Tuominiemi, Helsinki • France: J. Feltesse, DAPNIA • Germany: G. Herten, Freiburg • Greece: D. Nanopoulos, Athens • Hungary: G. Vesztergombi, KFKI • Italy: L. Cifarelli, Bologna • Netherlands: S. de Jong, Nijmegen • Norway: S. Stapnes, Oslo • Poland: J. Nassalski, Warsaw • Portugal: G. Barreira, LIP • Spain: M. Aguilar, CIEMAT • Sweden: B. Åsman, Stockholm • Switzerland: A. Rubbia, ETH Zurich • Scientific Secretary • M. Mangano, CERN Observer states (USA, Japan, Israel, Turkey, India and Russia) + APPEC, NuPECC, FALC, invited as observers
Timeline, major milestones • Sept. 2005: Announcement • Web page:http://council-strategygroup.web.cern.ch/council-strategygroup/ • (Link from CERN homepage) • Interface to the community • Call for input from the community • (more than 60 proposals / statements received) • Open Symposium in Orsay • 30th of January to 1st of February 2006 • Summary talks + Collect the view of the community • Well attended, > 400 participants, all countries, lively discussion • Summaries in Briefing Books 1-3, appeared 13. April, • available from the web • → scientific information to the Strategy Group • Workshop in Zeuthen / Berlin • 2nd - 6th of May 2006 • Draft strategy document • CERN Council meeting in Lisbon • 14th of July 2006 • Aim: unanimous approval of the Draft Strategy Document
Timeline, major milestones • Sept. 2005: Announcement • Web page:http://council-strategygroup.web.cern.ch/council-strategygroup/ • (Link from CERN homepage) • Interface to the community • Call for input from the community • (more than 60 proposals / statements received) • Open Symposium in Orsay • 30th of January to 1st of February 2006 • Summary talks + Collect the view of the community • Well attended, > 400 participants, all countries, lively discussion • Summaries in Briefing Books 1-3, appeared 13. April, • available from the web • → scientific information to the Strategy Group • Workshop in Zeuthen / Berlin • 2nd - 6th of May 2006 • Draft strategy document • CERN Council meeting in Lisbon • 14th of July 2006 • Aim: unanimous approval of the Draft Strategy Document
The Physics Topics discussed in Orsay • The physics of the high energy frontier (K. Desch, Freiburg) • High energy frontier: accelerators (P. Raimondi, Frascati) • Oscillations of massive neutrinos (P. Huber, Wisconsin and A. Cervera, Geneva ) • Flavour Physics (A. Höcker, CERN) • Precision Measurements (G. Onderwater, Groningen) • Non-accelerator and astroparticle physics (N. Palanque-Delabrouille, Saclay) • Strong Interactions (J. Butterworth, UC London and J. Ollitrault, Saclay) • Theoretical Physics (N. Glover, Durham)
The Physics of the High Energy Frontier LHC – SLHC – DLHC LHeC µC Klaus Desch University of Freiburg
Summary on LHC + upgrades: • First data set with excellent prospects for discoveries (10-30 fb-1) may be expected • for 2009/10. • Analysis needs detailed understanding of detectors and backgrounds. • Full LHC luminosity allows for discovery of very broad range of high-PT phenomena • and measurements of new particle properties. • LHC luminosity upgrade (SLHC) increases discovery reach by 20-30%, • better precision for statistically limited processes. • Energy upgrade (DLHC) has larger discovery reach but represents a significantly • larger effort. • New proposal submitted: supplement LHC by a 70 GeV e±storage ring to allow for • ep collisions at s = 1.4 TeV (4x HERA) and L = 1033 cm-2 s-1 (20x HERA) • physics motivation: unique for eq resonances (Leptoquarks, squarks in RPV-SUSY,…) • precise analysis of LQ quantum numbers would be possible over the full • LHC discovery range
LHC machine status and a “likely” startup scenario • Plan: terminate installation in • February 2007 • Cryogenics + dipole installation • on critical path to be ready for • beam in Summer 2007 A “likely” startup scenario: (HEP06 conf., Lyn Evans, ATLAS Coll. Meeting, Feb.06) Late 2007: Proton run ~ 10 - 100 pb-1(for 10 pb-1: number of tt events comparable to Tevatron with 1 fb-1) → detector and trigger commissioning, calibration, early physics By end 2008: Physics runs: ~ 1 – 10 fb-1 By end 2009: Physics runs: > 15 fb-1 See : http://lhc-new-homepage.web.cern.ch/lhc-new-homepage/DashBoard/index.asp
Summary on LHC + upgrades: • First data set with excellent prospects for discoveries (10-30 fb-1) may be expected • for 2009/10. • Analysis needs detailed understanding of detectors and backgrounds. • Full LHC luminosity allows for discovery of very broad range of high-PT phenomena • and measurements of new particle properties. • LHC luminosity upgrade (SLHC) increases discovery reach by 20-30%, • better precision for statistically limited processes. • Energy upgrade (DLHC) has larger discovery reach but represents a significantly • larger effort. • New proposal submitted: supplement LHC by a 70 GeV e±storage ring to allow for • ep collisions at s = 1.4 TeV (4x HERA) and L = 1033 cm-2 s-1 (20x HERA) • physics motivation: unique for eq resonances (Leptoquarks, squarks in RPV-SUSY,…) • precise analysis of LQ quantum numbers would be possible over the full • LHC discovery range
3000 fb-1 (5) 3000 fb-1 (95% CL) Examples of SLHC improvements Heavy SUSY Higgs: observable region increased by ~100 GeV. Broad resonances in no-Higgs scenarios:
Summary on LHC + upgrades: • First data set with excellent prospects for discoveries (10-30 fb-1) may be expected • for 2009/10. • Analysis needs detailed understanding of detectors and backgrounds. • Full LHC luminosity allows for discovery of very broad range of high-PT phenomena • and measurements of new particle properties. • LHC luminosity upgrade (SLHC) increases discovery reach by 20-30%, • better precision for statistically limited processes. • Energy upgrade (DLHC) has larger discovery reach but represents a significantly • larger effort. • New proposal submitted: supplement LHC by a 70 GeV e±storage ring to allow for • ep collisions at s = 1.4 TeV (4x HERA) and L = 1033 cm-2 s-1 (20x HERA) • physics motivation: unique for eq resonances (Leptoquarks, squarks in RPV-SUSY,…) • precise analysis of LQ quantum numbers would be possible over the full • LHC discovery range
The ILC physics case (K. Desch in Orsay) • 0. Top quark at threshold • 1. ‘Light’ Higgs (consistent with precision EW) • verify the Higgs mechanism is at work in all elements • 2. ‘Heavy’ Higgs (inconsistent with precision EW) • verify the Higgs mechanism is at work in all elements • find out why precision EW data are inconsistent • 3. 1./2. + new states (SUSY, Extra Dimensions, little H, Z’, …) • precise spectroscopy of the new states • precision measurements of couplings of Standard Model & new states properties of new particles above kinematic limit • 4. No Higgs, no new states (inconsistent with precision EW) • find out why precision EW data are inconsistent • look for threshold effects of strong/delayed EWSB • Early LHC data likely to guide the direction • choice of ILC options and upgrade to 1 TeV depends on LHC+ILC(500) results • LHC + ILC data analyzed together synergy
Accelerator and Detector R&D in Europe CARE: Integrated Infrastructure Initiative supported by the European Commission (EC) withîn Framework Program FP6 (2004 – 2008) built around three network activities (8 institutes, including CERN & DESY): ELAN = Electron Linear Accelerator Network BENE = Beams in Europe for Neutrino Experiments HHH = High energy, High intensity Hadron beams EUROTeV: European Design Study towards a Global TeV Linear Collider (28 institutes) EUROTeV addresses some of the high ranking issues identified by the ILC Technical Review Committee → input to the ILC Conceptual Design Report (CDR) and thereafter the ILC Technical Design Report (TDR) Items: Beam delivery system, damping rings, diagnostics, metrology, …. Activities are expected to be complemented by studies in the US and in Japan EUDET: Detector R&D towards the ILC (31 institutes + 20 associated institutes) 2006 - 2010 provides framework for ILC detector R&D with larger prototypes Main items: Tracking (large TPC prototype, Silicon TPC readout, Silicon tracking) Calorimetry (scalable ECAL and HCAL prototypes, readout…)
Physics case for a 3-5 TeV e+e- CLIC Viewpoint (i): Candidate machine for the ILC Viewpoint (ii): Natural upgrade path of ILC program if physics demands; Physics justification needs TeV-scale data Physics highlights (ii): 1. Rare Higgs decays, e.g. H → mm 2. Improve on Higgs self coupling + extend mass range 3. More complete SUSY spectrum 4. Extending mass reach new resonances, scans 5. Study resonances of strong EWSB if within kinematic reach Technology: significant R&D needed,…., Experimentation more difficult.
nRoadmap (A. Cervera, Geneva Univ.) • 1st step: transition era • Improve the precision on the atm. parameters looking atnmdisappearance • Confirm (atm. osc) = (nm→nt )and first look atnm→ne Ongoing: 2005-2010 Approved/Proposed: 2008-2015 • 2 nd step:q13era • Demonstrate visibility of sub-leading transitions:nm→ne , ne→ne • Explore q13 down to 20 (today <100) To be prepared: 2015-2025 3 rd step: precision era q13> 3 0 q13< 3 0 Known by 2011 • Existing facilities could reach it • … but with very small sensitivity to • dCP and mass hierarchy • No access for ongoing • experiments at that time Cleaner and more intense beams + larger detectors
The role of Europe (A. Cervera @ Orsay) • Past experiments • NOMAD, CHORUS, Chooz, Gallex, Macro • CERN to GS (2006) • Opera • T2K (2009) • Major contribution to near detectors ND280 (2009) and 2Km (2011) • 120 people from 23 European institutes • CERN recognised experiment • Double-Chooz (2008) • First dedicated attempt to q13 • Detector and accelerator R&D • Liquid Argon TPC (experience from ICARUS) • Silicon PMTs • BENE (= Beams for European Neutrino Experiments) • Accelerator: HARP, MERIT, MICE • Options for a Precision Neutrino Facility: • Low-energy (sub-GeV to GeV) avenue: high intensity nm superbeam combined with a • b beam and a megaton detector (water Cherenkov or Liquid Argon) • (ii) High-energy avenue: Neutrino factory
Improved Super-beams (A. Cervera @ Orsay) • Increase by one order of magnitude • beam power: ~4MW • detector mass • Three proposals: • Systematics unchanged • Beam contamination • Cross section • Detector efficiency SuperNOvA (US) Memphys (Frejus) Hyper-Kamiokande (Japan) 60 m
ongoing R&D for ion production EURISOL design study Beta-beam (A. Cervera @ Orsay) Purene or ne beam small beam systematics and backgrounds CERN layout Neutrino source Acceleration Ion production missing feasibility study forhighgoption • New ideas: • Monocromatic beam: Bernabeu et al. • Efficient ion production: C. Rubbia et al. Courtesy of Mats Lindroos • Performance increases with beam energy if L/E is kept at oscillation max: • Higher flux and cross section. Better energy binning (no Fermi motion) • Smaller systematics from cross section and detector efficiency (Burget et al.) High g Performace Low g
India Neutrino factory (A. Cervera @ Orsay) • 50% nm 50% ne small beam systematics … but charge required • High energy beam small cross section systematics • A wide variety of studies are possible: • Challenging Ongoing R&D: MICE, HARP, MERIT CP violation unitarity T, CPT and also: silver golden bronze Atmospheric osc. CERN layout • Insufficient R&D: • Acceleration • Global design
Summary: Main “wishes” of the European nCommunity • Strong support should be made available to make success of the • present and near-future program. • The Double-CHOOZ experiment should be strongly supported. • The involvement of European neutrino physicists in the neutrino physics • program abroad (e.g. T2K, NOnA) should be supported in a way that would • assure a viable and significant contribution. • Europe should get ready to host a major neutrino facility for the precision era, • or to play a major role in the preparation and construction of this facility should • it be located elsewhere.
Other important experiments with a significant European contribution • KATRIN in Karlsruhe / Germany (worldwide collaboration, Mainz, Troitzk, US,….) • Measurement of tritium b decay endpoint → absolute value of n mass • Sensitivity: ~ 0.2 eV • Start of data taking: 2008 • Experiments to search for neutrinoless double b decay: • GERDA (Gran Sasso, Ge) • NEMO3 (Frejus, tracking+calorimetry, various isotopes) • Gotthard (Xe-TPC)
CRESST, EDELWEISS CDMS CDMS-II, EDELWEISS-II, CRESST-II XENON, XMASS - sensitivity goal 1-ton sensitivity goal Activities and Plans on Dark Matter Search EDELWEISS: Modane Lab, Frejus Ge detectors, heat + ionization Phase I, 1 kg Phase II, 9 kg (up to 36 kg) CRESST: Gran Sasso Lab. Light + phonon discrimination, works with different detector materials (CaWO4, PbWO4, BGO) Future European 1-ton projects: EURECA:EDELWEISS + CRESST collaborations + CERN, …. Multi target approach: Ge (phonon, ionization) CaWO4 (phonon, scintillation) Detector R&D ongoing ArDM, WARP: Use Liquid Argon as detector material, feasibility study ongoing …. many proposals for detectors of that scale (US, Japan, Europe)…. calls for an international collaboration l
Dark Energy, Future plans in Europe ?(N. Palanque-Delabrouille @ Orsay) Dark energy modifies: expansion rate of the Universe supernovae growth rate of structures gravitational distortions Future : characterization of dark energy Space projects SNAP: several thousand SNIa Population study (environment, spectral features …) to reduce intrinsic dispersion > 2015 (NASA : Beyond Einstein) SNAP DUNE: Dark Universe Explorer weak shear analysis Statistics of grav. distortions depend on geometry of universe ~ 2012 (French CNES) or ~ 2015 (ESA) Gravitationally distorted galaxies
Proton decay experiments, future initiatives(N. Palanque-Delabrouille @ Orsay) UNO(Underground Nucleon decay and neutrino Observatory) Mine in US 440 kT MEMPHYS(MEgaton Mass PHYSics) Fréjus 440 kT HyperK Japan 550 kT Liquid Argon TPCs (FLARE (US), GLACIER (Europe)) ? 100 kT p e+0 e+ Complementarity liquid argon vs. water Cherenkov p e+0 (larger mass) p K+ (higher detection eff.)
Manpower situation in European Particle Physics ECFA survey (released 13. April 2006)
ECFA survey (cont.) – a few examples- Finland France The Netherlands Germany
Decision about 3rd step 50 30 20 Results for q13 Courtesy of M. Mezzetto • If q13 is not measured by ~2011, the probability to measure it with ongoing experiments would be very small • Building new facilities will take more than 5 years 100 90% CL
go down toq13~4-50 With ne disappearance q13era: Reactors (A. Cervera @ Orsay) • High rate neby inverse beta decay • Unambiguous determination of q13 • … but cannot test mass hierarchy or CP violation • Europe: Double-Chooz • Others sites: Brazil, China, Japan, Russia, US, … Double-Chooz(2008) • Collaboration • France, Germany, USA, Russia • Approved in France • LOI’s: hep-ex/0405032 & hep-ex/0410081 • http://doublechooz.in2p3.fr • Chooz site (France) • Agreement with EDF in 2005 • Far site: ready for integration (2007) • Near site: 40 m shaft to build (2009) • Reduce systematic errors by a factor 5 with two identical detectors • Still pending for full funding
Liquid Xe ZEPLIN Ionization Scintillation DAMA NaI EDELWEISS, CDMS CRESST Heat CaWO4 Ge Activities and Plans on Dark Matter Search Detection principle: elastic scattering of WIPS on detector nuclei 1evt / kg / day - Deep underground - Low radioactivity materials - Discrimination against radioactive background Nuclear recoil (Wimp signal) versus electronic recoil (radioactive background) l