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Western Civ. 9.17.2007. Objective: To gain an understanding of the key differences between the Peloponnesian and Persian Wars, and to identify the causes of the decline of the Greeks. Agenda: Talk about test Review session: Tuesday 6:45- 7:10 am in room C-8.
Western Civ. 9.17.2007 • Objective: To gain an understanding of the key differences between the Peloponnesian and Persian Wars, and to identify the causes of the decline of the Greeks. • Agenda: • Talk about test • Review session: Tuesday 6:45- 7:10 am in room C-8. • Bring any questions you have—the review is driven by your questions. • Persian War and the Geography of Thermopylae • Pericles • Peloponnesian War • Decline of the Greeks • (2nd hour: Greek alphabet) • Homework: Study for the Unit I Greece Exam on Wednesday.
Persian Wars • Causes • Persian rule over Ionian city-states—hostility • Ionians attempt to revolt, aided by Athens. This angers Persians. • War begins as an act of retaliation against the Athenians and their allies.
Persian Wars • Events • 490 BCE- Marathon- Athenians severely outnumbered, beat the Persians in hand to hand combat • 480 BCE- Salamis- Greeks under Spartan leadership (King Leonidas). Greeks used Thermopylae to delay Persians and prepare for a naval attack. • 31 city-states allied (Hellenic League) • Persians victorious at Thermopylae, and burn an abandoned Athens • Greeks win naval battle at Salamis • 479 BCE- Greek infantry drive Persians back
Persian Wars • Reasons for Greek victory • City-states act as allies • Superior weapons • Resourceful use of topography/geography • Commitment to the ideal of political freedom • Does this remind you of anything from United States history?
Pericles "I claim that our city is an education to all Greece."
Pericles • Athens’ leading politician of the Golden Age (450’s BCE) • Began rebuilding Athens after Persian War • Unofficial leader of the Delian League • Started in 470’s BCE • Had a common treasury • Sparta does not join • Emergence of Athenian “empire”
Peloponnesian War • Causes: • Growing influence of Athens caused an anti-Athens alliance to form • Persian threat still strong. Sparta makes a deal with Persia for $ to increase naval strength
Peloponnesian War • 431-404 BCE • Allies of Athens vs. Allies of Sparta (Delian League) (Peloponnesian League) • Plague in Athens 430-426 BCE • Athenian use bold/risky tactics • Spartans devastate Athens’ agricultural base • Spartans dominate Athens at sea and Athens forced to surrender
Decline of Ancient Greece • Athens’ emergence as a dominant city-state spurred conflict with Sparta • Plague in Athens • Athens defeated by Sparta • Spartans install an undemocratic government in Athens • Economy devastated from Pelop. War • Macedonians threaten a weakened Greece in 350’s BCE