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P e n g u i n b y I e s h i a. B a b i e s. T h e p e n g u i n t a k e s c a r e s o f t h e b a b i e s u p t o e i g h t w e e k s. Defenses and Enemies. T h e y h u d d l e u p i n a c i r c l e t o p r o t e c t t h e m s e l v e s . Habitat.
Babies Thepenguintakescaresofthebabiesuptoeightweeks
Defenses and Enemies Theyhuddleupinacircletoprotectthemselves.
Habitat The emperor penguin lives in the southern hemisphere near the ocean wear he can get food.
FoodChain Theemperorpenguineatscuttlefish,fish,octopusandcrabmeat.
InterestingFact Theemperorpenguinsleepsstandingup.