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SEI's EcoSanRes Programme focuses on systems approach to sanitation, tackling global sanitation challenges and promoting ecological sanitation practices. Learn how improved sanitation can save lives and protect the environment.

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  1. Sceptic…..

  2. Realisation

  3. SEI Profile • SEI is an Institute for strategic research with • SCIENCE FOR POLICY • at the core • www.sei.se

  4. EcoSanRes Programme (ESR)www.ecosanres.org SuSanA The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance www.susana.org

  5. MDG 7 & Target 10 Halve by the year 2015 the proportion of people lacking sanitation App. 95,000 HH need to be provided with sanitation every day – equal to 65 installations/minute

  6. Focus of EcoSanRes Programme • Systems approach to sanitation – not a toilet project • Knowledge development • Communications, networking and co-ordination • Capacity Development and regional knowledge nodes Honduras, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Uganda, Nepal, Philippines & China

  7. The Global Sanitation Challenge • App 2.5 billion individuals lack accessed to proper sanitation in 2006 (WHO/UNICEF 2008) • App. one in three have access to improved sanitation in South Asia • More than 1 billion individuals have flush sanitation - 70% is not properly treated • 700 million people in 50 countries eat food from crops irrigated with untreated sewage • 80 countries with 40% of the world pop. suffer from water shortage

  8. The Lack of Sanitation Causes • the death of app. 5 000 children under five daily due to diarrhoea – 1.8M/year • 1.3 billion people have Ascariasis (roundworm) • 99 million DALYs are lost due to diarrhea every year

  9. Improved Sanitation Coverage in 2006 (WHO/UNICEF 2008)

  10. Fresh Water Resources • 80 countries with 40% of the world pop. suffer from water shortage • 884 million people lack access to improved drinking water • Quality of drinking water is dependent on the degree of contamination by faecal matter • Bottled water is becoming standard!


  12. PARADIGM SHIFT RE. SANITATIONRequires change inattitudefor reuse of nutrients in a safe manner and the recovery of treated greywater to the environmentClosing the Loop on Sanitation

  13. Complete Ecosan and Eco-water Use


  15. Reuse of Excreta Fraction Nutrients Reuse applied globally corresponds to app. 1/3 of the nitrogen and 1/4 of the phosphorous In Sub-Sahara the potential for reuse is app. 110% of the nitrogen and 95% of the phosphorous (FAOstat 2005)

  16. Sub-Saharan Africa Self-Sufficient Fertiliser Supply

  17. WHO Guidelines 2006 • Produced in collaboration with UNEP and FAO • Guidelines for safe reuse of human excreta and greywater in agriculture • Reviews risks and how to reduce risks impact on consumers

  18. Zimbabwe – maize trials using urine as fertiliser (Aquamor)

  19. Ecological Sanitation - ecosan AN APPROACH with many TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS

  20. Compost from Human Excreta - appearance and texture of the final product depends to a large extent on what is placed in the pit. Example from Malawi Left: mix of composted faeces, urine and sandy soilRight: mix of composted faeces, urine, red soil and leaves

  21. Sweden Urine-diversion double flush toilet

  22. Geber’s Residential EstateStockholm, SwedenUD/dry collection of faeces

  23. EcoTown for 833 HHs, based on Ecosan Principles. A PPP Development in China, where R&D was provided by ESR Dongsheng, Erdos, Inner Mongolia, China

  24. 楼房及生态厕所剖面图

  25. Spreading Urine - Sweden Photo Mats Johansson, VERNA

  26. Greywater management – tests of filters and systems for diffusion of water, Mexico

  27. Innovative financing in Orissa Indian micro-credit organisation BISWA, the Indian insurance company TATA-AIG Re and the Dutch financial group SNS-REAAL have introduced low-intrest revolving funds for sanitation For further details see: www.waste.nl/page

  28. ToiletUsers Get PaidMoney for Using the Public Ecosan Toilet at Musiri, TN, India, is offered by NGO SCOPE in Trichy

  29. EcoSanRes www.ecosanres.org 26 January 2010 Cecilia Ruben cecilia.ruben@sei.se www.ecosanres.org Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) at www.sei.se

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