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Cell Structure & Transport: Chapter 7 Vocabulary Review

Expand your knowledge of cell structure and key terms with this comprehensive Chapter 7 Vocabulary Review. Learn about the organelles, molecules, and processes involved in cell function and transport.

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Cell Structure & Transport: Chapter 7 Vocabulary Review

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  1. Cell Structure and Transport Chapter 7 Vocab Review http://www.biologycorner.com/resources/cell.gif

  2. Process in which cells change and develop into different kinds of cells doing different jobs Differentiation OR cell specialization Idea that all living things are made of cells; cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things; and new cells are produced from existing cells Cell theory

  3. Sac of digestive enzymes used by cells to break down food, cell parts, or whole cells lysosomes Membrane stacks found inside chloroplasts where the enzymes for photosynthesis are found thylakoids

  4. Molecule found in the cellwalls of fungi that makes them sturdy chitin

  5. cell Collection of living material enclosed by a barrier that separates it from its surroundings; the basic unit of life Log-like structures that help organizethe spindle and guide the chromosomes apart during cell division in animal cells centrioles

  6. Sac of digestive enzymes used by cells to break down food, cell parts, or whole cells lysosomes Membrane stacks found inside chloroplasts where the enzymes for photosynthesis are found thylakoids

  7. nucleus Control center of the cell that contains the genetic material Stack of membranes in cells that modifies, sorts, and packages proteins from the ER for transport Golgi body (apparatus)

  8. DNA with attached proteins found spread out in the nucleus of non-dividing cells chromatin Describes molecules that try to stay away from water… means “water fearing” hydrophobic

  9. ATP Nucleotide molecules used by cells to store and transfer energy Membrane protein with sugars attached that help cells identify “self” glycoproteins

  10. chromosomes DNA with proteins attached that is tightly scrunched up into compact bundles seen in the nucleus of dividing cells Molecule with a polar head and two hydrophobic tails used to make cell membranes phospholipid

  11. vacuole Space used to store water, food, molecules, enzymes, or waste Many, small hair-like structures made of microtubules in a 9+2 arrangement that extend from the surface of cells and help in movement cilia

  12. Nucleolus Dark spot in the cell nucleus where RNA for ribosomes is made Network of microtubules and microfilaments that give the cell shape and support it cytoskeleton

  13. Organism whose cells have a nucleus and organelles surrounded by membranes eukaryote Gel-like material and the organelles found between the nucleus and cell membrane cytoplasm

  14. Nuclear envelope OR nuclear membrane Double membrane that surrounds the cell nucleus Small particles that make proteins ribosomes

  15. Membrane system without ribosomes attached involved in lipid synthesis, calcium regulation, and the break down of toxins Smooth ER Power plant of the cell that burns glucose and stores the energy released in ATP mitochondria

  16. cristae Folded inner membrane inside a mitochondrion System of membranes with ribosomes attached where proteins are produced and modified andtransported throughout the cell Rough ER

  17. chloroplast Organelle where photosynthesis happens Bilayer made of phospholipids and proteins which surrounds all cells and controls what enters and leaves Plasma membrane

  18. Double layer formed when phospholipids line up with their hydrophillic heads to the outside and their hydrophobic tails toward the center bilayer Molecule with an uneven pattern of charges… slightly positive on one side, slightly negative on the other polar

  19. organelle Small structure inside eukaryotic cells which carries out a specific function Unicellular organism that does NOT have a nucleus and or organelles surrounded by membranes prokaryote

  20. organism A living thing composed of many organ systems Structure found outside the cell membrane that provides support and protection Cell wall

  21. Polysaccharide found in plant cell walls that makes them sturdy cellulose Molecule made by joining amino acid subunits that is used to make cell membranes protein

  22. peptidoglycan Molecule used to build bacterial cell walls instead of cellulose Programmed cell death; “cell suicide” apoptosis

  23. A few, long hair-like structures made of microtubules in a 9+2 arrangement that extend from the surface of cells and help in movement flagella Small openings in the nuclear membrane that allow molecules to pass through Nuclear pores

  24. tissue A group of similar cells working together Organism made of many cells multi-cellular

  25. organ system Group of different organs working together Protein found in cell membranes which helps molecules get across the membrane transport protein

  26. “Walking proteins that interact with the microtubules in the cytoskeleton to move chromosomes or cell parts Motor proteins Protein found on the inside or outside surface of cell membranes Peripheral proteins

  27. Theory that suggests that mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from prokaryotic ancestors that were engulfed and stayed to live in an ancient host cell Endosymbiotic theory Protein found embedded in the phospholipid bilayer in cell membranes;these can go part way or all the way across the membrane integral proteins

  28. http://bio.winona.edu/berg/ANIMTNS/Directry.htm OSMOSIS The DIFFUSION of WATER across a semi-permeable MEMBRANE A state that exists when the CONCENTRATION of a substance IS THE SAME throughout a space equilibrium

  29. Osmotic(turgor) The pressure of water pushing against the cell wall in a plant cell is called ________________ pressure. Solution in which the solute concentration outside and inside a cell are EQUAL ISOTONIC

  30. The diagrams below show cells in a liquid (Dots = dissolved solutes) Identify the liquids shown HYPERTONIC ISOTONIC HYPOTONIC

  31. cytolysis The swelling and bursting of an animal cell when placed in a HYPOTONIC solution An INTEGRAL MEMBRANE PROTEIN that provides a passageway/tunnel across the cell membrane through which WATER molecules can diffuse PASSIVELY during osmosis Aquaporins http://www.spps.kvl.dk/news/0507/Lund4.jpg

  32. Solution in which the solute concentration outside the cell is greater than inside hypertonic Molecule used by cells to provide energy for cell activities ATP

  33. A membrane thatlets certain molecules pass through and not others is called _______________ Semi-permeable OR selectively permeable Image from: http://www.d.umn.edu/~sdowning/Membranes/membraneImages/jpegimages/diffusionmedium.jpg

  34. Substance that turns blue-black when it reacts with starch iodine

  35. Passive ___________ transport does NOT require energy to move molecules across membranes. The process by which molecules MOVE from an area of HIGHER concentration to an area of LOWER concentration diffusion http://www.estrellamountain.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/BioBooktransp.html

  36. plasmolysis The shrinking away of the cell membrane from the cell wall in a plant cell when placed in a HYPERTONIC environment Organelle that uses exocytosis to transport molecules out of the cell Golgi (body) apparatus

  37. A small membrane bound sac in a eukaryotic cell used to transport substances around within a cell or during exocytosis or endocytosis The shrinking of animal cells when placed in a hypertonic solution is called ______________ vesicle crenation

  38. Image by Riedell concentration mass of a dissolved substance in a given volume The difference in the concentrationof molecules across a space Concentration gradient

  39. Solution in which the solute concentration outside and inside the cell is equal isotonic A MEMBRANE PROTEIN that uses energy to ACTIVELY transport hydrogen ions (H+) across a cell membrane PROTON PUMP

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