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Future Space Exploration: Moon to Mars

Explore the planned return trip to Moon, Moon outpost plans, and future manned mission to Mars. Discover new technologies and benefits of lunar exploration. Engage in interactive activities and discussions.

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Future Space Exploration: Moon to Mars

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  1. The Future in Space

  2. Warm-Up Questions CPS Questions (1-2) Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  3. Lesson Overview The planned return trip to the Moon The plans for a Moon outpost The plans for a manned mission to Mars Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  4. Quick Write How do you think Percival Lowell’s promotion of the idea of “canals” on Mars might have influenced space exploration efforts? (Note to teacher: Use “Pick a Student” button in CPS) Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  5. The Planned Return Trip to the Moon • NASA’s process for developing its Global Exploration Strategy (GES) began in April 2006 • NASA sought ideas from 13 other space agencies around the world • GES represents global consensus as to the value of lunar exploration Courtesy of NASA Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  6. Benefits Expected From Lunar Exploration • Human civilization • Scientific knowledge • Exploration preparation • Global partnerships • Economic expansion • Public engagement Courtesy of NASA Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  7. The Plans for a Moon Outpost • The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) objective is to conduct the preliminary surveys that will make a human return to the Moon possible • The LRO is to provide data for day-night temperature maps of the Moon Courtesy of NASA Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  8. The Work of the Lunar Architecture Team • Designing hardware that would work at any of a number of locations on the Moon • Sending up larger elements would help get the outpost up and running more quickly • Pressurized rovers could venture nearly 125 miles from main outpost for research Courtesy of NASA/Sean Smith Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  9. The Plans for a Manned Mission to Mars Once NASA sets up its lunar outpost, it will turn its attention to Mars Whatever spacecraft eventually goes to Mars will be adapted from whatever program NASA uses to return to the Moon Much shorter missions like using a brand new car to run errands in town Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  10. The Greatest Challenges of a Manned Mission to Mars • Physical effects of long-term exposure to high-energy cosmic rays and other forms of radiation • Psychological: a sense of isolation from Earth and from loved ones back home • Will require sustained political and financial support Courtesy of NASA Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  11. New Technologies to Support the Mission Structures, Materials, and Mechanisms Protection Systems Nontoxic Propulsion Energy Storage and Power Systems Thermal Control for Surface Systems Avionics and Software Environmental Control and Life Support Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  12. New Technologies to Support the Mission, cont. • Crew Support and Accommodations • ISS Research and Operations • In-Situ Resource Utilization • Robotics, Operations, and Supportability • Fission Surface Power Systems Chapter 8, Lesson 2 Courtesy of NASA

  13. Learning Check CPS Questions (3-4) Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  14. Activity 1: Truth or Bluff? Help your team earn points by knowing the answer to the review questions in this “Truth or Bluff” group activity Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  15. Activity 2: Contributing to New Technologies Write a two-page essay describing which new technology you would like to work on to support missions to the Moon and ultimately to Mars. Include a description of what that team does, why it is important, and why you would like to contribute. Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  16. Activity 3: Expected Benefits of Lunar Exploration Describe each of the expected benefits of future lunar exploration in your own words. Then share your thoughts with your group. Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  17. Technology Enrichment: Manned Mission to Mars PowerPoint Work with your assigned group to create a PowerPoint presentation about manned missions to Mars. Be prepared to present your PowerPoint presentation to the class. Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  18. Review The Global Exploration Strategy (GES) includes ideas from NASA and 13 other space agencies around the world about the value of lunar exploration There are six broad themes given as to why people should return to the Moon The LRO’s objective is to conduct the preliminary surveys that will make a human return to the Moon possible Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  19. Review, cont. Current thinking is that once NASA sets up its lunar outpost, it will turn its attention to Mars There are many technologies under development at NASA to support missions to the Moon and ultimately to Mars Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  20. Review Questions CPS Questions (5-6) Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  21. Summary The planned return trip to the Moon The plans for a Moon outpost The plans for a manned mission to Mars Chapter 8, Lesson 2

  22. Next… • Done – The Future in Space • Next – Missions to the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars Courtesy of Chris Meaney, NASA’s Conceptual Image Lab Chapter 8, Lesson 2

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