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Large Micromegas Sept2012 beamtest run – PartII (21-24.09.2012)

Detailed analysis of the Large Micromegas Sept2012 beam test run focusing on the beam profile, chamber setups, spatial resolution calculations, and future plans for the test. The study includes connector configurations, gas gain measurements, efficiency evaluations, and control system updates.

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Large Micromegas Sept2012 beamtest run – PartII (21-24.09.2012)

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  1. Large Micromegas Sept2012 beamtest run – PartII (21-24.09.2012) T. Alexopoulos, G. Glonti, M. Hoffmann, G. Iakovidis, P. Iengo, Y. Kataoka, V. Lavorini, S. Leontsinis, K. Ntekas, V. Polychronakos, G. Sekhniadze, M. Trovatelli…..

  2. TEST BEAM SETUP Sept2012 (10.09.2012-30.09.2012) Jura 1480 L1 X Freiburg frame 1250 TOP VIEW veto Sci T1 T7 T3 T5 T5 T3 T7 T1 XY 205 42 727 Beam profile wire chamber x s1 5 s256 s640 z 26 26 26 -θ 15 y finger Sci (SA) s128 170 5 s256 s1 s1 Si1 Si3 SC Si6 SB Y-inverted T8 T2 T6 T4 T4 T6 T2 T8 SB Tmm6 SD (π-,-120GeV/c) Saleve 16 X Tmm5 SIDE VIEW y s1 s640 s1 s1 26 26 26 z x Tmm5 XY 120 x s640 XY XY Tmm2 Tmm2 s640 s1 Si1 Si6 Si3 s64 50 Y-inverted XY XY XY XY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (π-,-120GeV/c) Tmm6 1155 New movable table L1 Tmm3 Tmm3 Info: Ref MM: Tmm2-6, p=0.250mm, sw=0.150mm, gp=5mm Info: Test MM: T1-8, p=0.4mm, sw=0.3mm, gp=5mm Info: L1 (1x1m2): T1-8, p=0.4mm, sw=0.3mm, gp=5mm

  3. Beam Intensity=1.5E5/spill nominal HV value

  4. spill spill [min]

  5. Typical run

  6. J S APV10 APV11 APV9 APV7 APV6 APV8 APVS APV4 S S S S M M M M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 connector readout area s513 s1536 s1 s2048 y gas out x beam z X=middle of chamber Y=-720mm Y=-550mm Y=-384mm gas in Y=-94mm

  7. Gas gain measured by L1 Gain=104 from 55Fe

  8. C D strip B A Y=-720mm Y=-550mm Y=-384mm B A D C Y=-94mm Y=0 mm Unterminated strip side

  9. strip Y=1200 mm Readout strip side Y=0 mm Unterminated strip side Y=0 mm Y=1200 mm

  10. η = qR/(qR +qL) A B qL< qR qL>qR qLqR qLqR C qLqR D Ε qLqR D B C Ε A strip

  11. Future Plan for the rest of the run (21.09 to 30.09.2012): • Study uTPC mode using the APV; install APV on T1,2,5,6, leave VMM1 on T3,4,7,8 • Continue scanning L1 on the edges and on the middle junction for different Y • Continue on uTPC mode for L1; use reference chambers X T1 T3 T5 T7 XY s1 s256 s64 s256 s1 T2 T4 T6 T8 Tmm6 L1 beam Tmm5 APV, VMM1 XY Tmm2 1X 1Y 1X 1Y 1X 1Y 1X 1Y Current scheme: 8X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X XY XY X X X X X X X X 4X 1X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 1X 1X 1X proposed scheme: Tmm3

  12. Spatial Resolution for Normal Tracks track • Use reference chambers Tmm2,3,5,6 to define a track • Extrapolate the track to L1 • Calculate residuals Tmm3,2 res strip Tmm6,5 L1

  13. Spatial Resolution of Tmm chambers

  14. track Tmm3,2 res Tmm6,5 L1 cluster position L1 45o correlation

  15. track Tmm3,2 res L1 cluster position [mm] L1 cluster position [mm] Tmm6,5 After correction Resolution is at 93um without taking into account the error coming from the extrapolation of the track. L1 Residuals [mm] Extrapolated track to L1 [mm]

  16. L1 cluster position [mm] L1 cluster position [mm] To remove the extrapolation error of the track, calculate the residuals by including the L1 cluster position into the fit. Final resolution is ~80um as calculated by σ = (σincl*σexcl)1/2 Residuals [mm] Extrapolated track to L1 [mm]

  17. track Tmm3,2 res Tmm6,5 L1 To remove the extrapolation error of the track, calculate the residuals by including the L1 cluster position into the fit. Final resolution is ~80um T2,3,5,6

  18. Connector 7-10 Connector 1&2

  19. Connector 9 strip X[m] (table position) 25/09/12

  20. APV10 APV11 APV9 APV7 APV6 APV8 APVS APV4 S S S S M M M M 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 connector active area s513 s1536 s1 s2048 gas out X=4.252m Y=-0.971m (table position reading) Y=-0.800m Y=-0.634m gas in Y=-0.344m

  21. Efficiency of L1 Connector 9

  22. Efficiency of L1 for two different runs pilars pilars

  23. Resolution and ineff of L1 at the edge, connector 15-16

  24. VMM1 - Updated Control & DAQ Interface

  25. Version 0.9 Most Important Features • Root Integration + QtRoot + MultiThreading • Online Monitoring (Beam Profile, Time + Charge Distributions, Events Comparison from Trigger+Track • Event Builder • Single Ntuple Maker for both Tracking & Trigger data & Run Info • Run Control Panel • Calibration Run Mode (ongoing work) • many more...

  26. Backup Slides

  27. Normal Tracks - Cluster charge at various strip positions strip Y=-0.971m Y=-0.800m Y=-0.634m Y=-0.344m

  28. Cluster charge

  29. Gain from cluster charge

  30. strip Y=-0.971m Y=-0.800m Y=-0.634m Y=-0.344m

  31. strip Y=-0.971m Y=-0.800m Y=-0.634m Y=-0.344m tmaxin ns of ref & L1 MM

  32. MC 0o CT=60% 2o CT=60% 3o CT=60% 0o no CT

  33. Future Plan for the rest of the run (21.09 to 30.09.2012): • Study uTPC mode using the APV; install APV on T1-4, leave VMM1 on T5-8 • Continue scanning L1 on the edges and on the middle junction for different Y • Continue on uTPC mode for L1; use reference chambers or BAT track X T1 T3 T5 T7 XY s1 s256 s64 s256 s1 T2 T4 T6 T8 Tmm6 L1 beam Tmm5 APV, VMM1 XY Tmm2 1X 1Y 1X 1Y 1X 1Y 1X 1Y Current scheme: 8X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X XY XY X X X X X X X X 1X 1Y 1X 1Y proposed scheme: 2X 1X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 1X or 4X 1X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 1X 1X 1X proposed scheme: Tmm3

  34. strip

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