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Focusing DWI Sanctions The Myth of First Offenders

This study challenges common misconceptions around first-time DWI offenders, emphasizing the importance of addressing recidivism by focusing on this group. Research shows the majority of DWIs are committed by first-time offenders, highlighting the need for effective sanctions. Data reveals that first offenders often have prior instances of drunk driving and can benefit from behavior-modification treatments like interlocks. Mandating interlocks upon conviction or arrest is recommended for reducing recidivism rates. Results from a study in New Mexico indicate significant reductions in re-arrest rates for first offenders with court-mandated interlocks. While interlocks are effective, broader strategies such as anti-DWI advertising and prevention programs are also crucial in reducing first-time offenders.

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Focusing DWI Sanctions The Myth of First Offenders

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  1. Focusing DWI SanctionsThe Myth of First Offenders Richard Roth, PhD Executive Director, Impact DWI Citizen Lobbyist and Research Consultant Supported by PIRE, NHTSA, RWJ, and NM TSB RichardRoth2300@msn.com, 471-4764, www.impactdwi.org Focussing DWI Sanctions

  2. Myths • First DWI Arrest is First DWI • First Offenders have a low probability of recidivism. • A slap on the wrist is sufficient sanction. • Second Offenders are much worse than first offenders. Focussing DWI Sanctions

  3. The Percentage of First Offenders Depends on Look-back Time 75% were “First in 5 years” 59% were First in 20 years Focussing DWI Sanctions

  4. The Majority of DWIs Are First Offenders • To Reduce Recidivism, You cannot ignore First Offenders • To Reduce First Offenders, General Deterrence & Prevention Focussing DWI Sanctions

  5. No Priors Focussing DWI Sanctions

  6. Distribution of Offenders by Priors and Alcohol ProblemsA small (N~70) Anonymous Survey of DWI Offenders Average = 606 times Focussing DWI Sanctions

  7. Facts About First Offenders • The largest group of re-arrested DWI offenders have only one prior conviction. • First Offenders admit driving drunk many times before arrest. • First Offense Sanctions offer the best opportunity to change DWI behavior. • Interlocks cost-effectively offer the needed behavior-modification treatment. Focussing DWI Sanctions

  8. So I recommend • On Any Conviction for DWI, Mandate 1 or more years of interlock (or Sobrieter for those who claim “no car” or “not driving”). • Or even better.. • On Any Arrest for DWI, Declare the Vehicle a Hazard to the Public and Mandate Immobilization until vehicle is made safe by installation of Interlock. Focussing DWI Sanctions

  9. NM First DWI Conviction Study • Time Period: First Convictions between January 2003 and December 2005. • Treatment Group: 1461 First Offenders who installed interlocks within 90 days of conviction. • Comparison Group: 17,562 First Offenders who did not install interlocks. • Cox Multivariate Proportional Hazards Regression (Gender, Age, BAC,Group) Focussing DWI Sanctions

  10. Most First Offender Interlocks were installed for only 3 months Installation duration for the 943 interlocks that were removed before the end of the study. Focussing DWI Sanctions

  11. Interlocked First Offenders Have 62% Less Recidivism. Focussing DWI Sanctions

  12. After Removal Those Who Were Interlocked Still Have a 19% Lower Recidivism Rate…but N is not large enough for it to be statistically significant. Hazard Ratio= 0.81, p=0.16, in a multivariate regression. A hint that bad actors DWI right after removal I hope this is not just a statistical fluctuation. Time will tell. Focussing DWI Sanctions

  13. For 3 years following interlock installation, Those first offenders who installed “mandated” interlocks had lower recidivism. H.R. = 0.61 P < 0.001 Focussing DWI Sanctions

  14. Interlocks are Effective with Court Mandated Offenders Comparison GroupsInterlocked Groups Focussing DWI Sanctions

  15. Interlocks are Effective with Volunteers ie. Not court-mandated Comparison GroupsInterlocked Groups Focussing DWI Sanctions

  16. Before Interlocks After Interlocks Focussing DWI Sanctions

  17. So Interlocks are very effective at reducing re-arrests of First Offenders BUT… ? • The General Deterrent Effect of Sanctions • Anti-DWI Advertising • Prevention Programs • Interlocks for High Risk Groups • Inexpensive, Passive Interlocks in all cars HOW CAN WE REDUCE FIRST OFFENDERS The End Focussing DWI Sanctions

  18. Focussing DWI Sanctions

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