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Investigate and analyze the measurement of the concept of hunger, discussing its existence and implications. Develop note-taking skills and evaluate the arguments of free will vs determinism.
Do Now: how do we measure the concept of ‘hunger’ • Scrambled Learning Objective: will concept its study free understand existence. a To the Decide how you would investigate this with the person you are sat next to! of to and analyse support
Learning Objective: to understand the concept of free will and analyse a study to support its existence • SKILL: to develop note-taking skills THE SKY’s THE LIMIT – what else do you want to know? ALL will be able to define free will and soft and hard determinism A0? MOST will be able to analyse the extent to which a study measures free will A0? SOME will evaluate which is the most convincing side of the argument and why? A0?
How will I know if I have been successful during today’s lesson? • ALL Can you explain in your own words what is meant by: free will, hard determinism and soft determinism • MOST How good a measure of free will is the study by Libet? Are there any problems with it? • SOME What forms the most convincing argument? Free Will or Determinism? Why?
What is meant by the term ‘Free Will’ in the Free-will and determinism debate? • You are going to use the ‘D-O-M’ method of note-taking: • DUMP • ORGANISE • MAKE NOTES • This is designed to force you to start to summarise rather than learning the textbook verbatim! Soft determinism Hard determinism A topic Free Will Evaluative comments? Include the things in the call-outs!
Libet (1985): Does Free Will exist? • Make a note of what this study appears to be about ready for discussion! • Libet re-enactment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ4nwTTmcgs • Student explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLFkprZl7-I
Libet (1985): Does Free Will exist? • Libet investigated if brain activity involved in an action began before or after the decision to act e.g. if deciding to move your wrist, does the brain activity required to do this in the motor cortex start to happen before or after you make the ‘conscious’ decision to move your wrist. • Libet re-enactment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ4nwTTmcgs • Student explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLFkprZl7-I
Libet (1985): full details • Aim: to investigate if the brain activity involved in an action began before or after the decision to act • Method: Ps had to hold out their arms in front of them and then, when ready, flex their wrists. Libet measured: the start of the wrist-flexing movement (using electrodes on the wrists), the start of ‘readiness to act’ (electrodes on the scalp) the actual decision to flex their wrists (self reported by the participants with reference to a clock face with a revolving spot) • Results: activity in the motor cortex of the brain began half a second before the participant reported the decision to flex their wrists • Conclusion: this suggests that the conscious decision was not the cause of the behaviour (wrist flexing) but a consequence of the brain activity • Evaluation: this was an objective attempt to investigate the existence of ‘free will’. The use of the revolving spot on the clock face has been used in other studies and found to be an accurate measure for timing external stimuli. However, some argue that voluntary wruist action cannot be compared with decision made in everyday life.
How will I know if I have been successful during today’s lesson? • ALL Can you explain in your own words what is meant by: free will, hard determinism and soft determinism • MOST How good a measure of free will is the study by Libet? Are there any problems with it? • SOME What forms the most convincing argument? Free Will or Determinism? Why?
Exit Tickets • Fill these in as honestly as possible- I read them all in preparation for teaching your next lesson!!
HOMEWORK • Evaluation of free will and determinism: flipping the classroom upside down • You will learn about this through a video I have created on the evaluation of BOTH free will and determinism • Make a note of the key points • Construct a mind map of all that we have covered for FW + DET so far this will make life easier when you come to writing your essays which we will do IN CLASS next time