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Explore the use of restriction enzymes in cutting DNA, creating recombinant DNA, and forming DNA libraries. Learn about genomic, chromosome, and cDNA libraries, and understand the process of amplifying DNA using PCR. Discover key concepts and techniques in DNA technology.
DNA Technology and Genomics Chapter 15
Learning Objective 1 • How does a typical restriction enzyme cut DNA molecules? • Give examples of the ways in which these enzymes are used in recombinant DNA technology
Recombinant DNA Technology • Isolates and amplifies • specific sequences of DNA • incorporates them into vector DNA molecules • Resulting recombinant DNA • is propagated and amplified (cloned) • in organisms such as E. coli
Restriction Enzymes • Recognize and cut DNA • at highly specific base sequences • May produce complementary, single-stranded sticky ends
Plus HindIII restriction enzyme Sticky ends Fig. 15-1, p. 324
KEY CONCEPTS • Recombinant DNA techniques allow scientists to clone many copies of specific genes and gene products
Recombinant DNA Vectors • Naturally occurring circular bacteria DNA molecules (plasmids) • Bacterial viruses (bacteriophages)
Recombinant DNA Molecules • Construction • ends of DNA fragment and vector • cut with same restriction enzyme • associate by complementary base pairing • DNA ligase • covalently links DNA strands • forms stable recombinant molecule
Plasmid from a bacterium DNA of interest from another organism 1 Plasmid and DNA from another organism are cut by the same restriction enzyme (in this example, Hin dIII). This produces molecules with complementary single-stranded ends. Clonable DNA fragment Mix two types of molecules so their sticky ends pair. DNA ligase then forms covalent bonds at junctions, linking fragments. 2 Recombinant DNA 3 Transfer recombinant DNA molecule to host cell, where it is copied and turned on to produce gene product. Fig. 15-2, p. 325
AatI XbaI Ampicillin resistance Yeast origin of replication HpaI E. coli origin of replication PvuII ClaI Tetracycline resistance URA-3 SalI SmaI BamHI Fig. 15-3a, p. 326
Main bacteria DNA Bacterium Plasmid 0.5 μ m Fig. 15-3bc, p. 326
Learning Objective 2 • What is the difference between a genomic DNA library, a chromosome library, and a complementary DNA (cDNA) library? • Why would one clone the same eukaryotic gene from both a genomic DNA library and a cDNA library?
Libraries (1) • Genomic DNA library • thousands of DNA fragments • all DNA of an organism • Chromosome library • all DNA fragments of a specific chromosome
Libraries (2) • Genomic DNA and chromosome libraries • DNA fragments stored in specific bacterial strains • Provide information about genes and encoded proteins
Sites of cleavage Fragment 3 Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Fragment 4 Human DNA Cut with a restriction enzyme 1 2 2 2 2 Produce recombinant DNA Gene for resistance to antibiotic R R R R Transformation 3 Plate with antibiotic- containing medium Bacteria with plasmid live and multiply 4 Bacteria without plasmid fail to grow Fig. 15-4, p. 327
Sites of cleavage Fragment 3 Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Fragment 4 Human DNA 1 Cut with a restriction enzyme Produce recombinant DNA 2 2 2 2 Gene for resistance to antibiotic R R R R Transformation 3 Plate with antibiotic- containing medium Bacteria with plasmid live and multiply Bacteria without plasmid fail to grow 4 Stepped Art Fig. 15-4, p. 327
cDNA Library • Complementary DNA (cDNA) • produced using reverse transcriptase • makes DNA copies of eukaryotic mRNA • Copies are incorporated into recombinant DNA vectors
Exon Intron Exon Exon Intron DNA in a eukaryotic chromosome Transcription Pre-mRNA RNA processing (remove introns) Mature mRNA Formation of cDNA relies on RNA processing that occurs in the nucleus to yield mature mRNA. Fig. 15-6a, p. 328
Reverse transcriptase 1 mRNA cDNA copy of mRNA Degraded RNA 2 cDNA 3 DNA polymerase 4 Double-stranded cDNA Mature mRNA is extracted and purified. Fig. 15-6b, p. 328
Introns (1) • Genes regions that do not code for protein • present in eukaryote genomic DNA and chromosome libraries • Genes with introns • can be amplified in bacteria • but protein is not properly expressed
Introns (2) • Eukaryotic genes in cDNA libraries • can be expressed in bacteria to produce functional protein products • because introns have been removed from mRNA molecules
Learning Objective 3 • What is the purpose of a genetic probe?
Genetic Probe • Radioactive DNA or RNA sequence • used to screen recombinant DNA molecules in bacterial cells • to find specific colony with DNA of interest
Bacterial colonies Transfer cells from colonies to nitrocellulose filter 1 Radioactively labeled nucleic acid probe is added Filter with bacteria from colonies; cells are lysed and DNA denatured 2 3 Some radioactive nucleic acid probe molecules become hybridized to DNA of some colonies Exposed X-ray film; dark spots identify colonies with desired DNA 4 Fig. 15-5, p. 328
Animation: Use of a Radioactive Probe CLICKTO PLAY
Learning Objective 4 • How does the polymerase chain reaction amplify DNA in vitro?
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) • Automated in vitro technique • targets a particular DNA sequence by specific primers • clones it using heat-resistant DNA polymerase • Used to analyze tiny DNA samples • from crime scenes, archaeological remains
Learning Objective 5 • What is the difference between DNA, RNA, and protein blotting?
Southern Blot • Detects DNA fragments • separates using gel electrophoresis • transfer to nitrocellulose or nylon membrane • Probe is hybridized • by complementary base pairing to DNA bound to membrane • bands of DNA identified by autoradiography or chemical luminescence
DNA Cut with restriction enzyme 100 base pairs 200 base pairs 300 base pairs Mixture placed in well Standards of known size + – Origin 300 base pairs Direction of movement 200 base pairs 100 base pairs Gel Fig. 15-8a, p. 330
Load DNA fragments on gel for electrophoresis. Digest DNA with restriction enzymes. 1 5 2 – + DNA DNA fragments Buffer solution Agarose gel Fig. 15-9, p. 332
Buffer solution moves upward, transferring DNA fragments to a DNA-binding filter. 4 DNA fragments are in same location as those on gel. 5 3 Separate DNA by electrophoresis. Longer DNA fragments Weight Nitrocellulose filter Absorbent paper Gel Shorter DNA fragments Wick Buffer 6 7 Fig. 15-9, p. 332
Wash filter to remove excess probe and then expose filter to X-ray film; resulting autoradiograph shows hybridized DNA fragments. Place filter and radioactively labeled probe together in sealed bag so it can hybridize. 6 7 Radioactive probe solution Fig. 15-9, p. 332
RNA and Proteins • Northern Blot • RNA molecules separated by electrophoresis • transferred to a membrane • Western Blot • Proteins or polypeptides previously separated by gel electrophoresis
Learning Objective 6 • What is the chain termination method of DNA sequencing?
DNA Sequencing • Yields information about gene structure • and amino acid sequence of encoded proteins • Geneticists compare DNA sequences • with other sequences stored in databases
Automated DNA Sequencing • Based on chain termination method • uses dideoxynucleotides • tagged with colored fluorescent dyes • terminates elongation during DNA replication • Gel electrophoresis • separates resulting fragments • laser identifies nucleotide sequence
Dideoxyadenosine triphosphate (ddATP) Fig. 15-10, p. 333